People divorce because of their sensuality and their egotism. Nothing else. All the other reasons are invented afterwards to justify...
Here’s a mystery: in His omnipotence and His omniscience, He knows everything, including what’s going to happen in the future,...
Conta-se que os pais de Nazário, Africanos e Perpétua, eram discípulos do Apóstolo Paulo, que foi quem os introduziu na...
Nobody’s infallible, especially when they’re still imperfect and full of badness. There are lots of things they don’t know, and...
Egotism is an absurd passion which is literally a scourge of humankind. We all suffer from this dread disease. Self-centred...
Simeão o Novo Teólogo é o último dos três santos da Igreja Ortodoxa que teve o título de teólogo, dando-lhe...
Stress is caused by the eradication of the religious sense. Unless you have love for Christ, unless you concern yourself...
So, do you want me to tell you how we, who are illiterate, read the Scriptures? After I’ve prayed for...
To live truly, we have to live in the way God ordained when He made us. Unless we do, we...
However well informed you are in terms of human wisdom, this doesn’t cure your deformity. You have to rediscover the...
Estes santos viveram na época do imperador Maximiliano. Santo Eulâmpio era um jovem cristão que fugiu da cidade durante a...
Filipe era um dos sete diáconos mencionados no livro dos «Atos dos Apóstolos». Foi um dos escolhidos pelos apóstolos em...
We live as though we don’t feel the magnificence of divine providence. God’s very adroit. We can’t understand His actions....
Santo Abraão foi o primeiro patriarca, um dos fundadores de Israel. Deus fez uma aliança com Abraão: prometeu-lhe inúmeros descendentes...
Christ comes lots of times and knocks at your door. You ask Him into the sitting-room of your soul and...
Dentre os doze apóstolos encontramos dois com o nome “Tiago”. Um é filho de Zebedeu, irmão do também apóstolo João....
The Jesus prayer gives you so much sweetness, so much joy. It’s short, but it’s got so much power. So...
In a quiet room (preferably after some spiritual reading or after lighting the lamp in front of the icons and...