
Ξένες γλώσσες

Ιnterview with Cornelia Delkeskamp-Hayes – 1

Κατηγορίες: In English

We have the pleasure today to re-publish an exclusive interview with Mrs. Cornelia Delkeskamp-Hayes, a famous modern Orthodox bioethicist, one of the editors of "Christian bioethics", and on the Editorial Advisory Board of the "Journal οf Christian Bioethics".  "Pemptousia": You are an editor of the Oxford journal Christian Bioethics,  a journal which is perhaps unique in its field. Tell us a little about it. When was it started? "Cornelia Delkeskamp-Hayes": It was Herman Engelhardt’s idea. He realized that Orthodoxy needed a greater international presence in the academia. And he was willing to invest his own world-wide reputation for the purpose. The Orthodox voice was finally to make itself heard in the public forum of Christian reflection on the moral issues raised by biomedicine. When Herman ...


Prophesies by St. Kosmas Aitolos

Κατηγορίες: In English

Father Kosmas Aitolos was born in 1714 in the Greek village Megalo Dendro (Big Tree) in the region of Aitolia. He studied in Mount Athos, in “Athonias School”, and later he became a monk in Philotheou Monastery.  Because of the lack of education in most of the population, especially in the remote areas of Greece, Father Kosmas was "forced" to live Athos and begin missionary tours in the villages with the aim of educating the poor people. This way he would also be able to help people understand the Scriptures better. In a period of six years he managed to establish 250 schools as well as charities and rural churches. On August 24, 1779 he was executed at Kolkondas, Fier District, ...


On Perspicacity (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Perspicacity is the healthy and unerring assessment of concepts and things so that they can be judged properly in terms of time, manner, place and occasion, and always in terms of edification. Perspicacity is the ability to identify imminent developments before they occur and thus to avoid the harm they might cause. Perspicacity is a kind of foresight through which a healthy intellect forestalls what is about to happen. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit, which is granted as a prize to those who observe the dictates of their conscience scrupulously and who carefully keep the divine commandments. Perspicacity, in the sense of discrimination, is also the instrument which the Church uses to guide its children in the turmoil ...


Saint Alexei Medvenkof the Confessor († 22 August 1934)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘He has put down the mighty from their thrones and elevated the humble’ (Luke 1, 52). This hymn to the Mother of God is reflected fully in the spiritual personality of Fr. Alexei Medvedkof’. With these words, Fr, Pavel Poukhalsjj began the funeral oration for Fr. Alexei, standing beside his coffin on 4 October, 1957. The deceased had been born in 1867, in a village in the province of Viazma, a member of the family of a young priest who died after the child was born. A life of poverty and deprivation began for little Alexei. Nevertheless, as a child of a clergyman, he attended a Church school and went on to study at a Seminary, where he decided to follow his father’s ...


The Holy Martyr Nektarios Agiannanitis († 1922)

Κατηγορίες: In English

He was born at Vourla of Smyrna in Asia Minor. First he lived as a monk at the Cell dedicated to Christ’s Birth at the Skete of St Anne. Then he stayed at the Cell of the Archangels, where he looked after Elder Antony and his fellow brother Chrysanthos until the end of their days. He was standing up so much that his feet became rotten. Then he was invited to live with Elder Azaria (+1947) at St John’s the Forerunner Cell. He was also a very good hagiographer. He painted the miraculous icon of St Erine Chrysovalantou at Lykobrysi in Attiki. Fr Chrysanthos (+ 1981) wrote: ‘Nektarios was so compassionate that he would have given the walls of his cell ...


Elder Aimilianos Simonopetritis’ Interpretation of Abbas Isaiah (Nikolaos Koios, Member of the Editorial Board, Pemptousia, Assistant Professor, AEATh)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Ascetic literature is a form of Patristic theology which appeared and was cultivated within the context of monastic communities. Every work, or even maxim of ascetic literature was aimed at the spiritual edification of the particular community to which it was addressed. However, all the references in ascetic works are aimed at the restoration and promotion of people’s relations with God and their fellow human beings, as well as the whole of creation, which is the central purpose of the Christian life. This aim is comprehensive and timeless, addressed to all Christians, in all epochs, without exception. This is what justifies the interest of Christians from all eras in ascetic texts. This interest increases when we are concerned with texts from ...


Where’s God? When does He speak to us? (Hieromonk Eleftherios Balakos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We look to hear the voice of God in some out of the ordinary event, or through some important personage. But perhaps this is just what suits us. It allows us to retreat into the vagueness of our personal interpretation. In short, it’s what we want and what’s in our own interest. But the Living God isn’t content with abstract ruminations and interpretations and so He makes sure to speak to us through our daily routine. And this routine actually tells us more about the needs of our brothers and sisters than anything else. Any needs at all. Spiritual or material. I believe that God speaks to us mainly through other people. And we hear Him when we put aside our ...


Wonderful narratives from Constantinople in the 9th century concerning the Precious Belt of the Mother of God (Syngelis Em. Konstantinos, Philologist)

Κατηγορίες: In English

31 August 2016 On 31 August, the Church celebrates the Deposition of the Precious Belt· of Our Most Holy Lady in the church of the Mother of God of the Khalkoprateia (copper shops) in Constantinople. This church was in a neighbourhood close to a place called Milion, and it was here that the workshops were which belonged to the craftsmen who made and sold copperware, hence the name of the area. There’s no clear evidence concerning this feast of the Mother of God before the 7th century. In the 6th and 7th centuries, six new feasts were added to the liturgical life of the Church, all of them related to Our Lady: her Conception by Saint Ann, her Nativity, her Entry into ...


Happy (Ecclesiastical) New Year! (Evagelos Sotiropoulos, political scientist, freelance columnist)

Κατηγορίες: In English

On September 1st, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Beginning of the Indiction, that is, the Ecclesiastical New Year. Before the Greek (or Constantinopolitan) Indiction was introduced by St. Constantine the Great in 312 and decreed by the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea (325 A.D.), the day of Indiction varied based on local tradition. The word Indiction is birthed from the Latin word meaning to proclaim. It established the annual land tax to support the needs of the empire and its armed forces and was issued for 15-year cycles. It was the month of September when the harvest was gathered and thanksgiving offered to God (see Exodus 23:16), a festival connected to the Saviour’s entry into the synagogue in Nazareth whose passage from the ...


The Modernization of Magic (Archimandrite Gregorios Κonstantinou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Magician, witch or priest of the religion of Zoroastrianism for the people of Media: in classical antiquity this role referred to the priestly art of divination of Mazdaism (Zoroastrianism), who's practitioners were also known as magicians or “magi.” During the Hellenistic period the magicians of Persia travelled throughout the world offering their services to Roman Society at large. These services which they provided were enthusiastically accepted by those lacking formal education, who were then able even to penetrate into the Imperial Court of the Roman Emperors. However, this does not mean that these practices were accepted by those more culturally developed who manifestly disdained the magicians. For exactly this reason men of high culture began to use the term “magic” ...


Why did God give the command to the forefathers? (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

God did not give the command to the forefathers to abolish the freedom from their personality. As we have already said, the universe as “being caused” cannot exist by itself. Therefore, not only does it not possess its own “being” but neither does it contain the “well being” or the “eternal existence” by its own ability. It takes this from the Creator. By adhering to the commandment it continues to communicate and relate to Him. This is an existential necessity. In the nature of the command we see God’s ineffable philanthropy, who wants to keep man near Him. God did not cause man’s fall, but the defection of created beings from Self-Life. The Scriptures justifiably say that “God did not ...


The Sins of Others (Abbot Tryphon)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Lenten service When we take our eyes off our own failings, shortcomings, and sins, we notice the failings of others. As the sins of others get our attention, our focus turns away from our own struggles with the passions, and we begin to fall further into sin, our eyes having turned away from the Lord. When our focus is no longer turned towards the conquering of our own passions, our hearts become vulnerable, and we begin to expend our energy on picking apart our neighbor. Their sins become the hot topic with our gossiping friends, and we fall further into the rottenness of our own sins. At this stage, Abba Sisoes asks,  "How can we guard the heart if the tongue ...


It’s hanging over you (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Even if you experience all the pleasures of the world, the greatest of misfortunes is still hanging over you. When you sin, you become God’s enemy. You find yourself in the great danger of losing eternal life when you couldn’t care less and don’t perform works worthy of repentance.
