
Ξένες γλώσσες

Don’t judge (Book of the Elders)

Κατηγορίες: In English

One of the Elders said: Don’t judge any adulterer if you’re chaste. Then you’ll be breaking the law as he does. Because He who said: ‘Don’t commit adultery (Matth. 5, 27), also said: ‘Don’t judge’ (Matth. 7, 1).


The Purpose of the Orthodox Artist in the World (Jonathan Jackson)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The purpose of the Orthodox Artist in the world is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit, whereby thousands around us will find salvation, as Saint Seraphim of Sarov said. Her mission is to turn water into wine. To take what seems ordinary, what seems plain, colorless and flavorless and by the grace of the Holy Spirit transform it into something bursting with flavor, beauty, richness and depth. It is the artist’s vocation to permeate the world with the fragrance of humility and mercy. After all St. Paul says that we are the fragrance of Christ. “For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” (2 Corinthians 2:15) The purpose ...


Book Review: The Second Edition of “Collected Writings on Orthodox Christianity” is as Good as the First (John G. Panagiotou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Collected Writings on Orthodox Christianity: Various Aspects of Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches, George Alexander, OCP Publications: Kerala, India (Second Edition, June 2016). In this second edition of Collected Writings on Orthodox Christianity, editor and author George Alexander provides new content as good as the first. This compendium provides a panoply of approaches in contemporary Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox jurisdictions regarding church structure and pastoral life. The writers discuss topics as varied as Orthodoxy in Israel, Ethiopia, India, Armenia, Egypt, Syria, Kenya and the challenges that they face in the modern world. We are introduced to the ministry work of Orthodox missionaries in the far off regions of Asia and Africa as well as the “domestic mission fronts” of Great Britain ...


Excerpts From the “The Mystery of Art”: Holy Madness & Art as Suffering, Prayer and Intercession (Jonathan Jackson)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Since I’ve shared my journey as a young artist and glimpsed the beauty of encountering the Orthodox Faith, we can now approach “The Mystery Of Art”. This book was born out of the synergy of my artistic journey and my love for the Ancient Faith. God is the ultimate Artist and Poet. Being fashioned in His image means that we are also artists and poets, regardless of our vocation in life. We are artists in the way we love. We are poets in the way we pray. Everyone is an artist. We are cosmically bound to one another through a divine tapestry stretching across the ages. Each one of us has a unique part to play in the symphony of God’s ...


Orthodox Leadership in a Brave New World (Fr. Johannes L. Jacobse)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Almost thirty years ago Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn delivered an address atHarvardUniversitythat still ranks as one of the most trenchant and inspired critiques of Western culture ever given. Although some of the political references are dated, two observations remain as true today as when they were first spoken. The first is that the philosophical materialism that shaped communism and led to the Gulags now operates in the Western world. The second is that mankind stands at an anthropological threshold. What is philosophical materialism? To use Solzhenitsyn’s definition, it is the belief that man has no touchstone other than himself: To such consciousness, man is the touchstone in judging and evaluating everything on earth . . . we have lost the concept of ...


Remembrance of God is instructive and creates humility (Maria Dimitriadou, Pedagogue)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Christ transforms death into sleep, into dormition. When people die, the soul is temporarily separated from the body. The body is given over to decay and returns to the dust of the earth from which it was created. From there, God will re-form and resurrect our bodies at the Second Coming and they’ll be united in harmony with the souls, of which they’ll be the eternal temple. After death, the soul lives in expectation of the final judgment of God concerning eternal rest or eternal hell. People, as persons, don’t just disappear, but, freed from the problems of mortal, earthly life, live real life, as a foretaste of their final condition. In the Orthodox faith, death is spiritual, not bodily. It’s ...


Fundamentalism and the Psychology of Violence (Fr. Lawrence R. Farley)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Propaganda Poster Recently I began what I hope will become a dialogue with a fundamentalist.  That is, I asked on-line for a free copy of the Quran, and in due time it arrived in the mail.  After a decent delay, the people who kindly supplied it to me emailed me to ask what I thought of it.  It was, of course, not so much an interested query as an attempt at conversion, but that was fair enough, and politely asked, and completely expected. In a similar spirit of brotherly conversation between two men of good will, I replied that I had read the Quran in its entirety, and had a couple of questions.  One was how in the surah “The Story” ...


A Spiritual Migration: The Story of my Return Home (Gale Bellas-Papageorge)

Κατηγορίες: In English

As I was growing up, I was living in a world that neither my mother nor father had a complete understanding or control of, particularly my mother who was an immigrant. Of course, my parents allowed me to participate in many of the same “American” luxuries that the other children in my school took pleasure in, such as skiing and camping. They let me sleep over friends' houses and have sleep overs. But every weekend, I was asked to leave my “American” world behind and enter into the world of my extended family and Romanian Orthodox community. Every Sunday, while my friends were often enjoying hiking excursions or visits to amusement parks, I was expected to attend church school and ...


Encountering The Beauty Of The Church: The Way Of Love (Jonathan Jackson)

Κατηγορίες: In English

I would like to briefly express what the Orthodox Church means to me, as one who has entered into it later in life. This of course, is impossible to articulate with words, because it is a mystery, but I will speak, like a child in awe. I am in awe at the Orthodox Church. It’s beauty, its grace. The mystical silence and stillness, which abides here. I am in awe at the purity of the Church’s teachings. The Lives of the Saints and Martyrs, the prayers and hymns of the Church, the Protection of the Panagia. The humility and sanctity of the Holy Mountain. The Icons and writings of the Fathers of the Church. The mercy of the Sacraments, the Christ-like ...


The Eucharist: Its Meaning and Place in Our Salvation (Fr. Lawrence R. Farley)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The earliest title of the main Sunday service of the Christian Church is “the Eucharist”, from the Greek word eucharisteo, meaning, “to give thanks.” As early as about the middle of the second century, Justin the Philosopher (later known as “Justin Martyr”) wrote that the bread and wine which the Christians received sacramentally was “called among us ‘the Eucharist’, of which no one is allowed to partake but the ones who believe that the things which we teach are true” (Apology, chapter 66). The ritual service would also later be called “the Divine Liturgy,” and “the Mass.” The Lord Jesus commanded His disciples to perform this ritual on the night on which He was betrayed. Before noon the next day, He would ...


Preparation for Holy Communion

Κατηγορίες: In English

This preparation incorporates a series of supplications and a prayer by the priest which concludes with the words: ‘And count us worthy, Master, with boldness and without condemnation, to dare to call upon you, the God of heaven, as Father, and say’: ‘Our Father Who are in heaven…’ In this prayer, there are three wishes, which were expressed in an older form of English in the optative mood: ‘Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done’, meaning ‘May your will be hallowed, may your kingdom come and may your will be done on earth as in heaven’. Then we have the imperative; we tell God what to do. ‘Give us today our daily bread’. Now, it must be ...


Moth-eaten virtues (Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Vainglory is the thief of spiritual riches. It doesn’t only destroy good works but also becomes a guide for evil ones. It undermines the foundations of the greater virtues. It’s the moth that eats away at everything we have with pleasure, which coats the poison of its deception with honey, thus filling people’s minds from this disastrous chalice.


Journey of a Young Artist: The Seeds of “The Mystery of Art” (Jonathan Jackson)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Whoever wants to become a Christian, must first become a poet. — Saint Porphyrios When I was young, they brought me to Babylon And the night hung over my head The smoke came into my dreams In the valley of dry bones It was under the skies of Babylon Where my soul fell in love with God My eyes were seared and my blood was bruised But I was hidden within a song All around were the sounds of Babylon But all I heard, were the hymns of heaven It was under the skies of Babylon Where my soul fell in love with her I was barely coming clean and she had already seen A war on her innocence I spoke of the Christ underneath the clouds And woke her from the sleep ...


Abba Dorotheos: Instruction 11 (Abba Dorotheos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

115. It happened that a great Elder was with his disciples in a place where there were all kinds of cypresses, large and small. He said to one of his disciples: ‘Pull up that little cypress plant’. It was very small and the monk had no difficulty in pulling it up with one hand. Then the Elder indicated another, bigger than the first, and said ‘Pull that one up as well’. After giving it a shake, the monk used both hands to uproot it. He then pointed to another, even bigger, and the monk uprooted that, too, though with more effort. The Elder then pointed to another one, even bigger. The monk shook it hard and expended much effort and ...
