
Ξένες γλώσσες

The Grandeur of the Mother of God [3] (Monk Arsenios of the Skete of Koutloumousiou, the Holy Mountain)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If we see that some saints enjoy greater glory than others, this is due to the fact they have even a little bit more of Christ’s humility within them, nothing else. There are saints who have astonishing ascetic achievements to their name, but have less glory than others who performed fewer ascetic feats and this is due to the amount of the blessed divine raiment. Forgive me, but the more I write about the blessed raiment of the divinity, which the Mother of God had in its entirety, I’m overcome with fear, because my unworthiness causes my hand to falter and it’s perfectly possible- indeed, this is the most likely circumstance- that it’s my own pride that’s motivated me to ...


Christianity and Ancient Art: Rupture or Dialogue? (2) (Ioanna Stoufi-Poulimenou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Typical of the ancient temples in this category (see part 1) is the case of the most important monument of Classical antiquity, the Parthenon. Its conversion into a Christian church possibly should be placed at the end of the 5th century or more likely to the period of Justinian. The ancient temple was converted into a three-naved basilica with the alterations necessary for Christian worship: to the west, the entry of the opisthonaos (rear inner porch) was the main entrance to the Christian church and the opisthonaos itself became the narthex; on the eastern side, the apse of the sanctuary was added to the pronaos (front inner porch) while the two-storey Doric colonnade of the sekos (interior) were used to ...


It doesn’t depend on education (Elder Sophrony of Essex)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Faith, the ability to believe, doesn’t depend in the first place on the degree of our education. In fact, in our own times, when there’s widespread education, we see that faith is dwindling, whereas, in essence you’d expect the opposite to be true. In other words, the more we learn, the greater the opportunities are to recognize the deep wisdom of the Creator of the world.


On sudden death (Archimandrite Ephraim, Abbot of the Vatopaidi Monastery)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Nowadays when science and technology are flying, when cultures converge and there is a crisis in values, even the word ‘death’ is avoided and anything reminiscent of it is ignored and discarded. Modern man views death as something negative and as a loss; we usually say for the departed: ‘We’ve lost him’. Whoever does not have the proper knowledge about this issue of death, he is trying to ignore it. Thus he lives an essentially neurotic life, drained of its true meaning. The arrest of cardiac function and or the death of the brain -namely the biological, clinical death- is not a natural state for man and it is not a condition which is in accordance with God’s pleasure. “God made ...


A Transition to Life: The Dormition of the Mother of God (Elder Ephraim of Arizona)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Every time we celebrate the Dormition of the Mother of God, it’s as if we’re having Easter – the Easter of the summer. Our Lady the Mother of God prepares Easter for us. A glorious crossing “from death to life”. A second Easter, holy spotless, life-giving for the human race, because today “the laws of nature are overcome”. “How the source of life goes towards life, passing through death”, says Saint John the Damascan. The death of the life-giving Mother of the Lord transcends the concept of death, so that it’s not even called death, but “dormition” and “divine transition” and an emigration and immigration towards the Lord. And even if it’s called death, it’s a life-bringing death, since it transports ...


The Responsibility of Love – 11th Sunday of Matthew (Archimandrite Ieronymos Nikolopoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

One of the features of our society is a sense of lawlessness. It’s a belief common to all that certain people get treated in a preferential way, that, while laws exists, they aren’t applied- or at least not equally- to everybody. At the same time it’s seen as ‘reasonable’, only to be expected in practice, for us to exploit whatever ‘opportunities’ we’re presented with in order to gain some benefit by any means available, even if it’s illegal or immoral. Meanwhile, people talk about morality all the time, in a condemnatory way, purely and simply to put the blame on other people and to avoid criticism or the consequences of their own actions. The most common excused offered is: ‘Well, ...


On sudden death (Archimandrite Ephraim, Abbot of the Vatopaidi Monastery)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Nowadays when science and technology are flying, when cultures converge and there is a crisis in values, even the word ‘death’ is avoided and anything reminiscent of it is ignored and discarded. Modern man views death as something negative and as a loss; we usually say for the departed: ‘We’ve lost him’. Whoever does not have the proper knowledge about this issue of death, he is trying to ignore it. Thus he lives an essentially neurotic life, drained of its true meaning. The arrest of cardiac function and or the death of the brain -namely the biological, clinical death- is not a natural state for man and it is not a condition which is in accordance with God’s pleasure. “God made ...


The Grandeur of the Mother of God [2] (Monk Arsenios of the Skete of Koutloumousiou, the Holy Mountain)

Κατηγορίες: In English

So humility which comes as a natural result after we sin, especially when these are mortal sins, is one thing, and the humility of Christ is another. For sinful people, humility’s absolutely necessary for them to stay alive, so that they won’t be swallowed up by the devil. The humility of Christ, on the other hand, is a divine garment, it’s magnificence, it’s power. And Our Lady had this divine raiment in its entirety, which is why the whole of creation bows down before her, even the heavenly powers. According to Saint Matthew the Evangelist, when the Lord went to the Jordan to be baptized by the Honourable Forerunner, the most formidable of our saints, after Our Lady, John would ...


It’s worth the effort (Elder Filotheos Zervakos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The devil has lots of traps he sets to catch people. So love, concord and peace are absent from the world, and, in their place pride, anger envy viciousness and prodigality dominate, with people having become lecherous. They tear each other to pieces, kill each other tell lies, and exploit others. And all this because enlightened teachers haven’t been found to teach them that it’s worth the effort to walk in the path of the Lord and thus become an example for others to follow in life.


Charity is a heart burning for the whole of creation (Protopresbyter Stefanos Anagnostopoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

. So if you have something to say, if you’re a good speaker, if you know how to present things and so on, then use this for the benefit and instruction of others, in all humility. And if you have the power of prayer, because you’ve got a pure heart, then, with lots of tears, put this at the disposal of those who are weaker than you. For the assistance of everybody. This is what Saint John tells us in his analysis of the Lord’s Beatitude, where He says ‘Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy’. What Saint John is saying is that the merciful (charitable) aren’t only those who give material goods, but also those who offer words of salvation, with ...


Christianity and Ancient Art: Rupture or Dialogue? [1] (Ioanna Stoufi-Poulimenou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When, in the fifth century, the space in Hadrian’s Library in Athens was divided equally between pagans and Christians, the relations between what appeared to be the two flourishing communities in the city were defined both in practice and symbolically. The renovated wings were given to the pagan Sophists and the courtyard to the Christians to build an important church, the well-known Christian tetraconch (fig.1). The church was probably the first metropolitan church in Athens, later called “The Great Panayía (Mother of God). An act certainly of political diplomacy, directed and funded either by the eparch of Illyricum, Herculius (408-12), or by the native Athenian empress Evdokia, doubtless led to everyday co-existence and symbiosis for the two groups on a ...


Limit the opportunities (Saint Mark the Ascetic)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Our minds are clouded by three passions: avarice, vainglory and sensual pleasure. In order to counter these passions, we have the commandment not to love the world and the things in it. It’s not, of course, that we should unthinkingly hate things created by God, but rather that we should cut off opportunities to succumb to these three passions.


ICU – At the Border between Life and Death [3] (Nikolaos Metropolitan of Mesogaias and Lavreotikis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

D. Findings-Conclusions 1) Life and death transcend us as an instant, as a process and as events. 2) The closer we get to actually creating life purely through artificial means, the easier it makes it for us to take it away, to decide its end. We consider it our own responsibility. 3) In the end, the problem of the value of life refuses to go away. When does life acquire value. Is it a value in itself? If it’s of value because God gives and takes it, when we now intervene crucially at the beginning and drastically at the end- often changing its form- how does this impact on its value? 4) Our love is expressed either as the aspiration to spare our neighbour ...


The Grandeur of the Mother of God (Monk Arsenios of the Skete of Koutloumousiou, the Holy Mountain)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When the most glorious and richest kings on earth have in mind to build their throne and their royal palace as a whole, they don’t leave a stone unturned until they find the most precious material that nature is able to offer, so that the palace won’t lack the slightest thing in terms of luxury goods. And if they themselves were able to make material goods more precious than those which nature has to offer, they’d jump at the chance, with no thought to expense, trouble or anything else. They couldn’t do this, of course, because human powers are limited and under the control of our Creator and Maker, the Triune God. So kings have to be satisfied with whatever precious ...
