
Ξένες γλώσσες

Creating a Christian Environment in the Home (Abbot Tryphon)

Κατηγορίες: In English

  Creating a Christian home begins with the icon corner. The bright corner becomes the center for every domestic church, where the family devotions take place. This is also the family's way of declaring to visitors that this is a Christian home, where Christ is head. Because the husband is a sort of domestic priest (the priesthood of all believers), it is important that he be the one who leads the entire family in prayer. Each member of the family should have their own patron saint's icon. A wonderful practice from ancient times is to have a family icon written so that all their patron saints are represented in the same icon. The family should try as best they can to have dinner ...


They’re ringing the alarm bell (Metropolitan Athanasios of Lemessos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

You have to understand other people, where they’re coming from, how they act, how they think, what powers they have. In marriage, especially, you have to sit and listen to the other person, and come out of yourself. When someone talks to you and rings the alarm bell in their own way, you should not only listen, but interpret the messages which are hidden behind the words of the other person.


Water Crisis (Abbot Tryphon)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Our world is facing a water crisis that will likely see water replace oil as the basis for many wars throughout the world. The recent extreme drought in the State of Texas, with many ranchers being forced to sell off their cattle and fires raging out of control, demonstrates the fragility of our planet. The amount of water required to produce food for the animals we eat is five hundred times more than the amount that would be consumed should we turn to eating only vegetarian diets. The increased use of groundwater has been compared to withdrawing money from a bank account without ever paying anything into it. Using up irreplaceable groundwater without depending on rainwater and surface water causes aquifers ...


The Theology of Gender – 20. The feminist movement (Sofia Matzarioti-Kostara)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The whole series can be read here: The Theology of Gender The spreading of the feminist movement deeply influenced all aspects of social life, and also the theology of many of the churches that came out of the Reformation. Feministic theology collectively questioned the way the Bible addresses the issue of gender and raised questions about whether to call God Father or Mother, and the gender of Jesus. The foundation for this occurrence is the rejection by those Christians of the Church’s teaching and tradition, due to the theory that these are products of the patriarchal societies of the Judaic and Christian era. Although these extreme theological inclinations were never adopted by Orthodox theology, some Orthodox women feel as if they ...


Easter on the Holy Mountain (K. Leontiev)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The asceticism in most of the Greek monasteries on the Holy Mountain throughout Lent, which is unimaginable if you’re unprepared for it, even if you’re a believer, reaches the point where, at times, it’s too terrifying to comprehend. Even on ordinary days, the divine services are, from a worldly point of view, excessively long and unnecessarily frequent, but in Lent they fill almost the whole day and the night, while the restrictions on food reach the absolute limit. During the first week, for example, and during Great Week, only the singers are given a slice of bread once or twice a day- I don’t remember which- so that they’ll have the strength to chant. ‘Vegetables and more vegetables’ in the refectories of ...


Cultivating Inexpressible Joy (Fr. Josiah Trenham)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Loneliness God is joy.  Secular life is sorrow.  For forty years, as though the presence of God were a toxin in our culture, schools and public square, many of America’s leaders have been zealously working to detoxify our land.  Not surprisingly, the more secularized we have become the more sorrowful we have become. Now here is an amazing disconnect.  Why is it that Americahas never been so Christian and yet so joyless?  A greater percentage of our population identifies itself as Christian than at any time in our nation’s history, yet we are by all observable phenomena radically depressed.  How are we to explain such an anomaly?  The normal state of internal affairs for Christians is expressed by St. Peter, “Jesus ...


Metropolitan Sotirios Visits the Hellenic Home for the Aged

Κατηγορίες: In English

Sts. Cyril and Methodios, Enlighteners of the Slavs – Patron Saints of the Hellenic Home for the Aged in Toronto The Hellenic Home for the Aged in Toronto has two locations, one in west Toronto and the other in east end of the city. The parish in east Toronto, located inside the nursing home, is dedicated to Sts. Cyril and Methodios, Enlighteners of the Slavs. On May 10th, the eve of the feast of Sts. Cyril and Methodios, a Hierarchical Great Vespers was held there. Great Vespers was presided by His Eminence Metropolitan Sotirios, assisted by Fr. G. Nikiforakis (Parish Priest), Fr. C. Socosan (Parish Priest of the Holy Unmercenaries Church at the other Hellenic Home location), along with other clergymen. Since the ...


GRIBOI’s 27th Annual Conference

Κατηγορίες: In English

It is our pleasure to invite you to GRIBOI’s 27th annual conference, In Athens, Greece from 18-20 May 2017. For many years the GRIBOI association, under M. Bohner’ s successful presidency, has been bringing together the Basic Sciences in Chemistry, Bioengineering and Biocompatibility, in collaboration with Medical Doctors from Interventional Radiology, Neurosurgeons and Orthopedics, allowing us as a group to step into the future of new biocompatible devices and materials for percutaneous interventions. Our 2017 meeting will be held in partnership with the “Hellenic Society of Nanotechnology in Health Sciences” aiming to focus upon three major pillars: Interdisciplinary Collaboration, Image Guided Therapy and Injectable Materials. We want to enhance your experience in the world of existing solutions, but also explore potential future materials in ...


‘I am He Who is speaking to you’ – Part 2 (Rafael Ch. Misiaoulis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In a homily on the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, the shepherd of Thessaloniki, Saint Gregory Palamas, mentions that, from the moment that Jesus confessed that He is the Christ, the woman immediately became completely committed to spreading the Gospel, leaving everything behind and bringing many of the Samaritans to Jesus Christ. And so, the rest of her luminous life as Saint Foteini was stamped with her martyrdom and her love for Our Lord Jesus Christ. In the case of the Samaritan woman, Jesus first brought her to an awareness of her sinfulness, revealed to her that He knew the secrets of her heart, illumined the dark points of her life and then created an internal crisis of conscience within ...


Confession, Good for the Soul (Frederica Mathewes-Green)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Does being a Christian mean always having to say you’re sorry? When outsiders look at the Roman Catholic rite of confession (now more often termed "reconciliation"), they suspect it is driven by feelings of masochistic self-hatred, and sustained by claims of sacerdotal magic. Why should we have to spend this life groveling over sins, if Jesus already paid for them on the Cross? Why should we speak sins out loud to another person, when it could remain between us and the bedpost? And why should we believe that a priest stands between us and God, forgiving or retaining our debts as he chooses? Two new books from Roman Catholic authors attempt to make the case for regular sacramental confession. Scott Hahn, ...


The Theology of Gender – 19. The Letter and Spirit of the Canons (Sofia Matzarioti-Kostara)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The whole series can be read here: The Theology of Gender The examination and interpretation of the canons should be done in consideration of overall legislation. St. Basil and all the Fathers do not act as individuals in the name of their own will, but as persons that are in communion with God, therefore they express the consciousness of the Church. The experience of the Church on issues of spiritual guidance and assistance for Christians is compacted in the canonical tradition, which is part of the Holy Tradition. Still, according to Romanides, the way of interpreting and using the canons can be dangerous for the spiritual life of people, if he who applies the canons is not qualified for this demanding ...


What is the difference between an orthodox person and a convert? (Fr. Stephen Powley)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Cradle Orthodox You no doubt mean someone who is born into an Orthodox family and is baptized as an infant versus someone who converts to the Orthodox Faith from some other religion. As far as the Orthodox Church is concerned there is no difference. They are both members of the Holy Orthodox Faith and have the opportunity to grow toward Theosis and salvation through a Sacramental life of faith. Both of these individuals have positive and negative possibilities for their spiritual lives. On the positive side, a cradle Orthodox has the wonderful opportunity of growing in the Orthodox life and faith from their earliest years. They have the opportunity to partake in the Holy Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ ...


‘I am He Who is speaking to you’ (Rafael Ch. Misiaoulis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Christ has risen! The fifth Sunday after Easter and the Church presents us with the dialogue between the Lord and a Samaritan woman. This was a dialogue of real substance and a validity that will last throughout the ages, with a great deal to say to each of us. Christ goes to Samaria, to the town of Sychar, to the place where the patriarch Jacob had made a well: ‘And from the sons of Hamor, Shechem’s father, he bought for one hundred pieces of money the plot of land on which he had pitched his tent. There he erected an altar and called it El-Elohe-Israel ’. He later gave this piece of land to his son, Joseph. So when Jesus went and ...


Mother’s Day and the Church (Petros Panayiotopoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Mother’s Day today and children all over the world take the opportunity to remember and honour their mother. There are also a good number of cynics who view the adoption of the ‘feast’ as a phenomenon of naked commercialization, while there are others who consider the sanctity of the role of the mother to be such that all the days of the year should be dedicated to them, rather than one being singled out specially. On its part, the Church presents Our Lady as the pre-eminent mother figure and discreetly suggests that the Feast of the Reception of Christ (Candlemas, February 2) might be the best day for the person of the mother to be honoured. In our tradition, we also come ...


The powerful impediments (Elder Ephraim of Arizona)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Oh, how good God is. It’s right that my fellow-sinners should go to Hell for ignoring the infinite mercy of our heavenly Father. Although we err, as people, it’s difficult for us to say ‘I’ve sinned’. How can we do so when we -and I’m the worst at this- when we have a short memory, sloth, and pride as obstacles on the path to humility. Christ showed us, through the Cross, but, alas, we deliberately choose not to hear, much to our remorse.
