
Ξένες γλώσσες

The Presents of Presence (Magnus Frangipani)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In the forty days prior to Christmas, the Christians fast from meat, dairy, fish, wine and oil anticipating the birthing into the world of Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life. In my experience, the Nativity fast isn’t a war against the senses, rather it is a prescription for detoxifying them, cleansing us in order to receive the source of our senses. The fast is a preparation, a sort of house cleaning for the soul, emptying our rooms for heavenly company. When our rooms are ordered and cleansed, a soothing silence and interior solitude follows. In this way, our mind, body and soul are intimately connected. In an age where ‘staying connected’ looks like updating everyone about who or what we think ...


The Simplicity of God according to Saint Gregory Palamas (Georgios I. Mantzaridis, Professor)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The prime feature of God is His simplicity. If God is not simple, but composed of different parts, then these parts must have existed before Him. Such a God would not be the Cause and Creator of all things, would not be a real God, the fons et origo of all things. Given that He is the origin of all things, He cannot be complex but must be simple. Moreover He is not merely simple but the ‘simplicity of the simplified and the unity of the unified’. Thus, without ever departing from His unconfused simplicity, He is completely present ‘unconfused and undivided in all things and in each of the creatures’. Saint Gregory Palamas says that God is not some ...


The readings

Κατηγορίες: In English

After the Thrice-Holy Hymn, we have the Readings: the Epistle, that is a portion of some Apostolic text (from the Acts of the Apostles or an Epistle by an Apostle) and the Gospel, that is an extract from one of the four Gospels. We stand while the Gospel is being read. The readings contain concepts which are not always easy to understand, which is why they’re followed by a sermon, that is a few words from the priest or another qualified person which help us to understand the will of God, His Word, and how we should apply this in our lives. The Liturgy of the Catechumens ends with the Litany of Fervent Supplication, that is a prayer first for the ...


Obstacles everywhere (Elder Aimilianos Simonopetritis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If I benefit those who do me harm, this brings me peace. Because, in the end, everybody makes stumbling-blocks for us. With a word, a look, the way they walk, their joy, their sorrow, they interfere with our own progress. This is why it requires fear and trembling so as not to react to these stumbling-blocks which disturb the peace of our mind and heart, in case they become the cause of us being separated from God.


Saint Gregory Palamas (Georgios Martzelos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

St Gregory Palamas  was one of the greatest patristic figures of the Church. In his teaching on the divination of man and his real participation in the uncreated energies of God, he expressed the essence of Orthodox spirituality, in contrast with the secularised theology of his age (14th century), which had taken shape under the influence of the Scholasticism of the Roman Catholic Church. Saint Gregory Palamas, fresco from Vatopedi Monastery, 1371 St Gregory Palamas was born in 1296 in Constantinople of devout parents. His father, Constantine, was a senator and was held in such high esteem by the Emperor Andronicus II Palaeologus that the latter entrusted to him the education of his grandson, the future Emperor Andronicus II. When his father ...


Basil the Great Writes to Saint Gregory the Theologian – 2 (Archimandrite Symeon Krayiopoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

It should be noted here that the Niptic Fathers, among whom were Saint Gregory Palamas and Saint Nikodimos the Athonite, used this last passage in Saint Basil in order to establish and interpret the cyclical method of the prayer of the heart. 2) Saint Basil goes on to say that another requirement is study of the Holy Scriptures. “The study of inspired Scripture is the principal way of finding our duty, because in Scripture we find both instruction about proper conduct and the lives of blessed people, transmitted in writing, like breathing images of godly living, so that we may imitate their good works. Thus, in whatever aspect people feel deficient, they can devote themselves to this imitation, and find the ...


Variations in the Spiritual Life (Teachings from Athos) (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Even though we’re in the season of winter, we had a fine day yesterday, with lots of sunshine. We felt the weather had taken a turn for the better, and then today it changed again and we’ve got turbulence. We can’t get out to do our work. We have to dig in until this situation passes, since we all know it’s temporary. This phenomenon of variations in the weather also occurs in our spiritual life. Changes and variations are a postlapsarian  phenomenon. After the fall, people unfortunately lost their personality and are now subject to alterations. Before the fall, they had the Grace of the Holy Spirit living with them. They lived in accordance with nature, they lived without needs ...


We should see the error (Saint Diadochus of Photice)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The light of true knowledge is to be able to tell the difference, without error, between good and evil. Then the path of virtue, leading the intellect to God, the Sun of Righteousness, brings it into the infinite light of knowledge, so that it now seeks love openly and boldly. So with vehemence, though not anger, we should snatch what’s right from those who dare to belittle it and trample on it. Because zeal for proper devotion fights and wins not through hatred but through rebuke.


Moses’ Life according to Philon the Alexandrian and Gregory of Nyssa (Dimitris Baltas)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Oἱ Βίοι. It is the conviction that most of the times it is useful to know the way of acting of some important men that has led to the writing of biographies. Biographies concern the comparative examination of two persons, like Βίοι Παράλληλοι of Plutarch, or only one person, for example Moses. Biographies have a historical character, because they include the events, the information and the characteristics of the persons they refer to, but at the same time, they also have an exemplary character through the positive or negative behaviour of persons and the way they act. Specifically the comparison between two works that concern the biography of one and only person should insist on finding out existing differences. In particular, this happens ...


‘A good word’, the Doxastiko at the Polyeleos, by Y. Rysios the Priest (†1865) – (choir of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘A good word’ at the Polyeleos, in tone four, in a composition by Yeoryios Rysios, the priest, follows the usual order of the old Polyeleos in the Byzantine and post-Byzantine periods of settings, with Verses, a hymn to the Trinity and one to the Mother of God, with a kratema (‘terirem’). This is a modern composition from the 19th century which demonstrates the new trend in composition towards elaborate lines, in harmony with the urban and cosmopolitan environment of Constantinople. At a vigil, the choirs of Vatopaidi sing the hymn to the Trinity and to the Mother of God from the Polyeleos ‘A good word’ (Ps 44 ‘My heart is uttering a good word’) by Yeoryios Rysios, the priest († 1865). %audio%


A time to read and a time to embody (Part IΙΙ) (Emma Cazabonne)

Κατηγορίες: In English

John always draws these from Scripture, following his own recommendation: “A genuine teacher is he who has received from God the tablet of spiritual knowledge, inscribed by His Divine finger, that is, by the in-working of illumination, and who has no need of other books.” In other words, for John the genuine teacher is like a new Moses. This is actually how the monk Daniel describes John: He approached the mountain, he entered the innermost darkness and, mounting by spiritual steps, he received the divinely written law and divine vision; he opened his mouth for the word of God, and drew in the Spirit; then he poured forth a good word from the good treasure of his heart. Scholars remind us that the ...


Basil the Great Writes to Saint Gregory the Theologian – 1 (Archimandrite Symeon Krayiopoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Saint Basil the Great was the founder and organizer of coenobitic monasticism. His rules, and the reforms introduced by Saint Theodore the Studite, are still in place to this day. Of course, Saint Basil was not involved with monasticism in an amateur fashion. He was himself a monk and lived the monastic life for a good many years. Even from the time when he was studying in Athens, he planned to withdraw into the desert with his friend Saint Gregory the Theologian, when they had completed their studies. Later he was to regard the time he spent studying as a waste. He wrote in an epistle to Efstathios of Sevasteia: “I spent a great deal of time on futile efforts and ...


St. Basil the Great and Christian Philanthropy (John G. Panagiotou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Many things are said and written about the great Cappodocian Father of the 4th century St. Basil the Great of Caesarea. In Basil the Great, we find the consummate theologian, liturgical scholar, ascetic and evangelist of the Faith. Too often, however, one more aspect of Basil is left overlooked and that is Basil as the first great Christian philanthropist. It is with this focus on Basil’s care, concern and heart for the poor, the underpriviledged, the sick, the unemployed, the homeless and disenfranchised that marks the level of profound theological reflection and insight that Basil exudes in his writings. St. Basil the Great’s Early Life Let us first, however, examine the context of the world in which Basil was born and matured ...


The two poles of the spiritual life (Memory of Saint John the Charitable) (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Today our Church celebrates the memory of Saint John the Charitable , Patriarch of Alexandria. Saint John came from Cyprus, and was the son of rich and devout parents. Even though he was brought up in comfort, he concentrated his mind and attention on his devotions. Seeing that his pure soul would produce great spiritual fruit in the future, Divine Grace destined him for and exalted him to the throne of Alexandria, which was at its height at the time. In his Life, mention is made of a symbol which Grace sent as an indication of his future way of life. In a dream, he saw a beautiful maiden crowned with an olive wreath, who said to him: ‘I’m the ...
