
Ξένες γλώσσες

Christ’s Discussion with Nicodemus – Sunday before the Elevation of the Cross (part 2) (Archimandrite Ioïl Yiannakopoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Work of Redemption As were the Jews when they gazed upon the bronze serpent, so we, too, are cured when we see Christ crucified. Let’s investigate what this cross of Christ’s is, what its benefits are and what it teaches us. A) The cross. In the cross of the Lord we see heaven, earth and hades united. We see God, a human person and the devil. To be specific, we see the love and justice of God in the form of sacrifice, in the following way. People sinned. They had to be punished. The punishment had to be the final penalty, death, because the sin, the fall, of Adam and Eve was hubris against God, since, guided by the advice of ...


It’s difficult for young people to come to church (part 2) († Archimandrite Georgios, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Gregoriou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We have many examples of young people who’ve been disappointed with one and all and have turned to Christ as the last and sole resort to escape their situation. Lots of young people who’ve been involved with drugs and are from good families have said to me: ‘Father, we didn’t do drugs because we’d gone off the rails, but because we were disappointed with everything and were trying to find a way out of this impasse’. The devil deceives them and they think that in drugs they’ll find that depth that the human soul longs for. Another thing that young people can understand from their own experience is that, at bottom, all sins are selfishness, that is a sick, egotistical love ...


Saint Euphrosynus the Cook and the apples from heaven (Eva Topping)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Obscurity surrounds the birth of St. Euphrosynos the Cook. No one knows when or where he lived. The names of his country and parents are unknown. The end of his life is also obscure. No one knows when or where Euphrosynos died. Fortunately, the time and place do not matter much, because we know the story of his goodness and humility. Euphrosynos was the son of country folk, so poor and obscure as to be nameless. His family was poorer than the mice that lived in the empty little chapels in the countryside. The parents could scarcely feed, clothe and house their children. Euphrosynos never went to school. He never learned to read or write. To the end of his life he ...


You’ll lose it (Elder Tadej Vitovničk)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If you want God in your heart, mind you don’t do anything unworthy of His will. Otherwise He’ll depart from you and you’ll lose the treasure within you. Respect Him as much as you can in all things and, as long as He resides within you, accept nothing that’s against His will, in case you anger Him and He leaves you.


Sunday before the Elevation of the Cross (part 1) (Archimandrite Ioïl Yiannakopoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

After His dialogue with Nicodemus, Christ embarks on a monologue on His own work of redemption, under three headings: revelation, redemption and judgement. In the Gospel of Saint John (3, 11), the Lord says: ‘In all truth, I say to you, we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen, but you do not receive our testimony’. ‘I’m telling you honestly’, the Lord says to Nicodemus, ‘that rebirth in this manner is my teaching and that of John the Baptist, and it’s real, because we speak of what we know’. In other words, ‘We preach what we know from a trustworthy source. ‘As for what we saw, this is confirmed by the Holy Spirit, Whom we ...


It’s difficult for young people to come to church († Archimandrite Georgios, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Gregoriou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

It’s difficult for young people today to approach the mystery of repentance. Modern young people find it hard to approach the Church in general, or the clergy, because there’s now a certain prejudice against the Church. Today, the Church is ridiculed, it’s slandered, it’s attacked and reviled in the eyes of people in general and of young people, too, so that any of them who declare their faith become objects of mockery. And then modern upbringing- psychology, philosophy, politics- has given an anthropocentric character to people and this creates a false sense of self-salvation. People cultivate self-sufficiency, self-love and egocentrism. All of this is contrary to the spirit of repentance and confession. Some systems, such as existentialism, in fact stress that ...


On the Birth of the Mother of God (Saint Neofytos Recluse)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We all know that the beginning of any fruit is the flower. It’s also clear that the beginning of our salvation is God’s decision regarding Mary, the Spotless and Pure Ever-Virgin. As we honour this birth today, we celebrate it as being of great importance. Because, in order that the whole year might be blessed by her, she was born in this month, which is the first of the Church’s year; and then she fell asleep into immortality in the last month, so that the intervening 10 months were all blessed by her birth and her life-giving dormition. We’ll briefly mention her birth and say whatever her grace inspires us to express. The parents of this child of God were Ioakeim ...


New Martyr Athanasios Koulakiotis – 8th of September (Georgios Martzelos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Saint Martyr Athanasios came from Koulakia (now Halastra), near Thessaloniki. He was originally a pupil of Athanasios of Paros, who was then in charge of the Thessaloniki School, but left to continue his studies on the Holy Mountain at the Athonias. After leaving the School, he went to Constantinople, where he became friends with Philimon, Patriarch of Antioch, who took him to Damascus with him for two years. He then returned to the Holy Mountain, where at that time Athanasios of Paros was teaching at the Athonite School. Thereafter he returned to his own village, where his faith was demonstrated in a devout life. One day, he was talking to a Turkish emir on matters of religion when the ...


Homily by Elder Ephraim οn the Birth of Our Most Holy Lady (Archimandrite Ephraim, Abbot of the Vatopaidi Monastery)

Κατηγορίες: In English

  My beloved brethren and Fathers, today is a reason for spiritual joy and exaltation, because today we celebrate the birth of the ever-Virgin Mary, the Mother of God and the most fragrant blossom that ever burgeoned “from the root of Jesse”. We are celebrating the “birth of universal rejoicing”, which is “the doorway to all feasts and the prelude to the mystery of Christ”, according to Saint Andrew of Crete. The birth, which became the agent of the rebirth, remoulding, adornment and renewal of all things. Today, she is born who will bear, in time, in an unintelligible and extraordinary way, God the Word, the Creator and Saviour of the world, Who is outside time and pre-eternal. All the prefigurements, prototypes ...


Sunday before the Elevation of the Holy Cross (John 3:13-17) (Metropolitan Panteleimon of Antinoes)

Κατηγορίες: In English

A week before the feast day of the Universal Elevation of the Holy Cross, the Orthodox Church prepares the faithful through Scriptural readings, prayer and acts of good deeds to celebrate the event of the finding of the precious and life-giving Cross of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Among the many symbols of the Christian Faith the Holy Cross is considered the most important. It is the symbol of Christianity. It is the symbol of Christ's victory over death. It is the weapon against all evil forces. It is the power of the Saints. It is the flag under which the righteous fought against Satan. Holy Cross, Monastery of Sinai, 12th Century In the Old Testament we have prefigurations of ...


A strange demonic trap

Κατηγορίες: In English

In chapter 45 of the wonderful book, Spiritual Meadow, Ioannis Moskhos writes: ‘One of the elders told us the following: Abba Theodoros Iliotis used to talk about a great ascetic who lived as a recluse on the Mount of Olives and was constantly being attacked by the demon of lust. One day, after a particularly severe attack, the ascetic began to lose heart and he said to the demon: “How long are you going to continue with this? Just go away. We’ve grown old together”. Then the devil appeared to the monk, in full view, and said: “Swear that you’ll not tell anybody else what I’m about to say to you and I won’t fight you again”. The elder swore: “By Him Who resides ...
