
Ξένες γλώσσες

Shockingly in Paradise (Chrysostomos Stamoulis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

It’s true that within the realm of Christianity, there’s often more talk of sin than there is of virtue. This is, in essence, a path of deprivation, the aim of which is not so much the quest for the good but much more the avoidance of the bad. There’s no doubt that such a position imbues sin with dimensions greater than those it actually has; produces guilt complexes; and projects God’s world in Manichaean terms, where the forces of good struggle against those of evil. And all of this within a culture which seeks, frenziedly promotes and sometimes actually creates delinquent patterns of behaviour, marginalizing the search for the good, which it understands as being reserved exclusively for special occasions. Come ...


Witness of faith in modern society (Georgios Kounnousis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The rapid changes in modern culture, for the most part the result of the global economic crisis, have influenced the thinking of many social and political analysts . Already, the age in which we live is being called ‘liquid modernity’ (as opposed to ‘late modernity’ which was prevalent at the beginning of the 21st century) precisely because of the fluidity which governs our society, our culture and, in the end, our life itself. After the economic crisis and the repercussions it has had on all facets of human life, many experts are now talking and writing about a redefinition and re-evaluation of the aims and values and the achievements of progress which should characterize human history from here on forward. The ...


Sharp minds (Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Sobriety is the natural state of mind of those who haven’t become drunk and it denotes perception, prudence and care. This is why people who are sober are on guard and look carefully at what they can achieve. Their minds are sharp, they’re incisive and super intelligent. They’re not laden with cares, nor do they become easily discouraged.


An Orthodox Christian Response to Beheading by Muslims (Fr. John Parker)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Fr. John Parker I am an unworthy man, unworthy to be called an Orthodox Christian, not to speak of the priesthood, and I write, admittedly, from the comfort of my Mount Pleasant, SC, home. There is no Mount nearby, but it is, indeed, a pleasant seaside community on the East Coast of the United States. As such, I ask myself: how to deal with ruthless, pitiless, pitiful souls who are so darkened that their life is spent taking the life of others – and worse, thinking that they are doing this at the direction of and with the blessing of God himself, with eternal reward? Perhaps I will be criticized for my suggestion, sitting in my pleasant, mountless town, but we read ...


Sign the Petition to Stop Safe Schools

Κατηγορίες: In English

We call on the State and Federal Governments and State Education Departments to withdraw funding and ban Safe Schools Coalition Australia (SSCA) programs from Australian schools. We oppose the programs because it is not an anti-bullying program: • It exposes children to sexually explicit adult content; • It exposes children to queer and gender theory; • It encourages crossdressing and gender transitioning even without parental consent; • It teaches children that ‘STIs are no big deal’, without advising long term physical and mental outcomes; • It promotes risky sexual behaviours and multiple-sexual partners as ‘normal’ and even aspirational; and • It removes parental rights to determine the best outcomes for their child. We respectfully request that: • a genuine anti-bullying program that is more inclusive and representative of ...


Safe Schools Coalition Australia

Κατηγορίες: In English

We would like to raise awareness of a radical new program being introduced into our schools framed as an anti-bullying program; it is called the Safe Schools Coalition Australia (SSCA). The SSCA received $8 million of Federal government funding in order to develop an anti-bullying program specifically for same sex attracted and transgender children.  This is the only funded anti-bullying program in Australia despite the fact that instances of bullying for such children make up less than 1% of all bullying cases. A close reading of the resources on the SSCA website and the Minus18 website (the two are intrinsically linked) can lead to the inference that this program is more than an anti-bullying programme. The material presented is sexualised and promotes gender theories that ...


‘A flaming fire is extinguished by water: so charity from the heart atones for sins’ (Protopresbyter Stefanos Anagnostopoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Interpreting the phrase ‘I was hungry and you gave me food’, the Fathers of the Church say that some people have been saved without performing any works of charity. First and foremost was the robber who was crucified on the right of Christ, although there were also saints, such as Mary the Egyptian. So the Lord was talking about spiritual nourishment rather than charity. In the Gospel we’re told: Jesus said to them, ‘My food is to do the will of the Father who sent me’ . What is the will of our Heavenly Father? Our salvation. And Saint Symeon the New Theologian, interpreting the same phrase, says: ‘When we observe the commandments of Jesus Christ our Saviour with love then ...


St. Moses the Ethopian (Eva Topping)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Moses the Ethiopian was tall as a tree, strong as Samson, and black as a starless night. He was also a very wicked man. Moses had a mean temper and evil ways. Stealing was his passion. Moses was a slave in Egypt. He belonged to a govern­ment official. Moses' master tried to curb his slave's temper and to reform him. But all his efforts proved vain. It was not possible to change a man as bad as Moses. His master then decided to sell Moses. But everyone had heard of his evil ways and no one would be found to buy him. Who wanted a slave like Moses? The official tried to give him away. But no one would take Moses, even ...


From Survival to Recovery (16th century – 1830) (Kriton Chrysochoidis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The last decades of the 16th century saw the beginning of a new period in the history of the Monastery, a period marked by distinct economic recovery and an increase in its influence which were to continue until the War of Independence of 1821. Donations from Russian princes became markedly more frequent, while systematic visits by Vatopaidi monks to their territories for the collection of alms began. Most important, however, was the beginning of the annexation of large metochia in the Danubian countries, while in Turkish-held regions new metochia were acquired and the existing ones were extended and their potential exploited. Building within the Monastery complex became more frequent and its spiritual and cultural influence made itself felt, particularly in ...


It’s an exception (Archimandrite Zacharias Zacharou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Christianity’s a strange life, a weird phenomenon. All the religions of the world are logical. Christianity’s the exception. It’s faith which Christ gave us once and for all, and this is proof that it alone is true. All the other religions are logical, but ours is beyond reason. It has to do with a fact which is revealed to us. We don’t judge that fact, but when we accept it, it informs us. This is why Christianity has always seemed foolish to the sages of this world. And monastic obedience confirms precisely this foolishness. May we be worthy of accepting and implementing Christ’s obedience.


Christianity and Ancient Art: Rupture or Dialogue? [3] (Ioanna Stoufi-Poulimenou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

At the same time, we know from the sources that both the state and the Church recognized the aesthetic value of the monuments of the ancient religion. Thus, for example, in an edict of the emperors Gratian, Valentinian and Theodosius, in 382, there is mention of a pagan temple in Mesopotamia, which was to remain open so that people could enjoy the aesthetics of the statues which were on display. In an edict of 399, Arcadius and Theodosius ordered that the decorations of public buildings be preserved, while another, by the same emperors, forbade any destruction of temples which were devoid of idols and, even if there were any idols there, no destruction of them was permitted unless sacrifices were still ...


East is East and West is West? (James W. Lillie)

Κατηγορίες: In English

ALMIGHTY, all-merciful Queen, to whom all this world flees for succour, to have release from sin, sorrow and trouble, glorious Virgin, flower of all flowers, to you I flee, confounded in error! You mighty, gentle lady, help and relieve me, have mercy on my perilous sickness My cruel adversary has vanquished me. COMFORT is there none, but in you, dear lady, for, lo, my sin and confusion, which ought not to appear in your presence, have brought against me a grievous action, founded on strict justice and desperation. And as by right in justice they might well maintain that I would be worthy of my damnation were it not for your mercy, blissful queen of heaven. I hope readers will agree with me that these two stanzas would, in terms of vocabulary and style, ...


Did Our Lady give birth to God? Was God born of a woman? (Iraklis Filios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Saint Cyril of Alexandria wrote that the Mother of God sanctified the Holy Trinity! At first sight this is a scandalous statement. How could a human being sanctify the Holy Trinity? And if that statement’s challenging, there are people on the other side who doubt and deny that Our Lady gave birth to God at all. How can the created be born of the uncreated? In ancient Greek thought, this was impossible. Far beyond a state of doubt. Completely untenable, since, in Plato’s Symposium we read that ‘God doesn’t mix with people’ . So how does God, Who is perfect, commune with sinful people, a question found among the Neo-Platonists? In no way. There is no possibility of the perfect communicating ...


Our hearts open (Abba Pimen)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The nature of water is soft, while that of rock is hard. Yet if you suspend a pitcher over a rock and it drips onto it, it’ll slowly make a hole. In the same way, the word of God is soft and our hearts are hard. But if we hear the word of God often, our hearts will open to the fear of Him.


Deisis of Vatopedi Holy Monastery (Efthymios N. Tsigaridas)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Above the entrance leading from the exonarthex to the narthex, in a semi-circular shallow lunette, is the scene of the Deisis (Fig. 184). Christ is shown in the middle, sitting on a backless throne and resting His feet on a richly decorated footstool. With His right hand He gives His blessing and with His left He holds an open Gospel book, which is resting on His knee. The pages of the Gospel have the words: “I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD THE TRUTH THE LIFE THE RESURRECTION THE WAY THE SHEPHERD THE DOOR THROUGH ME IF ONE ENTERS IN HE WILL BE SAVED”. The text of this inscription, which is a compilation of phrases from the Gospel according to John (Jn. ...
