Dearest N…, Christ is among us. Your blessing. I received your card and I thank you in everything and...
De curând a fost dată în folosință noua navă rapidă Panagía, aparținând companiei Agioreítikes Grammés, deschizând o nouă poartă de...
“P”. At the Religion and Politics Conference in Alba Iulia, in Romania, we saw you were with a group of Orthodox bioethicists...
Новое суперсовременное быстроходное судно «ПАНАГИЯ» Святогорского водного транспорта открывает новые морские ворота в северную часть Святого Афона. Новое судно обладает...
But of course it also took some scholarly side work in order to facilitate such forced entry. When the journal...
Aya Thekla söylencesi Aziz Paulus’un yaşam öyküsüyle iç içedir. Thekla Konyalı idi. Hz. İsa’nın havarisi Paulus’un sesinden dinlediği yeni din...
მთაწმიდის ხაზების ახალი თანამედროვე სწრაფმავალი გემი “პანაღია” არსებითად გახსნის მთაწმიდის ჩრდილოეთ კარიბჭეს, რადგანაც მისი სიმყარე და მდგრადობა საშუალებას იძლევა შესრულდეს...
We have the pleasure today to publish an exclusive interview with Mrs. Cornelia Delkeskamp-Hayes, a famous modern Orthodox bioethicist, one...
Два последних года в отпуске мы всей семьёй путешествуем по Европе на своей машине, выезжая из Астрахани. Вернувшись из отпуска...
The new, state-of-the-art, cruiser “Panayia” (Our Most Holy Lady) belonging to Athonite Lines essentially opens a new portal of entry...
Elder Joseph the Hesychast (1898-1959) was a charismatic personality of 20th century’s Orthodox spirituality. He became a monk in Mt...
Your Excellency Mr. President, This visit to your beautiful, progressive and prosperous country is a particular blessing and pleasure for...
ÖN SÖZ Azize ve büyük din şehidi Effimia’nın tüm hayatı, sahte putperest tanrılarına yapılan tapınma hatasına ve putlara karşı mücadele...
Your Eminence and beloved brother Archbishop Leo of Karelia and All Finland, Your Eminences and Your Graces, dear brothers in...
Most Reverend Archbishop Leo of Karelia and All Finland, dearly beloved brother and concelebrant, Most Reverend and Right Reverend brothers...
Your Excellency, Distinguished friends, First, we would like to express our joy at this new occasion to meet at...
Your Eminence Archbishop Leo of Karelia and All Finland, Your Eminence Archbishop Kari Makinen of Turku and All Finland, Your...
The Teacher’s Prayer Lord, you who taught, forgive me that I teach; forgive me that I bear the name of teacher,...
Your Excellency the President of the Republic of Estonia, Your Eminence Metropolitan Stephanos of Tallinn and All Estonia, Your Eminences...
Your Excellency, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia, The Old Testament Book of Proverbs tells us: “Where there...