
Ξένες γλώσσες

The Moves to Transcend Idolatry in Ancient Philosophy and Modern Idolatries (Protopresbyter Nikolaos Loudovikos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

  The ancient Greeks came down into what became their territory at the beginning of the 2nd millennium B.C. They were an Indo-European tribe with a particular historical dynamism which would be strengthened by their encounter with indigenous, pre-Greek tribes, such as the Pelasgians and with those from Asia Minor, such as the Carians and Leleges, who had already created a striking culture. The Greek gods were cultural creations or composites, which would reach their height after the Mycenaean era, in Homer. Since this paper is not about Religious Studies, we shall simply note the generally agreed view among the experts that, even all-powerful Zeus included, these gods were, to a remarkable degree, creations made in the image and likeness of human ...


Sinful duplicity (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

People are often two-faced. They say one thing and have another in their heart and mind. This is something which often happens when they pray: although they understand the words and the meaning of the prayer, they don’t like what they’re saying. This means that they’re spiritually dead and are merely spouting words into the air.


Pentecost and Creation (Fr. Stephen Freeman)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Earth is a wondrous place – no matter where we go – how deep, how far, how high, how hot, how inhospitable – in this place we find life. Everywhere we look on our nearest neighbor – Mars – we find – no life. We want to find life. We hope to find life. We theorize life. But we have yet to find it. There is something about life, at least in our earthly experience, that isinexorable. Any individual case of life may be fragile, but life itself endures. In the Genesis account we are told that God blessed this planet and said: Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according ...


Official Documents of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church (Metropolitan of Toronto Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Today we celebrate the Great Feast of Holy Pentecost. Today, the tenth day after the Ascension and the fiftieth day after Pascha, we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit, Who showed “the fishermen as supremely wise” and Who called all men into unity. Today’s Feast also marks the one-year anniversary of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, which was convened by the Ecumenical Patriarchate and by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on the historic island of Crete in Greece last year on Pentecost (June 19th). As we recall this historic meeting of Orthodox primates and hierarchs, our Holy Metropolis is re-publishing all eight official documents of the Holy and Great Council in one convenient and easily accessible document. ...


Excerpt from Homily 41, On Pentecost. (Saint Gregory the Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

And He was promised by the mouth of Joel first, who said, ‘And it shall be in the last days that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh (that is, upon all that believe), and upon your sons and upon your daughters, and so on; and then afterwards by Jesus, Who was glorified , and returned glory to Him, just as He was glorified by the Father and glorified Him . How abundant this promise was . It confirms that the Holy Spirit will abide with the faithful for ever, and will remain with us, whether now with those who are worthy in the sphere of time, or afterwards with those who are counted worthy ...


Discourse on the Holy Spirit, that is, on Pentecost (Saint Gregory of Nyssa)

Κατηγορίες: In English

David always gives the most joyful meaning to feasts, tuning his dulcet harp to the requirements of the festival. So let this same prophet delight us on the great feast of Pentecost, too, picking out the melody of wisdom on the strings, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Let him speak to us through that divine melody, entirely appropriate to this feast: ‘Come let us raise our voices in joy to the Lord’. First we need to understand today’s gift and then we can use the right verse from the prophet to suit our purposes. Allow me, please, to clarify my sermon on this, insofar as I can, by putting things in order. The human race was misled in its ...


Whoever we are (Saint Gregory of Nyssa)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The passion of conceit is present in some form in almost everyone, which is why the Lord begins the Beatitudes with this point. He highlights the pride lurking in our character as another ancient evil. He enjoins us to imitate Him, Who of His own will became poor and Who is, in truth, blessed. In this way, we will draw down upon us a share in His bliss, since we’ll have become like Him by voluntarily becoming poor, insofar as we can and depending on who we are. Saint Paul tells us (Phil. 2, 5 ff). to be of the same mind as Christ, Who, although He is God, did not regard His equality as something to be exploited. Instead, ...


Sunday of Pentecost (Metropolitan Panteleimon of Antinoes)

Κατηγορίες: In English

After fifty days from our Lord's glorious Resurrection our Holy Orthodox Church celebrates Pentecost. This feast day is very important for all mankind, because it is the birthday of our Church. It is the day on which the Church, the Body of Christ, begins to function as the living organization in which one finds salvation. It is the day, on which Christ's promise, that He will send the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Holy Trinity, is fulfilled. It is the day, when the Holy Spirit appeared as tongues of fire and entered into the hearts of the Holy Apostles and the rest of the disciples opening their mind of understanding. It is the day, when God called all ...


Τhe Pentecost’s Saturday for Souls (Petros Panayiotopoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Our holy Church offers us another opportunity to remember and honor our dead people, our beloved persons who passed away, and all her members by whom we are in communion through God' s love and the grace from the sacraments, beyond this sense of time. To say it in other words, by this care we confirm the unity of triumphant and militant Church, at our common path to the Kingdom of God, as well as the solidarity of the Body of Christ beyond places, times, and even biological aspects of human existence. It is certainly true that in the life of the Church we can honor our deceased brothers and  fathers through many opportunities. From the daily prayer, our specific sequences ...


God’s Saving Mercy (Abbot Tryphon)

Κατηγορίες: In English

St John Chrysostom We are not compelled to love God, having been created with free will. God does not, nor can He, compel His creatures to love Him. Mutual love requires, by it's very nature, freedom to either respond in love, or not. Yet when we respond to God's love with love His mercy leads us into holiness, for entering into this relationship with our Creator transforms us, changes us. When we respond to God's offer to commune with Him, He changes us into His likeness. We were meant from the beginning to be in His image and likeness and our positive response to the invitation to enter into divine communion leads to holiness. Like Saint Paul we can say that ...


Christian Preaching in the Latin-speaking Patristic Tradition (Professor Dimitra Koukoura, School of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The same line was followed in the Greek-speaking tradition of preaching. In the 4th century, the sermons of the Church addressed to the people were composed in the Atticizing dialect, the only language that was taught . They were embellished by figures of rhetoric, and, in a meticulous, virtuoso, style of language, Scripture was interpreted by Scripture, expressing the spiritual experience of the people deriving from their participation in Christ’s glory. The structure of the homily followed the order of the text and interprets a sentence by including all the elements of the reading and by references to other passages in Scripture. This form was prevalent throughout the Greek-speaking East and, in general terms, is still practiced today. Its main ...


“Let us celebrate the feast of Pentecost” – Elder Stefanos of the Daniïleï Brotherhood (Elder Stefanos of the Daniïleï Brotherhood)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The late Elder Stefanos of the Daniïleï Brotherhood (Katounakia, the Holy Mountain) sings the wonderful hymn from Vespers on the Eve of Pentecost. This hymn encapsulates the ‘majestic and great mystery’, the advent of the Holy Spirit into the world. Tone 1 "Let us celebrate the feast of Pentecost and the coming of the Spirit, the appointed day of the promise, the fulfillment of hope. How majestic and great is the mystery. Therefore we cry aloud to You: Our Lord and Creator of all, glory to You". %audio%


A breast-plate for the faithful (Elder Filotheos Zervakos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We should pray to God every day, extensively, even when we’re walking along the street, when we’re working or when we go to bed to have a rest after a tiring day. We should glorify God for His work and ask for His mercy. Prayer and compunction are our weapons, the armor of the faithful against evil, which cannot breach it and causes it to leave empty-handed.


Credo (Clark Carlton, Author, Philosopher and Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

First council of Nicea The Westminster Confession of Faith-the principle doctrinal statement of English-speaking Calvinists-begins with an affirmation of the sole authority of the Holy Scriptures. Similarly, the London Confessions and all subsequent Baptist confessions of faith begin with an affirmation of belief in the authority of the Bible. Indeed, with very few exceptions‹the Lutheran Augsburg Confession being the most notable‹ Protestant confessions and creedal statements almost always begin with a statement affirming the authority of the Bible1. It is not an exaggeration to say that for Protestants, Evangelical Protestants, at any rate, the Bible is an object of faith. That is to say, Protestants do not merely believe what is written in the Bible; they believe in the Bible. For an ...


They don’t really work properly (Elder Sophrony of Essex)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If we trust our intuition on things of the utmost importance, then any and every mistake can be a threat and can even lead to our perdition. So it’s in this sense that you should be obedient to the experience of the ancient ascetics, which prevents us from relying on our intuition to such an extent. And what we should certainly do is overcome our self-confidence with a hard psychological and intellectual struggle. Our intuition would, indeed, be absolutely correct, if only we were saints. But if we haven’t attained to that sanctity, then our intuition won’t work properly, any more than our reason will.


When People Don’t Forgive (Abbot Tryphon)

Κατηγορίες: In English

There are people who insist on holding on to resentment, often inventing situations in their minds that never happened, justifying their bad behavior, and putting the blame on others. They see themselves as the abused party, always quick to take offense. Rarely are they able to have healthy relationships, for they are in reality, the abusers. Their world centers around them, and any attempt by others to appease them, only contributes to the anti-social behavior. Such behavior betrays a deep spiritual and psychological illness, one that is not easily healed. Such people feel empowered by making other people uncomfortable, and normal attempts at rapprochement often end in failure, for such people are always looking for ways to continue their control over ...
