
Ξένες γλώσσες

Birds (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Birds are very clever and wise creatures. They’re not easy to catch. As soon as they see someone coming to catch them, they fly away and so escape their enemies. Christians should be as astute and careful as this, so that the bodiless hunters can’t snatch their soul.


Our Relationship with God: 8. Pride and despair (Very Rev. Archimandrite Zacharias (Zacharou))

Κατηγορίες: In English

We also said that those who are born of the spirit have a heart in which dwells Christ ‘through faith’. According to biblical anthropology and orthodox tradition, the heart of man is the centre of his personhood. It is there that choices occur and decisions are made. There, God is revealed and there He dwells. There, man meets with God and through God he feels united with all the generations of men. God makes his heart ‘His footstool’ and enlarges it with His grace, so that it can embrace heaven and earth. A man that bears this divine enlargement within him will always accept his brother as his own life and will never reject him because that would cause his ...


The Woman who Dwelt in a Cave – Part I (Pantelis Paschos, Professor of Theology)

Κατηγορίες: In English

A saintly hermit told the brothers the following story: One day, as I was sitting in the desert, I began to feel worried and sad. A thought came to me: “Get up and go for a walk in the desert”. So I walked and came to a water-course and gazing into the distance in the moonlight- night had fallen already- I saw something hirsute sitting on a rock. At first I thought it was a lion and stopped walking in that direction. But then I thought it over and realized that, even if it were a lion, I shouldn’t be afraid, but rather should take courage and believe in the grace of Christ. So I started off again, heading towards the ...


The Mind, the Heart and the Way of Salvation (Archimandrite Meletios Webber)

Κατηγορίες: In English

St. Theophan the Recluse You’ve got to get out of your head and into your heart. Right now your thoughts are in your head, and God seems to be outside you. Your prayer and all your spiritual exercises also remain exterior. As long as you are in your head, you will never master your thoughts, which continue to whirl around your head like snow in a winter’s storm or like mosquitoes in the summer’s heat. If you descend into your heart, you will have no more difficulty. Your mind will empty out and your thoughts will dissipate. Thoughts are always in your mind chasing one another about, and you will never manage to get them under control. But if you enter ...


The Spiritual Father (Saint Anthimos of Chios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

1 January 1946 “Behold, I and the children God has given me”. I didn’t want to have children in the world by the flesh and God gave me you to have as my spiritual children. That saying comforts me and I imagine it brings you joy, too. I’ve got you as my children and you think of me as your spiritual father.   The spiritual father is superior to the father after the flesh. Because if I see you dashing your foot against a rock, I’ll be worried; I’ll run and help. If I see you being dragged to court over some debt that you owe, I hurry along and pay it on your behalf. If I see people condemning you, swearing at ...


What does St. Paul mean by “the works of the Law”? (Fr. John Whiteford)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Recently I was asked about a supposed contradiction in the writings of St. Paul. In Romans 2:13 St. Paul says "for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified..." However, in Galatians 2:16 he says "knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified." So is there a contradiction here? No. A doer of the Law is one who actually fulfills the law. But ...


Concerning Thoughts (Saint Nicodemus the Hagiorite)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Just as so-called diagnostic physicians not only know how to treat external and visible wounds of the body, but also, by measuring the pulse, they learn the internal and invisible maladies of the heart, of the bowels, and the other unseen workings of the human body, and are therefore able to treat them. Likewise, Spiritual Father, it is not enough for you only to know how to treat the external passions of the soul, those acts and deeds and effects of sin, but it is also necessary to know through the confession of the penitent the internal wounds of his soul, which are the hidden passions in his heart and the passionate and evil thoughts, and so treat them with ...


Becoming a More Compassionate People (Abbot Tryphon)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Feeding the poor As our nation's congress faces critical decisions that will in all likelihood impact the lives of countless elderly and poor, it is right that we consider the teachings of the Orthodox Church concerning our duties to those who have less then we. Saint John Chrysostom taught that, "the poor are not the spectacle of human misery and suffering that evokes compassion or disgust, but they are the icons of Christ, the presence of Christ in the broken world." The compassionate sharing of our resources with those in need is a primal teaching of our Church and a virtue that must be practiced if we are to be true to the teachings of Our Lord. The communal nature of ...


The Passions of Avarice, Anger, Sorrow and Sloth – Part IΙΙ (Saint Nil of Sorskij)

Κατηγορίες: In English

During the period of relentless warfare, we must arm ourselves against the spirit of ingratitude and blasphemy, because it’s with those weapons that the enemy attacks us at that moment. Satan defeats people with doubt and fear and directs wicked thoughts at them like arrows: that God won’t have mercy on them; that they’ll never be forgiven; never be redeemed and saved from the tortures of eternal perdition. Indeed, they’re also under fire from other thoughts which I can’t write about, and aren’t able to work or read because the temptation won’t let them. This is why, at moments like this, we should forcefully cast despair away from us, and shouldn’t be indifferent to our prayer life. We should fall down ...


The ‘sedation’ of the human brain in its struggle to find the objectivity of truth (Dr. Nikolaos Koios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

For Elder Sophrony, the quest for truth through the exclusive use of human reason is doomed to eternal confusion. This is so because people turn to the search for the truth as if it were some sort of theoretical model or abstract idea. Because they assume that, if they come to know the desired truth they will somehow acquire a magic power and will make themselves the free authority over their being. So, enchanted by the role of reason, humanity is living in a state of ‘sedation’. And the greatest problem is that this misleading approach is apparent not only in the natural sciences and philosophy, but in the religious life as well, with the inevitable result that people fall ...


Seek advice (Elder Epifanios Theodoropoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We should be aware of our limitations. A lot of people suffer from this. They see some ascetic who’s undertaken a very onerous and harsh struggle. ‘I’ll do that, as well’. But is such an ascetic struggle really within your capabilities? Or is the devil attacking you ‘from the right’. Talk to your spiritual guide about whether you should attempt such a great struggle. You may be being deceived.


In Praise of those who have Love in their Hearts – Part II (Saint Symeon the New Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Holy Love may we then be pardoned through you and may we enter into the enjoyment of the good things of our Master, since no-one will taste their sweetness except through you. Those who don’t love you as they ought and are not, as they should be, the object of your love, may well run, but haven’t yet reached the goal. It’s far from certain that somebody who is running will actually complete the race. But for those who have laid hold on you, or on whom you have laid hold, is certain, since you are the end of the Law. It is you who surround me and inflame me, you who, by the pangs of my heart, kindle ...


Our Relationship with God: 7. The mind of Christ (Very Rev. Archimandrite Zacharias (Zacharou))

Κατηγορίες: In English

The regenerated man has another mind, ‘the mind of Christ’, another understanding, ‘that which is in Christ Jesus’, another heart, in which ‘dwells Christ by faith’. He becomes like unto Christ and fulfills his purpose. Man acquires the ‘mind of Christ’, which means that he knows the plan of God that He has for every soul and he has an inspired longing to become a co-worker with God in the grandiose work of divine regeneration. He feels honoured and benefited because his Creator visits him from the evening until the morning and from the morning until the evening. From this perspective he sees the purpose of every man and for this reason he does not dare ever to harm ‘one of ...


Who is the Devil and how does he act? (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Holy Scriptures say that the devil is the “Fallen Lucifer” (Translator’s note: Eosforos: the angel of light). The Lord says of him: “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” (Luke 10, 18). He is the head of the angelic regiment of those fallen from heaven when they wished to defect from God’s will. Then, they were immediately crashed and fell from their value and status. They also lost the exceptional and glowing beauty of their image. They became horrific monsters whose memory is even unbearable. There is nothing in their diabolic nature which is good, kind, just, simple, rational or true. The devil, which once was the instrument of the glow of justice and sanctification, suddenly became – by ...


The Conflict Between ‘Charismatic’ and ‘Academic’ Theology Not New in Orthodox Christianity (John G. Panagiotou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul writes to his spiritual son Timothy about the “deposit of faith” (in Greek, paradosis) which has been handed down from Christ to His Apostles, to their disciples and to their successors. What is this “deposit” in its essence? The Apostle tells us this is the “Good News” or “Gospel” (in Greek, evangelion) of the incarnate, crucified and resurrected Jesus. This is the simple and redemptive message of the Gospel: the mystery of the Holy Trinity, the Second Person of the Trinity became man, and that “He the Christ is Risen!” On a reasonable level, one would think that the simplicity of this message would resonate clearly with all Christians — divisions and disunity would ...


The Change of the Most High (Fr. Stephen Freeman)

Κατηγορίες: In English

  The Blessing of the Waters As we celebrate Christ’s Paschal victory – these thoughts are offered on the nature of our deliverance. One of the Psalms appointed for use in this season declares: “Now is the change of the Most High.” Pascha is indeed God’s change – which is why we ourselves are not the “agents of change.” As inhabitants of our modern culture, we find ourselves trapped in a world of “cause and effect.” It is a physical explanation of the universe that has, for all intents and purposes, become a universal metaphor, dominating religion and the most personal aspects of our lives. We see ourselves as the agents of change – or responsible for the disasters that litter our lives. ...


Saint Isaac the Syrian (†28 September): His words dispel complexes (Alexandros Christodoulou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Saint Isaac the Syrian (†28 September) Saint Isaac was born at the beginning of the 7th century at Beth Quatraye in the Qatar region at the southern end of the Persian Gulf. When he was still young, together with his brother, he entered the Monastery of Saint Matthew and, after progressing greatly in the virtues, in obedience and in knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, he withdrew into the desert. His brother became the abbot of the monastery and continually pressed him to return, in order to benefit the brotherhood spiritually. His fame spread as far as Nineveh, where the faithful managed to persuade Catholicos George to consecrate him bishop (in about 648). Isaac submitted to the will of God and began ...
