Just like Him Christ is within you through frequent Holy Communion, then you must become like Him. You must be...
God’s providence Nothing happens without God’s providence, and wherever there’s God’s providence it’s certain that whatever happens, however bitter it...
Don’t foster sorrows iosif isihastul authDon’t foster sorrows in your heart because the joy of the evil one is sorrow...
As the image of God, people should be self-aware, free and in control of themselves, because if awareness is taken...
He doesn’t take into consideration what people were – good or bad, virtuous or sinful – before they desired Grace....
Being a Christian, in the narrow sense, means making extreme efforts to cleanse your heart and your mind from nasty...
If you are purified from the passions, then you can leave your heart freely to its will. But the more...
The struggle is relentless and continuous, external and internal. Sometimes, the enemy acts visibly, through people and things, and at...
st-nikolai-vGod didn’t send us to earth so that we could live comfortably but for us to prepare for the eternal...
Porfirie xThe supposedly ‘pious’ parents, whose concern was to make their children into ‘good Christians’, oppressed them through their human...
O Santo Profeta Ageu profetizava em Judá, na época do rei persa Dario I (522-486 a. C). Naquele tempo, sob...
Estes mártires viveram na época em que as perseguições aos cristãos, impetradas pelo imperador Diocleciano, eram freqüentes. Eustrácio, um oficial...
Santo Espiridião é muito amado na Igreja Ortodoxa. Em sua vida se recapitulam todos os ensinamentos do Evangelho. O pastor...
The path of life is all pain and tears, all thorns and nails. Crosses spring up everywhere, there’s stress and...
Depois de São Simeão, primeiro e maior de todos os estilitas, o mais famoso dentre eles é São Daniel. São...
When people see everything with good thoughts, they’re cleansed and given Grace by God. With bad thoughts, you condemn and...
Unless you sacrifice your self for the sake of the slightest virtue or shed blood in order to receive the...
São Mena era natural de Atenas, de uma família idólatra. Sua esmerada formação lhe fez perceber que cultuar muitos deuses...
Every prayer of the Church assists with the purification of the heart. But especially the Jesus Prayer: ‘Lord Jesus Christ...
Não se faz referências sobre a mãe da Santíssima Virgem Maria, nem nos Evangelhos, nem nos outros escritos do Novo...