
Ξένες γλώσσες

2nd International Conference on Digital Media and Orthodox Pastoral Care “The Living Water”

Κατηγορίες: In English

DMOPC 18  Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolymbari 18-21 June 2018   2018 Conference Theme: The Digital World as a Sphere for the Reiteration of Pentecost and the “living word” of Saint Paul the Apostle    In May 2015, in Athens, Pemptousia (www.pemptousia.gr) in conjunction with the Orthodox Christian Network (OCN) in America and Bogoslov in Russia, hosted the 1st International Conference on Digital Media and Orthodox Pastoral Care “DMOPC15” (www.dmopc15.com). 75 Orthodox speakers from 21 countries all over the world ‘gathered together in that place’. The aim was for them to express their concerns, their witness and their thoughts regarding a dimension of human life which now involves almost everyone: The Digital Ecosystem and the Digital Media which shape it. Specialist academics and everyday laborers working discreetly ...


The life-giving breath (Saint Nicholas Velimirovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Friendship is more necessary for the soul than for the body. When you’re sad, the thought of a friend brings a smile to your face. On your death-bed, the presence of a friend beautifies the face of death. Friendship is always the life-giving breath of the angel who accompanies us through life, who raises us when we fall and who inspires us when our strength fails.


Like people who are drunk (Elder Ephraim of Arizona)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Individualism lives and reigns, and deceit has become a ‘flair’. Whole generations have grown up learning how to swindle. And all of this in a set of established circumstances with absolutely no punishment… In fact, the more you swindle, the further you are from punishment. God sees this. These days He’s allowing us to be beaten about the head and ears a bit, in the hope that we’ll come to our senses, as is the case with people who are drunk.


Distilling One’s Cave (Metropolitan of Toronto Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Two thousand and seventeen years ago, our Lord chose to renew his covenant with the world and to penetrate deep into the innermost essence of human nature. In this way, we can say that God incarnate sought to be born in the ‘cave’ of men, both symbolically and literally. Unfortunately, the cave of men was impure at the time. And unsurprisingly, access to where foreigners usually stay when they travel abroad, the local inn, was closed to Him upon His Nativity. Instead, the God-Man was born in a manger, the lowliest of caves in the world, a place meant for livestock. Two thousand and seventeen years later, we may ask ourselves how the current state of ‘humanity’s cave’ has evolved? Because ...


Spiritual murder (Saint Luke the Doctor)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If our tongue is as sharp as a sword, then we can use it to murder people. And we do so often enough, though we don’t think of ourselves as murderers. We wound the hearts of our neighbours with slander and lies, we insult their human dignity and aggravate their hearts with calumny. Is that not spiritual murder?


The Period Between Birth and Death (Metropolitan of Toronto Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

NEW YEAR’S ENCYCLICAL We were born and we will one day pass on from this life. This is certain. On this earth, there is no immortality. Immortality and the endless age exists only to life after death. At that point, we will live eternally, whether in Paradise or in Hell. For everyone born on earth, in the image and likeness of God, the earthly part of life is of great importance. It is so incredibly significant because the eternal joy or permanent desolation we will experience in the endless life after death depends on our conduct here on earth. The concept of time cannot be defined in a precise manner. However, we experience the passage of time from the moment we are born ...


The Mystery of Time (Mark 1, 1-8) (Archimandrite Nikanor Karayannis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘The beginning of the Gospel of Christ’… The word ‘beginning’ in today’s Gospel reading is enough in itself to evoke the start of the new year, the threshold of which we reached a few daysago with the feast of Christmas. The Christian notion of time In the old days, people were in awe of the dark enigma of time. They tried to explain it through philosophy and science. But as life passes and time rolls by, we’re horrified when we realize the vanity of yesterday, the evanescence of today and the uncertainty of tomorrow. This is because yesterday’s lost, today’s being erased- since every moment escapes and becomes the past- and the future’s unknown. This concept of time, which is beyond the ...


New year’s message from Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea (Metropolitan Ambrosios of Korea)

Κατηγορίες: In English

My beloved, We now enter another New Year, which is a precious gift from God to the world, and we wish and hope it will be a peaceful one. In particular, those who have suffered recently and are still suffering from local wars and terrorist attacks have only one desire: to live peacefully during the New Year. And in our country, with its unacceptable division into the North and the South, suffering has been the ongoing reality for 64 years—the consequence of the cold war. For this reason, it is inevitable that our thoughts and prayers have been and continue to be centered on a long-awaited peace. Nevertheless, we must also ask: How can political peace prevail among the peoples? Are international ...


Encyclical for the Nativity of Christ 2017 (Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Dear beloved in Christ, The feast of Christmas is in sight once again to remind us of the love and philanthropy of the worshipped in Trinity God. The Only-begotten Word of God takes on flesh ‘through the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary’ and is bom in Bethlehem of Judea. The Magi from the East are led by the Star and visit the holy manger, in which the divine Child was wrapped in swaddling clothes, ‘because there was no guest room available for them’ (Luke 2.7). The Angels in heaven chant the hymn of joy, peace and that blessed Hope with which the God-man Christ enriched the world: ‘Glory to God in the highest, and goodwill to all men.’ (Luke 2.14). We ...


The Incarnation in the Trenches (Petros Panayiotopoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Christmas 1914. The trenches. A different kind of cease-fire Today we call it the First World War. Then they called it the Great War. Many European countries were involved in it, in a horrendous conflict without any clear ideological stamp. Millions of people were crushed under the mill-stones of two alliances of states. Thousands of people were killed in endless battles of the trenches, which gave it the name of ‘the war of attrition’. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, stuck fast in the dugouts, quickly passed from the horrors of war to a routine that was utterly boring and had little or no meaning. The first Christmas of the War arrived and many people began to believe that it wasn’t going to ...


You have to be a poet (Elder Vasilios Gontikakis, former Abbot of the Monastery of Iviron)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Elder Porfyrios Kavsokalyvitis was a blessing for everyone. An angelic person. A divine child who played. A fragrance which spread and found its way into every soul. Illiterate but extremely wise. A God-inspired poet, a wordsmith who fashioned people. He used to say: ‘You have to be a poet in order to become a Christian.


Christmas in a Post-Christian Era (Hieromonk Eleftherios Balakos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

And while the messiahs are multiplying in this day and age, in the guise of persons, ideologies, policies or religions*, we see a world wallowing in the mud which it has created itself. And you ask yourself: ‘What can I believe?’ ‘Where can I place my hope?’ ‘What can I expect?’ So are Christ, His Gospel and His work antiquated, then? The New Age would claim that we live in an era for which Christ is the Old Age. But despite the intense criticism to which Christianity has been and continues to be subjected, the Gospel message remains insurmountably powerful for people today, who want so much and have been disappointed by everything. The Messiah promoted by Christmas is Jesus, the human person. God takes ...


A loathsome worm (Saint Justin Popovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

What is the human mind without Christ? It’s a suffering, tortured lamentation. What is the human soul without Christ? It’s a talking scarecrow. What is our conscience, our free will? Hopeless blindness. What is the body without Christ? A disgusting, loathsome worm. What is our will? A helpless criminal In general, what are we without Christ? A terrible, external spectacle.


Let us find room for the new-born Christ (Theoni Marinou-Boura, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Thoughts on the Events of the Nativity • Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem to be counted in a census and were unable to find an inn in which to stay. Really, who has time and space for God today? How necessary is God for us in our life. Back then, people had filled all the inns and there was no lodging for the divine Infant. I think this demonstrates that people fill their lives with natural and human things and leave no margin for the supernatural, the divine. This continues to be so today: humanity is so locked into its own restrictions that it’s unwilling to accept God. Of course, the amazing thing is that, in any case, the divine ...


Christmas Message to Pemptousia (Archimandrite Elisaios, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Simonos Petras)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Dear Readers, The feast of Christmas has come round again, and, according to Alexandros Papadiamantis, ‘if Easter is the brightest of the Christian feasts, Christmas is the most moving’. In both the Vigil for 25 December and in the Divine Liturgy on that day, we’ll hymn and recreate this great event of the Nativity and Incarnation of God the Word, Who, for our sakes became like us and mingled with us. Christmas has, in fact, become a source of inspiration in all areas of the spirit and of culture. The prophets in the Old Testament foretold the event, the New Testament describes it in terms of unsurpassed conciseness, the holy fathers and theologians delve into its content in incomparable fashion, ...
