
Ξένες γλώσσες

Red eggs, traditional method (James W. Lillie)

Κατηγορίες: In English

On Lazarus Saturday, I realized I couldn’t find my copy of the services for Great Week, so, naturally, I went down to the local supermarket and bought another copy. This ease of access to Church supplies (charcoal, wicks, incense, televised services for the sick and so on) is one of the many advantages of living in an Orthodox country. Another is that the same supermarket, or, indeed, any grocery store, will stock packets of dye for colouring eggs at Easter. In some Orthodox countries, eggs are dyed a variety of colours, but in Greece they’re usually red. There are a large number of explanations for this, none of which is particularly convincing. When you read, for example, that the tradition ...


Repentance, as I learned it from contemporary Saints and Elders (Part 3) (Andreas Christoforou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

I saw Saint Païsios on a good number of occasions between 1979 and 1994, when he departed this life. Except for one time, I never asked him a question, but he always spoke to me and taught me. In 1990, Yorgos and I arrived at the Panagouda . He welcomed us hospitably and took me by the arm, pulling me gently to the side, away from my friend. He looked me in the eye and said: ‘Listen, Andreas. First comes your relationship with God, Whom you should love with all your heart, which means keeping His commandments within you. Then you should love your wife as Christ loved the Church. To love means to repent and to forgive. As a married man, always bear in mind ...


The end of the fast and the ‘air’ of asceticism (Nikolaos Koios, Member of the Editorial Board, Pemptousia, Assistant Professor, AEATh)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Having completed the forty days that bring profit to our soul, we beseech You, in Your love for us: May we behold the Holy Week of Your Passion that in it we may glorify Your majestic works and ineffable dispensation for us, singing with one mind, ‘Lord glory to You’. Great Lent has come to an end. It’s an event which cannot but move all consciously-striving Christians, whatever the level of their spiritual life. Even those who’ve found the fast difficult and can hardly wait for it to be over, or those who’ve grown weary of the frequent services, have, at least to some extent, experienced the ascetic atmosphere of the Church. In any case, the liturgical and festal order of ...


WATCH LIVE the Services of Holy and Great Week

Κατηγορίες: In English

In collaboration with the website  www.agiazoni.gr, PEMPTOUSIA and OCN will provide live streaming on a daily basis of the Services of Holy and Great Week from the church of Ayia Zoni (the Holy Girdle of the Mother of God), Patisia, Athens, Greece. The “live” services of the Holy Week will be available at: OCN’s facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/MyOCN PEMPTOUSIA’s facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/pemptousiacom AYIA ZONI’s Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/agiazoni.gr HOLY WEEK LIVE STREAMING SCHEDULE  Palm Sunday 7:30 pm – Bridegroom Service (O Nymfios) Holy Monday 7:30 pm – Bridegroom Service (O Nymfios) Holy Tuesday 7:30 pm –  Bridegroom Service (O Nymfios) Holy Wednesday 7:30 pm – Last Supper with the Sacrament of Holy Unction Holy Thursday 7.00 pm – The Holy Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Reading of the 12 Gospels  and Procession of the Cross with the Crucified Christ Holy Friday Morning 8.00 – 10.00 pm – Great and Holy Hours 10.00 – ...


They change their method (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The demons usually fight against us in a particular way, but this isn’t an absolute because they’re well aware that they can achieve our downfall by other means of attack. They usually fight with some sort of order, but this isn’t permanent. All they need is to see any opportunity at all, be it natural or acquired, or any crack that will give access for them to strike.


Repentance, as I learned it from contemporary Saints and Elders (Part 2) (Andreas Christoforou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Then you can forgive others, as we said above. So you receive the remission of sins in prayer first and this is necessary so that you can go to your spiritual guide for confession and to receive forgiveness from the Church. Then you’ll also receive it from holy communion. In this way the remission of sins is completed: repentance in prayer, confession and holy communion You’ll receive it in prayer because you’re baptized and repent. Don’t we say: ‘I confess one baptism for the remission of sins?’ In confession you receive it from the priest and at holy communion you receive it from Christ, Who is united with you through His Body and Blood. The remission of sins is given with baptism, confession and holy ...


All work is good (Elder Iakovos Tsalikis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

So long as we work for our bread, it doesn’t matter what our job is. Of Adam’s sons, one was a farmer the other a herdsman. All occupations are good, so long as we remain close to God. Saint Paul, in order not to eat bread without having earned it, worked with his hands. He made tents. And the great saints of our Church also worked. Christ Himself also worked in a carpenter’s shop. He was God and Human, but He still worked. Work is always a virtue for people.


The Theology of Gender – 9. St. Basil the Great (Sofia Matzarioti-Kostara)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The whole series can be read here: The Theology of Gender St. Basil the Great was indeed a great figure in the history of Christianity, a charismatic hierarch with significant contribution in various areas. With concern to our topic, we will examine the pastoral and canonical aspects of his multifarious work. The most important characteristic of his personality is that he had a tremendous education, rare for his time, and was an eloquent speaker. He was a master of oratory and law. His broad education makes his views on issues of law authoritative. Given, however, that St. Basil never wrote in order to satisfy his personal needs or to express abstract theories, but to offer pastoral guidance to his Christian flock ...


A Simple Approach to Reading the Entire Bible (Fr. John Whiteford)

Κατηγορίες: In English

There are some elaborate charts that tell you how you could read the Bible all the way through in one year -- which if you followed it, would be fine. However, I wonder how many people have ever followed such a chart all the way through, because it would require that you make regular reference to the chart, and remember where you were on the chart. On the other hand, many people simply open up the Bible at Genesis, and then get bogged down somewhere towards the end of Exodus and Leviticus, and then quit. One method I would suggest is much simpler to follow, and if you do, you not only will read the Bible all the way through in about ...


The Theology of Gender – 8. St. John Chrysostom (Sofia Matzarioti-Kostara)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The whole series can be read here: The Theology of Gender Throughout the history of Christianity many voices from the Church rose to protest the established order of society. It is obvious in the patristic writings that the Fathers many times tried to defend the equality of man and woman, demonstrating that discrimination was a problem at all ages. St. Gregory the Theologian, in a revolutionary way, expressed his disapproval to the discriminatory laws against women, saying: “men were the lawmakers, therefore the legislation was against women.” Theodoretus of Cyrus, in the fifth century, stressed the inequality with which the human law treats transgressions of men and women: «for human law compels women to prudent behavior and punishes them when they ...


Repentance, as I learned it from contemporary Saints and Elders (Andreas Christoforou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

I was fortunate enough to know personally quite a few of the contemporary Saints and Elders at the time when I was exploring the way of the spiritual life. What, in practice, is the path to being cured of our sins and passions, so that we ask for love for God and our neighbour? I’d heard and read that, in order to love God with all our heart, we have to pass through the stages of purification, enlightenment and deification, as these are taught by the Gospels, the Fathers and the sacred Tradition of our Orthodox Church. I read many Lives of the saints, but really needed to be taught by the contemporary holy fathers who were well-known at that time: Saint Porfyrios, ...


He opened all the gates (Saint Nicholas Velimirovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Sin clipped the wings of Adam and his descendants and so all of us were separated from God. The very clay from which we were made blinded us. Christ was the first Adam and the first Human, the first-born of the whole of creation and He was also the first Who ascended into heaven on spiritual wings, to the throne of eternal glory and power. He walked the path towards heaven and opened every gate to all of the faithful who have spread their spiritual wings, just as the eagle shows eaglets how to fly, or the first swallow flies in front of the flock, both to show them the way and to reduce the wind resistance.


Cross Purposes on Empty Chapels & Symbols of Faith (Fr. John Parker)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The first time I visited the sacristy of the Wren Chapel at the College of William and Mary, where the chapel’s brass cross now resides out of sight of the visitor, I waited there, dressed in black, sweaty palmed, being reminded to breathe, sequestered till the arrival of my bride at the west end of the chapel. On cue, I departed the colonial room and followed the priest, along with my three groomsmen, to the small but unmistakably English altar, which still faces ad orientem, one reminder of the age of the chapel. For the second visit, a few years later, I was also dressed in black, though this time under my festal white vestments. I was the celebrant of someone ...
