Fr. George Morelli And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh;...
Fr. George Morelli And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh;...
Once, the Metropolitan of Moscow, Plato, (1730-1812) met with the French intellectual Ninderau, who said to him: -You know your...
‘ The Elder Porphyrios, in Wounded by Love: When simplicity is lacking and you say, ‘I’ll do this, that and...
By Bishop John (Kallos) of Thermon The first and great commandment of Christ was the commandment to love. “Thou shalt...
The first and most important thing to remember is that we do not bring anyone into the Church – its...
In his Epistle to Timothy, his beloved spiritual son, St. Paul admonishes him and us as well, that we watch,...
The recent questions about knowing God – which I have described as something that often comes to me in the...
Mom, without you, there would be no me. Your love, your attention, your guidance, have made me who I am.
“And the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentile unto all men . . .” (II Timothy...
Your birds awaken me in the morning, and the murmur of the lake lulls me to sleep in the evening....
“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:...
Not surprisingly, the position of women in the Orthodox Church today reflects both sides of this history—that which would abase...
Under what category shall we summarize the relation between husband and wife? Is it a divine or a legalistic headship...
O Lord and Master of my life, Grant not unto me a spirit of idleness, of discouragement, of lust for...
We enter today the period of the Great Fast in preparation for Pascha. We are called to repent, to forgive,...
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height...
A loving angel came to me in dreams, And showed me life’s not always what it seems, And brought me...
By St. John of Kronstadt Fear evil like fire. Don’t let it touch your heart even if it seems just...
If “hell is other people,” as Sartre concluded, then maybe heaven is too. Every once in a while we meet...