
Ξένες γλώσσες

A course of treatment (Elder Efraim Vatopaidinos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Church is a spiritual place where we find communion with God and this is very important. This is why, if you want to be peaceful, if you want to be calm, if you want to find your inner harmony, you have to communicate properly with God. And how do you do that? By keeping the commandments. The commandments are the means by which we’re healed. As Saint Gregory Palamas says, if we keep the commandments, we receive the uncreated divine energy. Elder Efraim Vatopaidinos


Sin as Sickness (Fr. Andreas Agathokleous)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If we consider sin as transgression against the ‘law of God’ rather than an ailment we inherited as children of the first Adam, it’s natural that this will create feelings of guilt. Because, if sin becomes second nature over time, it acquires authority over our soul so that, as Saint Paul says, we do what we don’t want to do. But, as can be readily understood, this creates pressure, we lose our peace, we’re in turmoil and suffer the consequences in our daily life. Our holy Fathers and Mothers, who really understood human nature- since they knew the depth of their own- speak of the sin lurking within us as a sickness. People should never feel guilty about being sick, but ...
