Father, through our observance of Lent, help us to understand the meaning of Your Son’s death and resurrection, and teach...
Save me from myself, Lord; Save me from my need To always run my life, Lord, To control my every...
We all understand how important prayer is for the spiritual life of an Orthodox Christian. But how are we to...
Wash yourselves, and ye shall be clean; put away the wicked ways from your souls before mine eyes; cease to...

O Lord and Master of my life, Grant not unto me a spirit of idleness, of discouragement, of lust for...
By St. John of Kronstadt Fear evil like fire. Don’t let it touch your heart even if it seems just...
These days when stress and insecurity prevails and unimportant issues are presented as crucial, I think we must remember the...
St. Paisius Velichkovsky When this happens, occupy the mind with the thought of death. Come mentally to the grave; behold...
Chinese Français Deutsch Italiano Español Русский (Russian) Українська (Ukrainian) Prot. No. 1237 BARTHOLOMEW By God’s Grace Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome...
Continued from (20) 5. The Differences between the Trials Trials (peirasmoi) are so called because they engender experience (peira), since...
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the...
Continued from (19) 4. On Trials and the Spiritual Law The Fathers’ saying ‘spill your blood and receive the spirit’...
Continued from (18) 3. On Regime and Disorder Among the duties which the ever-memorable Elder taught us during the first...
Continued from (17) 2. On Discovering the Will of God Our life with the Elder had the character of childhood...
Continued from (16) Part Two: Teaching 1. On Sanctification and Dispassion We have already said how difficult it is to...
Continued from (15) It would be an omission not to speak of the other basic characteristic of our ever-memorable Elder,...
Continued from (14) 11. The move to New Skete ‘Arsenios,’ said the Elder one day in June 1951, ‘it looks...
Continued from (13) The Elder very often stressed the importance of vigil as the most practical method in the spiritual...
Continued from (12) Perhaps I am now making myself incomprehensible or exaggerating, in the view of those who do not...