
Ξένες γλώσσες

Saint Porphyrios the Mimic (George Poulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Christianity is the world's greatest source of joy, but it is no laughing matter. No one would think a clown could make his way to Heaven by playing a joke on the Lord, bu the Lord has the last laugh as well as the greatest mercy. A bum­bling comic found the immortality of sainthood in an incident which displays with a sample of the divine brand of humor that the pearly gates are accessible even to a buffoon. This saint has come down to us as Porphyrios the Mimic, a jester in the court of the Emperor Julian the Apostate (360­-363) who performed for a monarch who was born a Christian but disavowed Christ in one of history's grimmest chapters. A ...


Environmental Poverty and Personal Responsibility. Science meets the Discourse of the Saints (Petros Panayiotopoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The degradation of the quality of the environment in which we live is an incontrovertible fact. For decades now, many people have recognized the importance of this, though, unfortunately fewer have been moved to take practical steps and undertake action, even though we all suffer the consequences of this decline. Scientific discourse is unavoidably involved in this question.  In the first place, circumstances are such today that it’s accorded, as if by right, a part in any kind of discussion which takes place in the public sphere. And also because technological applications shoulder a large part of the burden  of responsibility for the ecological crisis, or because the solutions to many of the problems are expected to come from scientific thinking.   In ...


Practical lessons (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

There’s no other factor that’s so effective as the various afflictions, either deliberate or otherwise, which bring the mind to a humble outlook. The impossibility of its redemption teaches it in a practical manner just how insignificant and wretched it is. Then Christ words ‘You can do nothing without me’ (Jn.15, 5) become abundantly clear, and, with the help of Grace, the mind is transported to the real world of the kingdom above.


Do you Possess the Signs of Christ’s Beatitudes? (part 1) (Saint Symeon the New Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Our Christ and God calls to us every day through his Gospel: “blessed are the poor in spirit, because theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. When we hear this, we ought to be pay attention and examine ourselves carefully, to see whether we are really such poor people to the extent that we are aware in our souls that the kingdom of heaven will certainly be ours. Whether we possess its riches to such an extent that we feel without doubt that we exist within it and rejoice by plunging ourselves into the good things it has to offer. Because the Lord said that it is within us.             Signs and proof that the kingdom is within people are that they ...


He’s trying to get to you (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Look at people who are scornful, malicious and proud as no more than puffs of wind. Don’t be hurt by their wickedness, their pride and their malice. Make sure you stay calm. The enemy’s attempting to annoy you by involving your human passions or by planting suspicion and flights of fancy in your heart.


Liturgical Hymns. Tone plagal one – Choir of Saint Dimitrios’ church, Thessaloniki

Κατηγορίες: In English

Saint Dimitrios, the patron saint of Thessaloniki, occupies a special place in the liturgical tradition of the city. The magnificent basilica, with the Grace-giving relics of the saint, is a source of consolation and blessing. The famous mosaics, the catacombs, and the Byzantine icons in the chapel of Saint Efthymios are some of the notable characteristics of the church. The tradition of Church singing was also cultivated in the choir stalls of Thessaloniki, with the exceptional choirmaster, the late Chrysanthos Theodosopoulos. In honour of the choir and the work of the late choirmaster, we offer this live recording of the choir of the church singing liturgical hymns in the first plagal tone, in an arrangement by Konstantinos Psakhos. %audio%


Saint David of Evia (Euboea)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Blessed David was born at the beginning of the 16th century in the sea-side village of Gardinitza, opposite the island of Evia. His father was a devout and virtuous priest. When David was no more than three years old, Saint John the Baptist appeared to him one night and took him to the nearby church which was dedicated to him. He remained standing there, barefoot, for six days, lost in the vision, in front of the icon of the Forerunner. Nourished from an early age on the principles of obedience to his parents, asceticism and ceaseless prayer, he left his family home at the age of fifteen, in search of a spiritual father. He found him in the person of ...


The Life and Work of Fotios the Great (Agapi Papadopoulou, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

1.1 The Life and Work of Fotios the Great Fotios (Photius) the Great (810-893) was born in Constantinople into a rich, aristocratic family. His father was called Seryios (Sergius), a genuinely Orthodox man, as Fotios himself would later say, and his mother was Eirini (Irene) a virtuous and godly woman. His mother’s brother had married the sister of the Empress Theodora, who supported the veneration of icons, and his father’s brother was Patriarch Tarasios of Constantinople. Fotios received an excellent education and devoted himself to the study of the Classical Greek and Patristic literature. During the second period of the iconoclast controversy (815-843), Fotios’ family suffered persecution for their support of the icons and Fotios himself was excommunicated because of his ...


Saints Cosmas and Damian (George Poulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Christianity flourished in an­tiquity in the face of seeming­ly insurmountable odds. In de­fiance of odds of a different kind, the odds of chance, a pair of physician brothers came into the service of Christ. Less than five hun­dred years later they were fol­lowed by two different sets of brothers of identical n  ame and purpose in the service of the Lord. The result is that all six have become saints of the Church. Evidence of divine purpose in this succession of saints demon­strates that the precise science of mathematical probabilities has a hand in the spiritual affairs of mankind. The original pair of brothers were born Cosmas and Damian during the early years of the Christian Church. They were raised in ...


Without asking (Elder Tadej Vitovničk)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Lord allows all sorts of things to happen to us which are against our will, because, if everything always went the way we wanted, we wouldn’t be prepared for the Kingdom of Heaven. Neither heaven nor earth look kindly on those who insist on imposing their own will. God has His divine plan for each of us and we should submit to this. We should accept life as it’s handed to us, without asking ‘Why did this happen to me?’


The Effort of Love is the most Noble Expression of the Christian Ethos (Elder Christodoulos, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Koutloumousi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Christ brings a new ethos into the world. To those who sought power, honour and glory, He said: ‘I didn’t come to be served but to serve. And to give my life as a ransom for people’. This is His radical message to His disciples and to all those who wish to follow Him. The effort of love is the most noble expression of the Christian ethic. It’s relevant to Christians who live in the world and to monastics who’ve left the world, even to the remote hermits. We read in the narratives about the saints how persons of repute renounced the world and became ‘innkeepers’, welcoming the poor on a daily basis and feeding them from the wealth they’d ...


Apostles Stachys, Amplias, Urbanus, Apelles, Narcissus and Aristobulus (George Poulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In recent years there has been a rash of new religions erupt­ing on the community skin, a kind of social disease to which the seasoned Christian is immune, but which afflicts the well-intentioned but more impressionable young. The merchants of these new reli­gions, which can  be better described as cults, achieve a measure of ephemeral success for which' they are indebted not so much to the validity of their ideology as to the modern tools with which some people could be persuaded to become stockholders of the Brooklyn Bridge. The power of the public relations counsel, sometimes known as press agent, is augmented by the far-reaching effects of the newspapers, radio, and the awesome television set, with which the Pied ...


It doesn’t protest (Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

A wicked conscience is when people transgress God’s moral law, living in order to impose their own will, which is whatever their ego dictates. The conscience of these people has been distorted by their darkened understanding and the dominion of the law of sin. It no longer reacts, nor does it protest against the violations of the moral law.


Greek Monasticism in the 19th Century [1] (Protopresbyter Georgios Metallinos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

During the nineteenth century the newly created Greek State attempted to become European, focused on its progress and modernization. Of course, this tactic had a catalytic influence on the direction of the Church and especially on monasticism. Our text focuses on some basic ideas, within the framework of a variety of observations, and does not make the claim of being complete. Furthermore, despite the plethora of studies of monasticism covering the post-revolutionary years, the absence in the bibliography of a comprehensive-systematic study of the developmental path of the monastic life, from the official declaration of Greek Autocephaly (1850) up to our era, was evident. Source: Agioritiki Photothiki The New Spirit and Climate             Already, from the end of the eighteenth century, a new ...


Christ is late (Luke 8, 41-56) (Iraklis Filios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Today’s Gospel reading (Luke 8, 41-56) is truly wonderful. It has to do with the raising of Jairus’ daughter and the healing of the woman with an issue of blood. According to the text, an important figure in the synagogue, Jairus, approached Jesus and asked Him to accompany him to his home to cure his only daughter, who was twelve years old and at death’s door. Christ set off for the house, but a woman who’d been suffering from hemorrhaging for twelve years and had found no cure from doctors approached Him and touched the hem of His garment. When she did so, the bleeding stopped. Christ realized that power had left Him and asked who it was who’d touched Him. ...


Saint Anastasia of Rome

Κατηγορίες: In English

If it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven, then it should have been virtually impossible for the beautiful and glamorous Ana­stasia to enter the service of Christ. The attributes that make for living a life of ease in the grand style are obstacles to be surmounted if one prefers to lead a life of hard work in a simple manner for the glory of God. To her everlasting credit, Anastasia, who was born with every advantage, willingly surrendered the flower-strewn path of her noble birth to walk down the perilously rock-strewn path of Christianity. Anastasia was born into one of Rome's most celebrated ...


St Anastasia the Roman (Saint Symeon the Translator)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We find two Anastasias in the Lives of the saints, both of whom were of prominent and famous families and who confessed their faith. Both were daughters of mighty Rome. The first was married against her will by her parents, but never came together with her husband, nor even slept with him, pretending she was ill, though in reality because he was a pagan. She was thus able to preserve her virginity, because, a few days later, her husband died. She therefore lived  the whole of her life in asceticism, prudently and with all the virtues, giving all her property as alms to the poor. She visited the holy martyrs in their places of confinement, urged them to bear their torments ...
