
Ξένες γλώσσες

A Christmas greeting card sent by Elder Sophrony of Essex (Elder Sophrony of Essex)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Paraskevi, who out of sheer humility does not wish to reveal her full name, was among the first spiritual children of Elder Sophrony, during the time of her studies in England. She sent us a copy of two handwritten scripts by the blessed Elder. A good wish card which the blessed Elder sent during Christmas 1967, when Paraskevi was going through some difficult times because of the illness of a close relative The outside of the card The Christmas wish card (handwritten): Archimandrite Sophrony The Old Rectroy,Tolleshent Knight by Maldon, Essex Christmass 1967, + Dear beloved in Christ, Sister Paraskevi. May the Lord’s grace and peace be abundant in you. Let me first wish you Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! Paraskevi, has it ever happened to do something ...


For the healing of the nations (Archimandrite Vassilios Papavassiliou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Nationalism is our form of … idolatry ... ''Patriotism'' is its cult. It should hardly be necessary to say that by ''patriotism'' I mean that attitude which puts one’s own nation above humanity, above the principles of truth and justice; not the loving interest in one's own nation, which is the concern with the nation's spiritual as much as with its material welfare ... Just as love for one individual which excludes the love for others is not love, love for one's country which is not part of one's love for humanity is not love, but idolatrous worship.” (Erich Fromm) I once asked an Orthodox Cypriot nationalist, “If you had no other choice but to worship at either a Greek Anglican ...


What’s Wrong with Gay Marriage? (Fr. Lawrence R. Farley)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Cake Demonstrating Homosexual Marriage The best place to access the views, questions, prejudices and challenges of the World is, I believe, the office water-cooler.  The next best places would be the Huffington Post and (for Canadians), the CBC.  The water-cooler however retains its pride of place as the site more often visited by the common man who, if he retains his common sense, tends to avoid the Huffington Post and the CBC.  Anyway, it was at the office water-cooler that the common man (in this case, a woman) was expressing the common view on gay marriage, and asking with some anger, “If two guys love each other, why can’t they get married?”  The anger accompanying the question indicated that the ...


Searching for Heart in a Heartless World (Gale Bellas-Papageorge)

Κατηγορίες: In English

I was having a conversation recently about the Occupy Movement, where it was described to me as violent and un-American. I have to disagree with my fellow Orthodox Christian's viewpoint. Although I do agree that perhaps the youth of the Occupy Movement could be better organized, and it has attracted some rogue rebels without a cause as with any movement, I do not see how speaking out against injustice could ever be a bad thing? In fact, isn't speaking out against injustice a major principle of Jesus' teachings? From my upbringing in the Orthodox faith, I was always under the impression that speaking out against injustice is the ultimate expression of love towards mankind. First of all, I realize that recently part ...


Should we hate religion? (Bev Cooke)

Κατηγορίες: In English

There was a lot of talk in January about Jefferson Bethke’s “Why I hate religion but love Jesus” spoken word video. Since it was posted on January 14, it’s been viewed over twenty million times on Youtube. A lot of Orthodox (and other Christians) have responsed to it. Not one of those responses – not even the one for which I wrote the script – actually acknowledges that Jefferson Bethke might have a point. Jefferson Bethke In an interview after the release of the video, Mr. Bethke said “If you went through the entire poem and replaced the word religion with either legalism or self-righteousness or hypocrisy, it would have not changed my intention or the heart of that poem whatsoever. ...


The Dignity of Humankind and the Indignity of God (Elias Voulgarakis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

First version: An undignified Trinity Once upon all the time, there’s God. And from some time there’s human beings. But the reports coming from Earth about the state of humankind are increasingly distressing. The human race is going from bad to worse, despite all God’s efforts, through the various representatives whom He’s sent from time to time to bring it back to its senses. In the face of this anomalous situation, the Holy Trinity meets. It decides to hear the views of people themselves on the subject and to discuss suggestions on how to get round the predicament. In a few days, the representative of humankind arrived, an outstanding personality, a wise Counsellor of the Emperor, who enjoyed great prestige among ordinary people. ...


How to Really Raise a Child (Katherine Johnson)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The last hour of daylight and we’re taking the children for a walk, catching the final rays of light before the sun sets behind the horizon. And she tells me about a woman she met, a fellow pilgrim at the monastery. How she grew up in communist Russia, lost her parents at an early age. Atheism all around her except the quiet presence of her grandmother. And the interior life of this babushka radiated on her exterior gentle hope. Always with Christ, always hidden. Always entered into the closet of her heart, door shut and living the spiritual life in secret. And the Heavenly Father rewarded those around her, opened their hearts. Her quiet ways spoke grace clear, filled the empty ...


Occupy Movement (Fr. Lawrence R. Farley)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Anyone who has not been comatose for the last several weeks has heard of the “Occupy Movement”, which began with the call to “occupy Wall Street” and then spread to other cities in the U.S. and Canada. I suspect that whether or not one’s city has had their main street or social venue “occupied” depends largely upon the relative size of the city. My own neighboring city of Vancouver has been occupied. The town of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, I think, has not. In my area, the Occupy Movement has fizzled somewhat; the movement has moved on (as movements are wont to do). I suspect it had a bit to do with the cold weather that comes in a Canadian winter, and ...


Traditional Greek Christmas Cookies

Κατηγορίες: In English

The most famous Christmas cookies in Greece are the traditional melomakarona and kourabiedes. Here we present the recipes for the most tasty way of cooking them, as a treat for friends and relatives. Happy cooking! Melomakarona (Christmas honey cookies) Ingredients: 1½ cups of oil 1½ cups of cooking fat 1 cup of sugar ¾ cup of orange juice ¼ cup of cognac 2 teaspoons of orange zest 2 teaspoons of baking powder 1 teaspoon of baking soda 8 cups of all purpose flour For the syrup: 2 cups of honey 2 cups of sugar 2 cups of water For the garnish 1½ cups of finely chopped walnuts, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon of ground cloves Method: Blend or mix the first six ingredients on high speed for four minutes. Sieve the flour, baking powder and soda into a mixing bowl. ...


Elder Germanos Stavrovouniotis (1906-1982) (Archimandrite Athanasios of Stavrovouni)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Elder Germanos was born in the village of Avgorou in the Famagusta region of Cyprus in 1906, to God-fearing parents, Nikolaos and Margarita Hatzigeorgis. When, as a child, he read the life of Saint Ioannis the Hut-Dweller, he was moved to take the decision to follow the monastic way of life.  At the age of 16 he entered the Monastery of Stavrovouni. He displayed exemplary zeal and remarkable obedience as a novice monk. He was  given the blessing of the habit at the age of 24 and his name was changed from Georgios to Monk Germanos. He was ordained deacon the following year, tonsured as a Great Schema monk at the age of 29 and ordained hieromonk when he was 38 ...


Christmas can be approached only through faith (Athanasios Moustakis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘When Abraham was called, by faith…’ As is the case every year, the Epistle reading for the Sunday before the Nativity of Christ focuses on faith. It consists of two excerpts from chapter 11 of Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews (verses 9-10 and 32-40) in which the Apostle highlights the reality of trust in God. What is the relationship between the faith of Abraham, Sarah, the Judges and the Prophets of Israel and the imminent event of the Nativity? Why has the Church set it as the Epistle reading for this Sunday? We shall have to seek the answer to this in the fact of the Nativity and its significance for our world and for us as people. This event marks a break in human ...


Proper Attire in the House of God (Abbot Tryphon)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Church is our home, a place where we should feel comfortable, and at ease. It is also God’s house and is a temple set aside for worship of the Holy Trinity. Although times have changed and we have become a very casual society, this attitude can not be allowed to influence how we dress to worship God. Our way of dressing for church should reflect our desire to offer our very best to Christ. Just as we want to act in ways that demonstrate the centrality of Christ in our lives, our dress should show forth the modesty that is befitting a Christian. Just as we take special care to dress for formal social occasions, or job interviews, how much more ...


Human Rights and Christian Thought (Chrysostomos Hatzilambrou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The emphasis given by Orthodox theology to the creation of people as images of the Image of God, is directly related to the Orthodox understanding of the concept of rights. As creations of God (Matth. 19, 14; Acts 17, 28), people have been made with the potential to resemble our Creator and to share features of His mode of existence. We act with other people in a free social relationship of love, without the necessity for legal constraints, social conventions, limitations and boundaries. These are parameters which are set in order to limit the chances of rights being infringed. For the Christian, God isn’t considered to be merely the Creator, but the Father of all of us; therefore all people are ...
