
Ξένες γλώσσες

The Hope of “the Servants of the Lord” While Crossing the “Desert” (Metropolitan Silouan of Buenos Aires and all Argentina)

Κατηγορίες: In English

“Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not strive, nor cry aloud; neither shall any one hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory. And in his name shall the Gentiles hope” (Matthew 12: 18-21) This prophecy summarizes the life of this “servant” whom God “chose” and in whom His “soul is well pleased.” He is the chosen vessel of His “Spirit,” His Word “to the nations” revealing His love and His will, the Icon per excellence of faithfulness to the ...


The Recumbent Lion (Theodore Rokas)

Κατηγορίες: In English

This is an iconographical type , which represents Christ as a young child, recumbent on a cradle or cot, and symbolizes the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecy in verses 9-12 of chapter 49 of the book of Genesis. In these, the patriarch Jacob pronounces the prophecy which has to do with the tribe of Judah, from which will come the Messiah, and in this way foretells His advent, passion and resurrection. Christ Anapeson. Fresco by Emmanuel Panselinos, 14th Century, Mount Athos According to this narrative, as Jacob was nearing the end of his life, in Egypt, where he had gone to find his lost son, Joseph, (Gen. 46, 28-34), he sensed that death was at hand and so he called his ...


Why was the stone rolled away from the entry to the tomb? (Elder Epifanios Theodoropoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

There can hardly be any Christian believer who doesn’t know that an angel descended from heaven and rolled away the stone from the entry to the tomb where the Creator of life lay dead, without breath. Very few, however really know why the stone was rolled away. Most people confuse two things which are independent of each other: the Lord’s exit from the tomb and the rolling away of the stone. In other words, they think that the angel came down and rolled away the stone so that the Lord could emerge, that when He did so there was an earthquake which terrified the guards to such an extent that they ‘became as if dead’. This is not only what ...


An eye for an eye (Levit. 24, 20-21). Is Mosaic law retaliatory? (Archimandrite Theofilos Lemontzis, D. Th.)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Supporters of rough justice often quote Mosaic Law, which is concerned with retaliation, with ‘an eye for an eye’ (Ex. 21, 23-25; Levit. 24, 20-21; Deut. 19, 18-21). But what is the meaning of these particular ordinances? Do they really impose retaliation and revenge? To answer this question we need to examine the judicial system and the social environment at the time when these rules were formulated. The law of retaliation, (Jus talionis), which was well-known in antiquity, can be found in any number of the ordinances in the code of Hammurabi, such as the following: ‘If a man destroy the eye of another man, they shall destroy his eye. If one break a man's bone, they shall break his ...


We’re endowed (Saint Basil the Great)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We came into existence from nothing. We were created in accordance with the image of our Creator. We’ve been endowed with intellect and knowledge, which give us the possibility of knowing God. And with these gifts, which we received from God at the time of our creation, we can gaze upon the beauty of creation and read it as if it were written in letters. In this way, we can understand God’s wisdom and His providence towards all His creatures.


Epitaphios of the Voivode Basile Lupu, 1651/2 (Maria Theocharis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Dimensions of icon with inscription: 184 x 166 cm. The epitaphios is of the narrative type which became usual from the time of the Fall of Constantinople, following the introduction into the service of the short hymns called  encomia. It bears a depiction of the dead Christ lying in the larnax surrounded by the figures of the Epitaphios Threnos (Lamentation for the Dead Christ) and usually has these words inscribed on it. However, in the monastery workshops the litur­gical character of the ornament was not entirely discarded. The two types - liturgical and narrative - were amalgamated, as here, and in many cases the prophets were added on the border. These, together with the Evangelists, who appeared in the corners, symbolise ...


The Cross as a Means of Sanctification and Transformation of the World (Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Through the Cross, Christ sanctified His body- the link with the world. He rejected the temptations sent to Him by the world, that is to taste the pleasures, to satisfy His needs unrestrained or to avoid pain and death. If we, in the same way, ward off the temptations of sin and patiently suffer the pain of death, sanctity can spread from His body to all bodies and throughout the world. The Orthodox Church doesn’t say that, through the Cross, Christ left the creation, but that He restored it to paradise- the paradise of virtue for those who, out of love for Him, accept His Cross. So the Cross is Christ’s power which, if we adopt it, can bring the world ...


The anger of the wise (Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Anger is the result of turbulence within the heart. When it’s directed by a wise mind and acts in accordance with it, when and how it should, it produces boldness, patience, and restraint. The anger of the wise is directed towards wickedness, injustice, falsehood, deceit, guile and, in general, everything that works towards evil.


The temptation of rough justice and the law of forgiveness (Archimandrite Theofilos Lemontzis, D. Th.)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Once people distanced themselves from God, inebriated by the mortal pleasure of Luciferian self-deification, and after Cain, motivated by envy and jealousy, murdered his brother Abel, down this day and age and until the end of the age ‘wickedness has accompanied human nature as rust does copper or filth the body’, as Saint Anthony the Great teaches. Human nature remains the same. We may have achieved some remarkable technological advances, but, ‘the darkness of hell is an integral part of the whole of human existence’, since ‘the earthly atmosphere emits the stench of blood. We’re all fed, on a daily basis, with news about murders or the torture of the defeated in internecine warfare. Dark clouds of hatred hide the ...


Seven meanings of the Cross (Michael Bressem, Ph.D.)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The symbol of the cross is ubiquitous in society. It is printed on bumper stickers and tattooed on forearms; it is spray painted on concrete walls and stitched onto denim jackets; it adorns the necks of gangsta rappers as well as scantily clad models. Is the cross merely a fashion statement, a cultural icon, a religious trademark, or is it something more? The cross is the third most celebrated subject in the Orthodox Church calender—the first two being the life of our Lord and the life of the Theotokos. The cross is commemorated on the feast day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (14 September), on the feast day of the Veneration of the Holy Cross (the third Sunday in ...


A Review of “The Passion of the Christ” (Frederica Mathewes-Green)

Κατηγορίες: In English

I haven’t written a public review of "The Passion" because my feelings are so mixed. I am so glad for all the people who are having their faith strengthened and renewed, or even finding faith for the first time. I don’t want to puncture that. A friend at my church saw it once, wanted to see it a second time, then read a negative review ("the characters were flat", etc). She decided not to see it again. That’s sad. When people get disappointed with the film I think it has to do with what Coleridge called the "willing suspension of disbelief." What people are enthralled by is the Lord Jesus Christ. When their enthusiasm begins to dip is when the notice that ...


In the Middle East, death is defeated on the Cross (Dimitrios Athanasiou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In recent years, particularly after the uprising among the Arab peoples, with the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ after 2011, Christians in the Middle East have been subjected to continuous persecution from Islamist organizations in countries in the region. Photo: www.briefingnews.gr About three years ago, on 29 June 2014, the Islamist organization ‘Islamic State’ proclaimed the foundation of the Caliphate in regions of Iraq and Syria. Since then, the hardships endured by the Christian minorities in the Arab world have been very considerable. Particularly since the occupation of areas in Iraq, Islamic State fighters have abducted clergymen and nuns, and have given Christians in the region a 48-hour deadline to leave their homes. At the same time, monstrous crimes have been committed against ...


A brief journey through the events of Christ’s Crucifixion and Resurrection (Fr. Michael Kardamakis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

All of the events of Holy Week represent an attempt by man, in his freedom to love, to share in the sacrificial love of God, that is to say, the mystery of salvation, by following the rigorous spiritual discipline of the Church. This discipline does not consist in the Pharisaic observance of certain commandments, but is rather ‘a mother of sanctity, from which is born the first experience of perception of the mysteries of Christ’. Holy Week, the week of Our Lord’s Passion, which reaches a climax on Easter Sunday, the Sunday of Our Lord’s Resurrection, is celebrated by the Church as a Pascha of suffering and victory, and is sung by its vigilant members as a Paschal ode, as a ...


Keep Vigil

Κατηγορίες: In English

Forty days had come to a close. I remember them as one, how the weight of sleep had a habit of overtaking the light of day, how the light of a candle overcame the dark of night. A mother always remembers those forty days as if they were but one. And the evening and the morning were one day. Those forty days, they’re a muddled scrawl upon the pages of my memory. Having come to the end of them, I ventured out with a small babe swaddled tight and carried him for the first time beyond the entrance of our home. That was the day I walked a boy-child across the threshold of the narthex, placed him in the arms of ...
