
Ξένες γλώσσες

Holy and Glorious Martyr Kyriaki – 7 July

Κατηγορίες: In English

During the reign of the Emperor Diocletian, a devout and wealthy Christian couple, Dorotheos and Evsevia, being childless, asked God to give them a child, and promised to dedicate any such offspring to Him. Their prayer was heard and, one Sunday, they had a daughter, whom they named Kyriaki, for that reason . They baptised her and brought her up “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord”, according to Saint Paul (Eph. 6, 4) and, true to their promise, kept their daughter unmarried, in order to offer her to the service of the Lord. One day, a rich idolater who happened to be staying in the city, heard tell of the beauty and character of the young maiden and decided ...


Neither quick nor easy (Saint Macarius of Egypt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

You can’t reach the spiritual heights all at once or even very easily. You have to have labored and striven over many years, with trials and various temptations before you reach the perfection of defeating the passions. Once you’ve been tested with pains and labors and have courageously endured all the temptations occasioned by wickedness, you’re deemed worthy to receive the great honors and gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as the divine riches. You then become an heir of the Kingdom of Heaven. By the Grace of the Holy Spirit, each of us gains the salvation of our soul. But we have to contribute as well, through our own efforts.


Interview with Gian Giudice: Head of CERN’s Theory Department (Panagiotis Charitos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Gian Giudice, is the new Head of CERN's Theory Department. Following his inspiring talk during the FCC Week 16 we discuss with him about the LHC results and the present global landscape in particle physics as well as his view on the future developments in the field.  Following the LHC discoveries, how would you describe the present situation in the field of particle physics? Today the situation in particle physics is largely dominated by uncertainty. It is too early to draw definitive conclusions, as the LHC Run 2 has just started. However, we cannot deny that most of our pre-LHC theoretical expectations have not been confirmed by the first data. As a result, the field is dominated by a sense of uncertainty. The uncertainty of ...


Ηumans: after God, the most mysterious and enigmatic beings! (Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

There’s no doubt that, after God, humans are the most mysterious and enigmatic beings. From the beginning of our history, it can be seen that within us co-exist two opposing forces which attempt to gain domination and win us over to their side: good and evil, life and death, God and the devil. Each in a different way and by different means. But what’s the factor by which we feel and discern not only these circumstances, but all the realities which are in the perceptible world around us? No sooner do we acquire our senses in this world than we see and feel with them and we describe all the material things around us. But though dumb beasts see, with their ...


The Christian Understanding of Suffering (Valarie H. Protopapas)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Having lost the understanding of the redemptive nature of suffering, society today believes that to endure suffering is the evidence of mental aberration. This reflects the secular and humanist understanding of earthly life as being the totality of existence. If there is no God and if there is no Eternal Life, no Heaven, no Hell, then suffering is futile and foolish. Those who are Christian however, have the promise that earthly sufferings are but as jewels in the Crown of Salvation. Like gold refined in the fire, we will be made more beautiful through suffering in Imitation of Christ. To counter the culture, the Church must strongly teach that avoidance at all costs of humiliation and suffering is not the Christian ...


Christianity and Humanism (Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

This brief study aims at a short review and analysis of today’s culture, the thoughts and ambitions of people nowadays, especially those in Europe, who have a large impact on others around the world. We’ve used the word ‘Europe’ but we would not wish to restrict ourselves to geographical confines of the term of ‘badly ageing Europe’, but rather we mean both civilizations, East and West, which, despite their different forms and expressions, belong to the same camp of atheist humanism. We would like to focus the attention of our people on the lurking danger of abandoning our ideals, our traditions, our heritage, for the sake of the new-fangled and erroneous ideas which are flooding our society through all available ...


Spiritual experience as basis of spiritual guidance (Ephraim, Abbot of the Vatopaidi Monastery)

Κατηγορίες: In English

It’s often been observed that some nuns find it difficult to express certain troubling thoughts to the Abbess, and that they find it easier to do so to the Elder. Of course, it’s obligatory for the Abbess to agree to hear the thoughts of all the nuns, but in such a case we see that the Elder can be of help in the resolving the situation to the spiritual benefit of the nun concerned. Besides, the Elder is more easily able to reconcile and placate the nuns regarding any friction or pettiness which disturbs the interpersonal communion of the nuns, especially when certain passions are prevalent which tend to appear more often in the feminine nature, such as envy, jealousy, complaining ...


Extreme nationalism never does any good (Chrysostomos Stamoulis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

My dear friends, This evening it has been my pleasure, after accepting the honour of an exceptional invitation, to speak from the chair of the late Archbishop Iakovos. To speak, that is to say, from under the shadow of a radiant person and servant of the Church who was known for the acute perception of his gaze. But also to speak from the chair of a migrant to whom the Ellis Island medal was awarded in 1986, for his creative integration into and contribution to American society. And we all know what Ellis Island was. I shall end, therefore, with his words, which demonstrate the immediate and imperative need on the part of the modern world, and particularly of the Orthodox Church ...


Sin and Sickness – Redemption and Cure (Archimandrite Nikanor Karayannis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘Son, your sins are forgiven’. This phrase, as used by Christ to the paralytic at Capernaum, links sickness with sin and forgiveness with cure. This is why Christ first cures the centre and root of the sickness, that is to say sin, and then goes on to provide a cure for the body. This cure is proof that ‘the son of man has the authority on earth to forgive sins’. Unless there’s a relationship and connection between forgiveness and cure, Christ’s words are incomprehensible, hanging in the air, without any cohesion. Christ is declared the victor over sin He lifts and shifts away the weight of it and cures the symptoms, one of which is sickness. Christian teaching and science But all ...


The ‘progressives’ (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

There are some ‘progressive’ people who see the Church as their enemy. Yet is there anybody who has more love and who desires our happiness more than the Church, more than God Himself? The Church takes care of everything that’s compatible to our nature and suffers with the soul and body of every Christian.


Set a watch

Κατηγορίες: In English

Guard your mouth against superfluous, acrimonious and gratuitous words. Practice the Jesus prayer and self-restraint and the Lord will surround you with the priceless gift of His love. "Book of the Elders"
