
Ξένες γλώσσες

In Defence of Translators Everywhere (James W. Lillie)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In the recent article by Theodoros Rokas on the Sign of the Cross in the Old Testament (http://pemptousia.com/?p=25778), mention is made of the book of Deuteronomy and this brought to mind a common misconception: that it is from a Greek mistranslation of the Hebrew phrase at Deuteronomy 17:18 (mishneh ha-torah ha-zoth, which means ‘a copy of this law’) as to deuteronomion touto- ‘this second law’.  This is a serious accusation on two counts: a) it implies that the deuteronomion is not the same as the first, which would have outraged people at the time, and would still offend today; and b) it suggests that the translators didn’t know what they were talking about. But we should be very careful in claiming that our Greek ...


On Miracles (Metropolitan Anthony Bloom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Time and again we read of miracles in the Gospel and in the Old Testament and indeed, we observe them in the life of the Church through the centuries; miracles of healing, miracles of the renewal of a human life by the power of God. And at times people - we all - ask ourselves, What is a miracle? Is it a moment when God overpowers His own creation, breaks its own laws, destroys something which He has willed Himself? That would be an act of magic, an act of overpowering whatever is unwilling to obey, of overpowering what is weak in comparison to Him Who is strong. A miracle ...


The Nativity of the Mother of God, the Consolation of Humankind (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

8 September 2016. (the transcript of an address) Today we celebrate the Nativity of Our Lady, the Mother of God. The holy Fathers, despite the natural abilities at their disposal and despite the effects of the Grace which dwelt within their souls, were unable to honour her as she deserved, because this Maiden is shrouded in a great mystery. I shall bring only one aspect to your attention, because I fear that if I try to do more, I’ll do her an injustice. A ray of light that shines on a particular point fills it with light. A ray of Grace acted on the souls of all those individuals who’ve been saved- prophets, apostles, martyrs, saints, confessors or those in general who are ...


They’re crowned as martyrs (Saint Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If the Lord allows sicknesses to test people, then He'll also give them the strength of patience. If people bear their illness with patience and gratitude to God they're crowned as martyrs and strivers. Just as wax doesn't become soft unless it's heated enough to bear a stamp, so the soul can't accept the stamp of virtue unless it's been tried with labors and sicknesses.


Churches show unity best by servitude (Fr. John Parker)

Κατηγορίες: In English

From the beginning, it has not been so. A group of churches - among them Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian and others - organize a sunrise Easter service to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. At Thanksgiving, a group of churches prays together annually. On Saturday evenings, a Roman Catholic Church offers Mass in a Lutheran church's sanctuary. An Episcopal priest serves as the pastor of a Presbyterian church. At a certain level, these are unbelievable signs of generosity and Christian love - like a situation where two church groups pray together, the second of which exists historically and theologically in reaction against the first. These are all attempts to bring unity to the churches, waving the banner of John 17:11, Jesus' prayer ...


Ιnterview with Cornelia Delkeskamp-Hayes – 5

Κατηγορίες: In English

(previous publication: ) "Pemptousia": What are your impressions of the Alba Iulia conference? “Cornelia Delkeskamp-Hayes”: I have participated in those conferences since 2009. This privilege was made possible by  a great Romanian priest and dear  friend in my neighborhood, Reverend Stefan Anghel from Offenbach. Through his recommendation, I, and thus also Herman Engelhardt, were able to experience the uniquely loving hospitality of the then Archbishop Andrej, and of Father Professor Emil Jurcan, the dean of the theological faculty. Father Emil meanwhile has extended his own paternal welcome to four of Herman’s former students and more recent friends. The faculty in Alba Iulia is special in the sense of having been shaped by that great episcopal pastor. Even though he now serves as the Metropolitan ...


The Sign of the Cross in the Old Testament (Theodore Rokas)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In his first epistle to the Corinthians Saint Paul mentions that the “Jews seek a sign” (I Cor. 1, 22), that they wanted a supernatural sign, such as the resurrection of the dead, cure of the possessed, and so on that would allow them to believe in the teaching concerning the Cross. So they looked for some supernatural sign, ignoring and overlooking the signs and wonders that God had already shown them in the past, every time they were in danger. Of course, the sign they were seeking could hardly have been anything other than that of the Cross, which, on the one hand, was prefigured throughout the Old Testament and, on the other, was permanently present and saved the ...


So that you don’t become worse (Abba Isaiah)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If the need arises for you to chastise your brother and you're upset and angry, don't speak at all, or you'll become worse. But when you see both him and yourself feeling well and meek, then speak, not to chastise him but as a reminder of the things he should be doing, with great humility.


The Struggle Between Two Worlds (Abbot Tryphon)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In this photo released by the Islamic Republic News Agency, IRNA, on Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2011, US hikers Shane Bauer, right, and Josh Fattal, smile, at the Tehran's Mehrabad airport before leaving Iran. Two Americans jailed in Iran as spies left Tehran on Wednesday, closing a high-profile drama with archfoe Washington that brought more than two years of hope then heartbreak for the families as the Islamic Republic's hard-line rulers rejected international calls for their release. (AP Photo/IRNA, Ehsan Nederipour) The two young men held in an Iranian prison for two years are now on their way to the United States. After being arrested for crossing over the unmarked Iraq/Iran boarder and being accused of espionage, they became pawns in ...


What is the forefathers’ sin and what are its consequences? (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

It is the sin which our forefathers’ committed in the Garden of Eden where the Creator had positioned them. Because man was honest and harmless, without having an idea what sin was, he ought to be tested as a rational and free personality to consciously decide over his relationship with God. In order to prove this, he must have adhered to God’s command not to eat from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Man disobeyed the command and betrayed his trust in God’s will. This action caused a triple blame to our ancestors. Firstly, they disobeyed the One who had issued the command. Secondly, it was an unjust act of audacity or boldness, ungratefulness and lack ...


Most Excellent Theophilus (Fr. Patrick H. Reardon)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Both Luke’s Gospel (1:3) and the Book of Acts (1:1) are addressed to a man named Theophilus, whom Luke calls “most excellent” (kratistos). This honorific adjective, which in antiquity a person might use when approaching someone of a higher social class than himself, was deemed especially appropriate for addressing government officials. Indeed, Luke himself provides three examples of this usage: the letter of Lysias to the governor Felix (Acts 23:26), an address to the same man by Tertullus (24:3), and St. Paul’s speech to the governor Festus (26:25). It is not surprising, then, that many interpreters of Holy Scripture think Theophilus was a Roman political figure. This is an attractive and likely suggestion. Apostle Luke, icon by hand of Federico ...


When No Priest is Available (Archpriest Sergei Shukin)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When No Priest is Available Reading the Service Books While Traveling or at Home This article is over fifteen years old. You will want to check out Fr. John Whiteford's Liturgical Texts and Resources Site for more recommendations on current liturgical materials available in English. Nevertheless, this article is still timely due to current world events that could easily result in many Orthodox Christians being cut off from their parish churches, if not openly persecuted. It behooves all those who love Christ and His Holy Church to know, and to have the materials to do, the Divine Services so that they may be carried on regardless of one's ability to attend church. This article is admittedly out-of-date. A plethora of service books has appeared since ...


“Intelligent” Design? (Fr. John Garvey)

Κατηγορίες: In English

There has been some debate, even at local school-board levels, about the theory of evolution vs. creationism and the more recently offered idea of “intelligent design.” Now Cardinal Cristoph Schönborn has weighed in with an op-ed piece in the New York Times (July 7), claiming that Christians cannot believe that life’s origins can be found in natural selection’s chancy, random stabs at development. Some kind of intelligent design must lie behind it, and reason can lead to a rational belief in an intelligent designer. This has been seized on as a retreat from John Paul II’s endorsement of the theory of evolution as real science, a sign that the new papacy will retreat from serious science into the intelligent design ...


Young People in Greece (Elder Moses the Athonite)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Young people in Greece today have a number of weaknesses. They don’t like hard work, they’re indifferent towards matters of real importance, they reject concepts out of hand and they’re easily led astray with trivial ideas. On the other hand, however, they retain a great desire for truth, they hanker for authenticity, they’re sensitive in a good way, spontaneous, bright, self-restrained and humane. They’re wary of the Church, which they associate with the mistakes of its representatives. They’re somewhat wary of patriotism, after the anti-patriotic harangues of certain modern non-patriots. They make fun of politicians, who have displayed more than enough incompetence and iniquity, but they also include politics itself, which is a pity. The sacred past doesn’t inspire them and ...


Prefigurations of the Sacrament of the Divine Eucharist in the Old Testament – 2 (Hieromonk Gregorios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

2. Besides, the person of the Patriarch Isaac, his birth and the offering of him as a sacrifice to God by his father Abraham have attracted the attention of many interpreters of the Holy Scriptures.             Isaac truly was born through the promise of God. He was born of a mother who was sterile and a father who was well-stricken in years. According to Paul, this means that we, the faithful, “are offspring through the promise of Isaac”, precisely because Isaac was born from a sterile mother, just as the Church was sterile before the advent of Christ and the descent of the Holy Spirit.               With reference to the sacrifice of Isaac, Saint John Chrysostom initially underlines the fact that Abraham ...


Ιnterview with Cornelia Delkeskamp-Hayes – 4

Κατηγορίες: In English

(Previous publication:...) "P".: Is there any fundamental problem you have seen with the way bioethics functions today? “Cornelia Delkeskamp-Hayes”: When we speak of “how bioethics functions today”, we speak, first of all, of a huge network of scholarly institutions. These are attached either to medical schools, or to medical humanities departments, or else to philosophical faculties. Here medical students are introduced to the moral quandaries of their profession. So far, so good. But here also the so-called bioethics experts are trained. These experts then serve as consultants on all levels of health care institutions, law making, policy design right down to the nitty gritty of conflict resolution in the hospital, when the interests and commitments of hospital owners, hospital managers, the medical staff, ...
