
Ξένες γλώσσες

The Church: A Living Theology (Gale Bellas-Papageorge)

Κατηγορίες: In English

As a child, I remember thinking that church was so uninteresting. “Why is the priest repeating himself over and over again?, I would think to myself.  I was so bored by the repetition. Nothing changed in the service: the same words, the same motions, the same responses by the choir and the cantors each and every Sunday. In the car on the way to church, I would forecast it in my head. I could anticipate what would be said and done and how my boredom would follow. I can imagine that there are many other children in our churches who feel the same way, maybe even more so today because of the hurried growth of today's culture. They like to be ...


Description of the modern person’s spiritual state (Ioannis Kornarakis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

As the psychoanalytical dialogue progresses through its various stages (which, for the moral conscience, are particularly sensitive), the patients’ attitude toward their personal responsibility for creating and maintaining these moral conflicts manifests itself quite clearly. Experienced psychotherapists and psychiatrists, however, know that neurotic people, who are experiencing an existential moral problem, will never admit that the symptoms of their mental disharmony or disorder are the result of the way in which they are experiencing this moral conflict. Patients always insist that the problem is pathological/anatomical, and for this reason never think to visit a psychiatrist but rather insist on visiting general practitioners, cardiologists, surgeons, and every other kind of specialist except a psychiatrist. And, as prominent psychiatrists testify, often, since ...


A Saint who fought against ignorance: Hieromartyr Cosmas of Aetolia († Dionysios, Metropolitan of Servia and Kozani)

Κατηγορίες: In English

On the 24th day of the month of August, the Church celebrates and honours the sacred memory of the holy hieromartyr Cosmas Aitolos. Saint Cosmas is one of those saints of the Church who are called New Martyrs and who appeared in the years of Turkish rule. After the Fall of Constantinople, the Turks became the new persecutors of the Church in the East and then many Christians, man and women, preferred to give up their lives rather than convert to Islam. It was these who, through their example, kept alive the Orthodox faith of the subject Orthodox peoples of the East. Saint Cosmas was born in 1714 in the village of Megalo Dendro, in Aitolia, which is why he’s called “Aitolos” . He ...


Creation· the end of ages (part 1)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Man has been trying to make sense of the creation ever since antiquity as it is manifested in the teachings of many religions and philosophies. Generally, we may say that ancient Greek philosophers have offered three explanations as to the creation of the world: a) the Stoics and the Epicureans advocated that the world was self-existent, autonomous and eternal, b) The Pythagoreans argued that the physical elements and laws were divine and c) The Aristotelians attributed the cause of the creation to a god “who was the first mover, unmoved”. We may also argue that all subsequent theories, whether hailing from scientific or philosophical/religious circles, are divided into the following three main categories: the materialists, the pantheists and the theocrats. However, ...


Abortion — the Ultimate Denial of Christ (Valarie H. Protopapas)

Κατηγορίες: In English

  Finally, to consider as an option for situations other than that of life and death the murder of a human being whose only fault is that he occupies the body of an unwilling fellow human being through no fault of his own, is to take the path of Fallen Adam who by disobeying God, chose a life apart from Him. In the same spirit of Adam’s "choice," by the spilling of innocent blood through abortion whether directly — by having or performing an abortion — or indirectly — through counseling, promoting, providing, condoning or even, yes, ignoring abortion — we remove ourselves from the Salvation of Jesus Christ. The Great English philospher, Edmund Burke once said, "It is sufficient for evil ...


The inward mission of our church (Saint Justin Popovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Catechumen It is very, very difficult indeed for infinite and eternal life to make its way into the human soul—so narrow—and even into the narrower human body. Held behind bars, the inhabitants of this earth suspiciously stand their ground against anything coming from without. Cast into this prison of time and space they are unable—from atavism or perhaps from inertia—to bear being penetrated by something outlasting time, outlying space, something which surpasses these, and is eternal. Such an invasion is considered to be aggression towards them and they respond with war. A man, given the fact that he is being corrupted by the “moth” of time, does not like the intrusion of eternity into his life and is not easily able ...


True Peace is the Way of the Cross (Abbot Tryphon)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In an age that seems to be forever witnessing wars between nations, and civil wars within nations, peace seems to be something that is about as possible as the alchemy that would turn metal into gold. Peacemakers struggle to find peaceful solutions for the conflicts between nations, political parties, religions, neighbors, and even within families. Peace is something we all hope for, but never seem to see in our lifetime. When peace comes to one part of the world, war breaks out in another part of the world. War seems to always have the upper hand, while peace seems only the dream of pacifists, dreamers, and poets. In the nineteen-sixties, many had hoped peace was about to reign in our world, ...


It kills off both (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Love brings ease and joy to the heart, whereas envy kills both the body and the soul. How can you not love, when you hear love being preached all around you, when the only enemy of the human race, the devil, is eternal hatred? In all places and in all things you should show love.


The guilty conscience as an existential problem (Ioannis Kornarakis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The great Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung made a significant contribution to understanding the spiritual life by underlining the moral character of most of the personality’s repressions. Jung argued, on the basis of his clinical psychotherapeutic and medical experience, that these repressions were usually of a moral nature. In fact, in some cases, Jung went even further and taught that neurosis, which is today a very common disharmony in the personality, has a religious character. This is why, in his opinion, the problem of neurosis is actually a religious problem. Jung’s view here on the primary content of our modern repressions has been corroborated by many psychological and psychotherapeutic studies, as well as by philosophical thought. In fact, a ...


How did man used to live in Paradise? (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Paradise was a divine place, a fitting abode for man, who has been created “in the image and likeness of God”. He lived there in the bliss of the divine attributes, which were integrated into his very essence. He had the sense of being superior and steward of all other created beings. He was dispassionate, lived without concerns, care, or officiousness for his life. He was not hard pressed for any necessity. He only had one task, that of the angels: to constantly and ceaselessly praise the Creator. The fullness of his likeness to God did not allow him to have any doubts and questions. His indulgence was to participate in the fullness of divine consummate love. According to Saint John ...


If the Second Coming of our Lord should be soon (Bishop Isaiah of Denver)

Κατηγορίες: In English

For approximately 2,000 years, the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ has continued uninterruptedly in the world according to His promise. If He should return today, would He recognize His Bride, the Church? If the faith and the traditions of His Church have remained constant, He would certainly be able to recognize the Church which He established. Have those traditions and the faith remained strong in America? A number of holy people of our Church, including Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios of Constantinople and Patriarch Elias of the Patriarchate of Antioch, both of blessed memory, did not think so when they visited the United States a few years ago. They immediately perceived that the spirit of materialism and secularism had infiltrated the lives ...


Orthodoxy: The hope of the people of Europe (Abbot Georgios Kapsanis of Gregoriou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Our awareness of ourselves as Orthodox Christians does not permit us to overlook the fact that Orthodoxy and Western Christianity cannot share a single ‘Christian identity’. On the contrary, it compels us to stress the fact that Orthodoxy is Europe’s long-forgotten original Christian faith, which at some point should once again serve as the basis of its Christian identity.    The United Europe of the twenty-first century is striving to find its identity. The question of ‘European identity’ did not use to be a serious concern since it was originally shaped only by economic and political factors. However, from the moment that cultural and particularly religious factors had to be taken into account in the attempt to define it, there have ...


There’s not much (Elder Tadej Vitovničk)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The love which the world gives consists of pain and thralldom, because the evil demons involve themselves with it. There’s only a small amount of real love. For the most part it’s simply enslavement. The evil spirits try to enslave us so that we cleave to certain persons or things, so that our heart will be distracted from seeking God, Who is the source of live and love.


The Gagauz of Moldava and Ukraine

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Gagauz are Turkish-speaking Orthodox Christian populations with obvious Balkan cultural and physical characteristics. They start to appear in historical sources only during the period around the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century, living within the borders of the Ottoman Empire in 3 regions of the Balkan Peninsula: in Dobruja, in Thrace and in Macedonia. During this period they immigrated in their majority to the southern part of the region ofBessarabia, then passing under the sovereignty of the Russian Empire. These immigrations were mainly a consequence of their participation in the Russian- Turkish wars on the side of their coreligionist Russians. The descendents of the remaining Gagauz, who did not immigrate then from the Balkans, are ...


”He was nourished by prayer and did not feel the pangs of hunger”: New Martyr Theocharis from Neapolis, Asia Minor

Κατηγορίες: In English

In 1740, the Ottoman Empire was at war and Sultan Ahmet ordered that all the male children of Christians be taken off to army camps. Theocharis, who was an orphan, was picked up with other children and begged the Lord day and night prevent him from being tortured. One day, the cadi of Neapolis in Cappadocia visited the camp and noticed the young man. He took him into his service, with the task of looking after the stables. One evening, the wife of the cadi saw Theocharis praying on his knees for a long time with his hands raised to the heavens. Impressed by his piety, she persuaded her husband to marry him to their daughter. When the cadi offered to ...


Multi-Faith Europe and Orthodoxy (Part IIΙ) (Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana)

Κατηγορίες: In English

3. The problem of the relations between Christians and people of other religions is much more complicated. In general it has two facets. The first is practical: the need to co-exist with people of other religious persuasions. In this case, we have a “dialogue of life” where the only appropriate attitude is one of peaceful co-existence, respect for religious freedom and, broadly speaking, for the human rights of others. But there can also be co-operation on matters of social harmony and progress. The second is theoretical: understanding other religions from a theological standpoint. Just as the life of Christ, the new Adam, has world-wide consequences, so the life of His mystical Body, the Church has world-wide range and energy. Its prayers ...


Saint Paul and Greek Society. Past-Present-Future (Ioannis Karavidopoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

With the preaching of Saint Paul concerning Christ, a significant change began to occur in the Greco-Roman world in the middle of the first century A.D. The Jews of Thessaloniki were particularly annoyed by the activity of Paul and his associates and stirred up a mob, throwing society in the city into uproar. Thereafter they complained loudly to the local political authorities: “These people who have been turning the world upside down have now come here, as well… they are all acting contrary to the decrees of Caesar and saying that Jesus is another king” (Acts 17, 6). Unwittingly, by the use of this phrase, they recognized the already significant, and even more so the forthcoming, change in the world, ...
