Our moral us to take steps towards our salvation, because otherwise we’ll be lost. Formal recognition of our moral freedom...
Arcanjo Miguel — ocupa um dos mais elevados postos na hierarquia dos anjos; tem participação estreita nos destinos da Igreja....
The passions are hard material: the Ural Mountains, kilometers high! Grace is the sun. It rises, but the shadow of...
Santos Guria, Samune e Habib, Martíres Os três eram de Odessa, ou, segundo o Patriarca Macários, de perto de Alepo,...
Whatever’s wrong with people is coincidental. Don’t look down on anybody even if you see how immoral, prone to drink...
All the virtues are aspects of the one, great virtue, the virtue of love. When, as a Christian, you acquire...
A Igreja celebra hoje a Synaxis dos Arcanjos Miguel e Gabriel, juntamente com as restantes ordens dos anjos incorpóreos e...
It’s not food or favourable living conditions that ensure our health. It’s a holy life, the life of Christ. I...
Sacrifice everything for Christ. For Christ, though, not for anything or anyone. » Venerable Païsios the Athonite Source: pemptousia.com
Marcado pela humildade, compaixão e a castidade, era pai dos órfãos e protetor das viúvas. Ele era como um ícone...
You can’t go to Church on Sunday because you’re working? You can make yourself an altar at that time by...
Cultivate the Jesus prayer and the time will come when your heart will leap for joy, as it does when...
When He came into the world, Our Lord Jesus Christ had complete respect for the freedom of us His servants:...
Eram do grupo dos “Apóstolos dos 70” (S. Lucas 10,1). Hermas é mencionado na Epístola aos Romanos (16,14), era bispo...
With a good word about your neighbor, in their defense, you buy Paradise. » Elder Amphilochios Makris of Patmos Source: pemptousia.com
São Doménino era médico e foi condenado a trabalhos forçados por causa de sua fé em Jesus Cristo. Recebeu o...
One of the signs of egotism is the presence of some feeling of jealousy within us. We must avoid this...
Galacião e Episteme viveram na cidade de Emessa (Homs) na Síria, no tempo do imperador romano Dácio. Os pais de...
Insofar as someone suffers a variety of trials, be they bodily or spiritual and bears them consciously and thanks God,...
São Marciano de Cyrus viveu durante o século IV. Ele foi para o deserto, onde construiu uma pequena cela, e...