In the life and teaching of St. Silouan of Mt. Athos, it is interesting to note that what he considered...
In the life and teaching of St. Silouan of Mt. Athos, it is interesting to note that what he considered...
GOD It is proper to begin our teaching with God, and when we finish it to thank God...
ΤΑ ΤΡΙΑ ΠΡΩΤΑ ΒΗΜΑΤΑ Ὁ ἀληθινά Μέγας Βασίλειος γράφει στά «Ἠθικά» του τά τρία πρῶτα βήματα, τά τρία πρῶτα...
If someone should say that true faith is the correct holding and confession of correct dogmas, he would be telling...
We enter today the period of the Great Fast in preparation for Pascha. We are called to repent, to forgive,...
Fr. George Morelli And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh;...
I told someone once: ‘What are you? Are you Jesus’ warrior or a fighter for the tempter? Do you realize...
During the reign of the impious Roman Emperor Hadrian, a widow of Italian ancestry called Sophia, whose name means wisdom,...
I have had conversations in recent comments sections on the role of reason in the Orthodox life. I readily acknowledge...
Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong; They are weak,...
This is the way we should see Christ. He is our friend, our brother; He is whatever is good and...
“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:...
by Hieromonk Damascene A talk delivered at the Annual Lenten Clergy Confession of the New Gracanica Metropolitanate and the Western...
“Do you think that I cannot call upon My Father and He will not provide Me at this moment with...
I have sometimes said (in a light-hearted manner) that God gave us the Church to keep us honest. The truth...
By St. Peter of Damascus Even if you are not what you should be, you should not despair. It is...
The Lord never ceases calling us to Himself: “Come unto me, and I will give you rest.”
Our holy mother Syncletica was born at Alexandria in the course of the fourth century to rich and devout parents,...
Fr. Alexander Schmemann, Celebration of Faith (Sermons, Vol. 1: “I Believe”), pp. 15-17 Several years ago a French publishing house...
It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80’s arrived to have stitches removed from...