
Ξένες γλώσσες

Archimandrite Zacharias (Zacharou) “Remember thy First Love” (Georgios I. Mantzaridis, Professor)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou, Publisher: Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist 2010 - ISBN: 1874679738. To the always impeccable series of publications from the Holy Monastery of Saint John the Baptist, in Essex, England, has been added another exceptional book, inspired by the late Elder Sophrony and written by his beloved spiritual child and the person who is continuing his work, Archimandrite Zacharias. This book sketches the three stages of the spiritual life, on the basis of the theology of Elder Sophrony. The introduction presents, in masterful fashion, the nature and evolutionary path of faith. Initial faith is not born of fear, but precedes fear and  then goes on to give birth to the beneficial fear of God which takes people’s hearts prisoner. Erroneous ...


Musical Manuscripts of Mt Athos & their Importance in Modern Research (Panagiotis Panagiotides)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Byzantine and post-Byzantine Musical Manuscripts of Mount Athos and their Importance in Modern Research* The year is 1907 and the place is Mount Athos. A young man of not more then twenty-five years of age named Henry Julius Wetenhall Tillyard visits the Holy Mountain for the first time. The purpose and interest of his visit is the study of the musical manuscripts of Mt. Athos in his quest to decipher the earlier phases of Byzantine music1. With this visit of Tillyard to Mt. Athos the modem phase of musicological study of Byzantine music is born. To appreciate the significance of this event even more, let us mention that today, with our modem means of transportation, the tlip from the city of Thessalonike ...


Reflections on the infallibility of European Man – Part II (Saint Justin Popovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

5. According to the mystical interpreter Saint John of Damascus, in the human world the God-man, Christ, is "the only thing new under the sun."2 Indeed, this eternal news applies not only to His Theanthropic Presence but also to His Theanthropic Work and His Theanthropic Body, the Church. And man also is always new, eternally new, ("a new creation") in his theanthro­pic newness, in all his theanthropic experiences on the road to salvation, to sanctification, to transfiguration, to theosis, to becoming like the God-man. In this terrestrial world everything ages and everything dies. St. Justin Popovich (right) together with Elder Cleopa of Romania - Chelije Monastery, 1977 Only the person who has embodied himself in the God-man and is becoming like ...


Monk Ioakeim Karyotis (1893-1988) (Elder Moses the Athonite)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The late Elder Ioakeim was a real Athonite. He loved the Mother of God, the Holy Mountain its history and the Athonite fathers. He was distinguished for his devotion to works, learning and virtue. He avoided care and verbosity. He was a forgotten, humble and good monk. His poverty gave him a rich heart. Fault was found with Elder Ioakeim, but he never found fault with anyone else. He was born Ioannis Balasis, in 1893, in the village of Dafni, in Kalavryta,  of devout parents who had many children. He was the oldest child of eight. As a child, his first words, in a weird and wonderful fashion, were “I’m going to be a monk”. After leaving school, he worked for ...


The Church pays medical science the honor due to it (George Mantzarides, Professor Emeritus of the Theological School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Despite this, we can’t ignore the value of medical science, which comes as a gift from God to comfort us in the sickness of our spiritual and bodily condition. Christ Himself came into the world as the doctor of our souls and bodies. His manifestation of the kingdom of God was marked by the cure of the sick. But the various cures which have been effected by saints in the world are recognized as being the result of God’s special grace. And typically these cures involve the completion of a bodily organ, as in the case of the man who was blind from birth and was healed by the Lord, but also the transplantation of a body part, such as ...


We have to descend (Metropolitan Athanasios of Lemessos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Although God is beyond description and approach in His essence, and could change everything with a single word, He came down to us and submitted Himself to the whole of the human condition: the humiliation, the suffering and death. He did all of this is order to come and meet us. He didn’t say: ‘Here I am. Come and meet me’. He came to us. What does this mean for our daily lives? That we should also get ourselves down to where our neighbours are, to meet them there and stop demanding that they should come and find us. We have to act as Christ did. He came and found us, not so that He would stay where we were, ...


The concordat between the Byzantine emperor & the Eastern Orthodox Church at 14th century (Norman Russell)

Κατηγορίες: In English

A new situation arose after the capture of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade in 1204. The emperor in Asia Minor had an important advantage over his rival in Western Greece because he had the patriarch with him. Working in concert, emperor and patriarch established Nicaea as the political and ecclesiastical capital of a reconstituted East Roman empire. In 1261 Michael VIII Palaeologus retook Constantinople. His entry into the city was more of a religious than a military occasion as he made his way on foot to Hagia Sophia preceded by the icon of the Hodegetria. Eleven years later, he issued a jubilant chrysobull to mark the occasion of the ‘apokatastasis of the Romans’, restoring valuable properties to Hagia Sophia and bestowing gifts ...


The best stronghold (Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Love for God is begotten from true faith, because people who genuinely love God would never consent to abandon this faith. Grass is better able to withstand fire than the devil can bear the flame of love. Love is a better defence than a wall and is more resilient than a diamond. Love isn’t human words and concepts, nor is it mere announcements and speeches, but rather it’s tangible care expressed through works.


Dualism Set Medicine Back in the West (Archbishop Lazar Puhalo)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In the first few centuries of the Christian era, medi­cine devel­oped more rapidly in the East than in the Latin West. The author of this paper presents the suggestion that, in great part, the differ­ence lies in the respective concepts of what actually constitutes the human person. While the Orthodox Christian Church was con­vinced of the unity of body and soul, which mutually comple­ment each other, the Latin West became influenced by the Gnostic  and Platonistic  concept of "dualism "— the idea of a radical dichotomy between body and soul in the human person. This Gnostic  idea tends to see an enmity between body and soul, indeed, between all matter and that which is said to be spiritual. It conveys the ...


Transplants and brain death (George Mantzarides, Professor Emeritus of the Theological School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Transplants have become part of everyday life in modern society. The positive and negative positions which have been expressed on them in ecclesiastical and theological circles have usually been of a fragmentary nature. The Orthodox Church has not yet taken a final decision on them. And any such position cannot be adopted by isolated individuals or committees attempting to base their views on its tradition, but will have to be at the behest of its universal conscience. The beginnings of transplants go back to ancient times. The ancient Egyptians already know how to make skin grafts. The first transplants of vital organs and human body tissue, however, took place in our own day. The first successful kidney transplant was completed in ...


In the hermitage of humility: the figure of an elder [2]

Κατηγορίες: In English

Returning to the subject of the Elder’s sermons. It was indeed a great spiritual pleasure to see him preach in church. His face would be transformed in a wondrous way, since the whole of his soul was invested in the sermon. He would actually often make some kind of witticism or would mention some very simple, everyday examples, at which people would laugh. His ultimate objective, besides people’s spiritual benefit, was not to be admired at all. Such was his humility. I remember him regularly mentioning the following simple example, as a way for the uneducated peasant farmers to understand the reason behind Christ’s incarnation: he used to say that there was someone who noticed some ants down a stream-bed ...


The Donation of Organs (Fr. Stanley Harakas)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Rapid advances in modern medicine have opened up vast new vistas in an effort to prolong human life and erad­icate disease. Most dramatic of these breakthroughs is the transplantation of vital organs from one person to another. Organ transplants are such a new phenomenom that they raise unique and never before encountered theological and ethical questions for our Orthodox faithful: Can we violate the bodily integrity of one person, in order to help another? Can we allow the deliberate "dismemberment" of a lifeless body or the "mutilation" of one living person for the sake of another? Or shall we permit an otherwise healthy person to die when an organ transplant can restore him to a fairly normal and reasonably extended ...


The Orthodox Christian Opportunity (Bradley Nassif, Ph.D.)

Κατηγορίες: In English

December 2012, Christianity Today magazine graciously provided a forum for me to answer a question I posed in the title of my article: “Will the twenty-first be the Orthodox century?” I answered, “Yes. The twenty-first will likely be a century that witnesses a theological rebirth of the Orthodox vision within Protestantism, regardless of whether or not the Orthodox Church itself grows numerically.” I explained the ways in which mainline and evangelical Christians are retrieving the Great Tradition of our Church as a resource for reconstruction and renewal. I documented evidence for the rise of a new kind of ecumenism that is basing itself on a revival of the ancient approach to worship and theological decision-making. However, there was one very important ...


The Feast of Feasts and the Triumph of Triumphs (K. Leontiev)

Κατηγορίες: In English

And further down the line, the return of doubting Thomas. No sooner had the reading finished than, suddenly, the bells started pealing mightily and at the same moment joyful shots were fired out in the courtyard. The monastery guards, in their kilts, were firing to the glory of God. Everything then quietened down for a minute or two: no bells, no shots, no shouts, no chanting… Everything became still all at once… Then within this sudden cessation of all the noise, there came, from within the church itself, from somewhere in its depths, a strange sound I’d never heard before, a very pleasant tinkling… metallic, but at the same time resembling large drops of water falling like notes of music… It ...
