
Ξένες γλώσσες


Κατηγορίες: In English

The innermost spiritual sense of Orthodox Monasticism is revealed in joyful mourning. This paradoxical phrase denotes a spiritual state in...


Private club? (Abbot Tryphon)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We must invite our friends and neighbors to "taste and see" the great treasure that is Orthodoxy, for it is our responsibility, as Christians, to reach out in kindness, and with a welcoming smile, when we see strangers enter our temples. Sts Cyril and Methodius Two Byzantine brothers, Saints Cyril and Methodius, brought Orthodox Christianity to the Slavs in the ninth century. The brilliance of Eastern Orthodox missionary outreach, as opposed to that of the Latin Church, was in the very use of the vernacular. These great saints who became known as the Apostles to the Slavs, left the Slavs with a liturgical language that was understandable to them. The services were not imparted in the Greek language, as though it ...


It’s actually a comfort (Elder Cleopa Ilie)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Pain is sent from heaven for our salvation, to test us, for the forgiveness of our sins and for our spiritual progress, so long as we accept it gladly, as coming from the hand of God, as the Prophet David says: ‘Your rod and your staff have comforted me’ (Ps. 22, 5). So the rod and staff of pain bring comfort to good and faithful Christians and bring them progress in their good actions. They cleanse them from their sins and make them worthy of a greater crown and reward in heaven. For the wicked, the rod of pain is an invitation to repent, it’s a punishment in place of other punishment and a rein on them, because they don’t ...


Saint Gregory Palamas (2nd Sunday in Lent) – A Christian Existentialism (Fr. John Meyendorff)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In its opposition to Barlaamite nominalism, Palamite thought is a solemn affirmation of divine immanence in history and in man. God does not reveal Himself to the world only “through creatures” but directly, in Jesus Christ. We have all, all of us, known the Son by the Father’s voice speaking to us from on high (Matt. 3: 16-17) and the Holy Spirit himself, who is unutterable light, has shown us that this is indeed the well-beloved of the Father; the Son himself has manifested to us the name of his Father and as he ascended again into heaven promised to send us the Holy Spirit to abide with us forever (John 14:16); the Holy Spirit himself has come down to us ...


Love Keeps Evil Away (Fr. Cornel Todeasa)

Κατηγορίες: In English

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,” and “your neighbor as yourself.” Icon of Crucifixion (God's Love) Passing through the country of Gadarenes, our Lord came across a young man who had been taken over by a “legion” of devils for a long time. The Gospel says that the evil “often seized him, and he was kept under guard, bound with chains and shackles; but he broke the bonds and was driven in the wilderness” (Luke 8: 29). He was a danger to the people in the town and also to himself, for “he wore no clothes, nor did he live in a house ...


What is love? (Elder Efraim Vatopaidinos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Today they present love as a social relationship, as a social virtue. This is a mistake. Love isn’t a social virtue. Love is the fruit of the Holy Spirit and is achievable only insofar as we love God. And we communicate properly and truly with other people only when we first communicate properly with God.


The Journey to God begins with the First Step (Abbot Tryphon)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Confession The spiritual struggle that is required of us can not depend on having a spiritual father. Most Orthodox Christians do not have one, and the average parish priest is not equipped, either with the time, nor the inclination, to take on the role of spiritual father to members of his flock. Just carrying the load as rector, preacher, councilor, confessor, teacher, CEO, and priest, can be an overwhelming burden to the average cleric. Add to the above duties, the obligation a priest has to his wife and family, and you have the potential for burnout. Is it any wonder so many priests get that glazed look on their faces when someone approaches with spiritual questions that would require more ...


How to explain death to a child (Maria Dimitriadou, Pedagogue)

Κατηγορίες: In English

According to Fr. Symeon Venetsanos ‘the spiritual or moral awakening of a child occurs gradually, depending on the degree of maturity, readiness ad receptiveness of the child concerned’. Some children will become aware early, others normally and others again rather later, even if they’re subject to precisely the same stimuli. In each case, the people in the children’s environment should respect each child separately, not exert pressure and, in the case of premature questions, should not assume that the child is ready to accept more mature answers. It should be remembered that they’re still children. So teaching about death should begin with children’s first questions about it, which will be prompted by the stimuli and experiences which they’ve encountered in their ...


Boldly (Saint Isaac the Syrian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Trust your courage to God and don’t start any good work in two minds, because this leads to enfeeblement. Your efforts are no use and the task of your spiritual improvement is burdensome. Begin the good fight with boldness and unwavering faith in God.


Children’s perception as a basic success factor in teaching (Christina Tsaka, Kindergarten teacher)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Assessment It is useful that the children learn the value of the Saints and the things they offered to society and to the people through their miracles. This is the reason why this subject was chosen to be taught to pre- schoolers. In the end, the teaching results were both positive and negative. First of all, the cognitive level of the particular school class was good enough for the teaching to “flow smoothly”. The subject chosen began being taught and was completed with consistency, and the curriculum designed to be taught was well adapted to the children’s level. I personally believe that the terms used were fairly incomprehensible for pre- schoolers, however they surprised me by thinking about them and finally managing ...


From ashes to beauty (Deacon James Bryant)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The synergy of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge functioning together is set forth many times in both the Old and New Testaments. Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, implicit in all three of these words in their root meanings are the connotations of right and wrong, character, and discernment between good and evil. The thread of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge runs through both the Old and New Testaments “And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship.” (Ex 31:3) In the words of Exodus, the artist is invested with wisdom, understanding and knowledge. What is the significance of these three attributes? They are the basis of the creative process, of how ...


Fatherhood in the Church is fatherhood of ineffable humility (Metropolitan Amfilhije (Radović) of Montenegro and the Littoral)

Κατηγορίες: In English

How does the Church present this fatherhood to people and how does it teach them about it in such a way that it once again projects the sanctity of a life which has not been destroyed by egotism, and also so that people can be reborn through spiritual birth into eternal life? Its whole being speaks of it, as does the whole of its methodology and its theanthropic attitude to people and to the world. Fatherhood in the Church, whether it’s the paternity of God, the charismatic paternity of the Prophets, the Apostles, the holy Fathers or the spiritual father, isn’t a fatherhood of authority, tyranny or domination of the human conscience and soul, but fatherhood in the pangs of ...


Witnessing History: The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church (Book Excerpt) (Evagelos Sotiropoulos, political scientist, freelance columnist)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Orthodox Church will celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy tomorrow and commemorate the restoration of the holy icons as decreed by the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council in 787. In 2014, a Synaxis of Primates convened and chaired by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at the Phanar during the first week of Great Lent concluded on the Sunday of Orthodoxy. It was then that a final unanimous decision was taken by the heads of the autocephalous Orthodox churches to convene a Holy and Great Council in 2016 (and reaffirmed by all local churches in January last year). Following the 2014 Synaxis, I wrote an article, “The Sunday of Orthodoxy at the Great Church of Christ,” in which I described the historic ...


This is their betrayal (Saint Symeon the New Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

People who are ambitious, who love the flesh and money, can’t bear any threat, any ridicule, any disdain on the part of other people, any deprivation or financial loss. This is why they betray the heavenly and the eternal for the earthly and the temporary. For the sake of the passing, they lose the enduring. For things that are worth nothing, they lose their salvation.


‘This is the faith of the Apostles, this is the faith of the Fathers, this is the faith of the Orthodox, this is the faith which has supported the whole world’ (Rafael Ch. Misiaoulis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

On the first Sunday of Great Lent, our Church celebrates the triumph of Orthodoxy, of the true faith, which has overcome all heresies and has been established once and for all. This is why it’s called the Sunday of Orthodoxy. The word ‘Orthodoxy’ doesn’t refer to any particular system, or any folk tradition or art. Orthodoxy is ‘right thinking’*, the right faith in God. It’s the Church, the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. It’s the body of Our Lord. The definition of the Church was given to us by its Founder Himself, the Lord, through the voice of Saint Paul, who, in his letter to the Ephesians reveals that: ‘… And he has made him the head over all things ...


The legitimate struggle (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When John the Forerunner was in jail, he sent two of his disciples to ask Christ: “Are you the one who was to come or should we expect someone else? Jesus replied: Go back and report to John what you hear and see: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear the dead are raised and the good news is preached to the poor” (Matthew 11, 4-5). Historically these cures have been performed to those who were ailing, but they also have acquired a different meaning in the wider context of the Scriptures. The ailments of our nature symbolize the passions of the soul, where the law of corruption resides.  There are ...


The practical expression of Love towards the Lord (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

(On the feast day of Saint Paul of Thebes and John Kalyvitis)           Our Church honours the two great saints, Paul of Thebes and John Kalyvitis. Their life stories are a little strange but quite fitting for us, monks. The former was among the first people to become monks, since he had truly forsaken the world and went to the desert all alone. Both lived alone with the Lord, something which was unheard of those days and rare. In a sense they were the pioneers of this way of life. The latter, (John Kalyvitis) lived later than Paul. He was a young child when he left home to become a monk, burning with zeal. A few years later, he left his ...
