
Ξένες γλώσσες

Animosity (Monk Arsenios of the Skete of Koutloumousiou, the Holy Mountain)

Κατηγορίες: In English

According to Saint John of the Ladder, pride means: ‘Denial of God, an invention of the demons’. To put it more simply, pride was discovered and invented by the devil. Lucifer refused to render veneration and worship to his Creator, the Holy, Triune God, and in place of this he set himself up as god. Terrible things happened, my friends, which are beyond the understanding of mere mortals. Lucifer dared to think and imagine himself as god, and once he’d really come to believe this inside himself, he fell, like lightning, from heavenly Paradise, dragging with him a host of other angels, who all became dark demons. As a result of this behaviour, the devil swore an oath, as the god ...


Bear in mind (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When the flesh is tested by illnesses, remember that what’s suffering and becoming debilitated is the greatest enemy of your salvation. This is why you should put up with illnesses bravely, in the name of the Lord. You should also remember that every illness is a form of suffering allowed by God for our sins. It cleanses us, reconciles us to Him and brings us back to His love.


Analysis of I Timothy, 9-15 (Ioannis Karavidopoulos, Professor of the School of Thelogy of the University of Thessaloniki)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Epistle reading for the Sunday of Zacchaeus is taken from the first Epistle of Saint Paul to Timothy and contains advice from the Apostle to his disciple and collaborator Timothy, whom he left in charge of the Church of Ephesus. The text describes the characteristics of a responsible leader of the Church which make him a model and example for the faithful. Paul demands Timothy’s attention with a phrase which he uses at the beginning of the passage and which he often employs in his Pastoral Epistles (Tim I and II, Titus) when he wants to underline something or add a Tradition of the Church: ‘The saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance’. Immediately thereafter he refers to his ...


Saint Maximos the Greek, an outstanding figure in the 16th century

Κατηγορίες: In English

Saint Maximos the Greek (21 January) Saint Maximos Vatopaidinos, known in Russia as Maxim Grek, was a shining figure in the 16th century. Mihaïl Trivolis- who later became Maximos the Greek- was born in Arta, in 1470, to rich and devout parents, Manouil and Irini. Mihaïl learned his first letters through home schooling with his parents and a succession of exceptional teachers. He then went to Italy where he was a brilliant student of the Classics. In Florence, he was an enthusiastic follower of the religious and spiritual renewal inspired by Savonarola, a movement which ended tragically when its leader was condemned to death. After the completion of his studies, he became a monk at the Monastery of Vatopaidi, taking the name ...


The Icon of Our Lady of Consolation

Κατηγορίες: In English

As you go up the staircase to the right of the central door of the main church of the Holy and Great Monastery of Vatopaidi, there’s a chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Consolation. It was here that the wonder-working icon of Our Lady, a wall-painting from the 14th century which was once at the right edge of the outer narthex, was brought after the occurrence of a miracle, which we shall now describe. In the old days, it was the custom that, as they left the main church after Matins, the fathers of the monastery would kiss the icon of Our Lady in the outer narthex. There the Abbot would give the keys to the gates of the Monastery, which ...


Avoid them (Saint Iakovos Tsalikis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If we’re not spiritually strong and another person’s behaviour bothers us, let’s not condemn them. Better to avoid them and to have no truck or dealings with them. And if they’re heretics, then we should avoid them entirely and have nothing to do with them. Because keeping company with heretics is dangerous. It can poison und and deliver a mortal spiritual wound.


Saint Maximus the Greek (Georgios Martzelos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

St Maximos the Greek was one of the most distinguished monks and theologians of the 16th century, famed for his missionary activities and reforming achievements in the Russia of his time. He was born in Arta in around 1470 of respected and prosperous parents, and his name in the world was Mikhail Trivolis. At an early age he went to study in Italy, at major centres of the Renaissance, where he was taught by distinguished Greek scholars. On the completion of his studies in Italy, Mikhail Trivolis determined to embrace the monastic life on the Holy Mountain, choosing as his place of residence the renowned Monastery of Vatopaidi. Thus, towards the end of 1505 or in early 1506 he was tonsured as ...


What you learn young never leaves you (Elder Filotheos Zervakos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Whatever actions you get used to doing when you’re young will be the ones that give you pleasure when you’re old, as well, whether they’re good or bad. This is what Saint Gregory says. Did you get used to stealing as a young person? You’ll still find enjoyment in it when you’re older. Even if people are dishonoured, punished and made fools of, they’ll still take pleasure in vice. If you got used to drinking when you were young, you’ll still enjoy getting drunk when you're old, even if you recognize it’s doing you harm. The same’s true of smoking. Smokers would rather do without food than be deprived of a cigarette. And this is true also of virtues. If ...


Own will and obedience (On the feast day of St Euthymios) (Elder Joseph of Vatopaidi)

Κατηγορίες: In English

          Reading about the lives and deeds of two great Fathers, St Pachomios and St Euthymios the Great, offered us the opportunity to touch on some issues which relate to our practical duty. I would like to remind you that the Holy Mountain is linked with St Euthymios and generally speaking with the brotherhood at St Savva Monastery. The Stoudiou monastery established its spiritual regime based on the regime at the St Savva monastery. The same regime was copied by St Athanasios, the founder of the cenobitic way of life, when he moved to Athos and is being practiced to this day.           It is vital to note that both Saints attach great importance on the strict adherence of one’s conscience ...


Is this possible? (Elder Sophrony of Essex)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The path of the Christian is like this, in general terms. Initially, we’re attracted to God with the gift of grace, and once we’ve been thus attracted, then there begins a long period of trial. Our freedom is tested, as is our trust in God, and the test is harsh. At first, our requests to God, great and small, even those just barely expressed, are fulfilled by God, usually very quickly and in a wonderful way. But when the period of testing arrives, then everything changes and it’s as if the heavens have closed and are deaf to our entreaties. Does God then abandon us? Is this possible?


The New Martyr Athanasios from Limnos

Κατηγορίες: In English

He was born on the island of Limnos, and, as a young man, went to the Holy Mountain, where he was placed under obedience to an Elder of the Great Lavra. During the Greek revolution, he was taken prisoner, carried off to Egypt and enslaved to a Muslim potentate, who circumcised him and married him off to a Christian woman, who was also a prisoner. After dramatic spiritual experiences- ‘the great Saint Athanasios appeared to him two or three times- his wife agreed to a ‘a God-pleasing settlement’ and he ‘receiving zeal upon divine zeal’ returned to the Holy Mountain, where ‘he cleansed himself through extreme asceticism and much humility’. He lived in the kelli of Saint Anthony at Karyes, on ...


We have an obligation (Saint Gregory the Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The law (Deut. 22, 1-4) commands that if an animal strays or falls into a ditch, we should rescue it and take care of it. Given that people are not of any less value, it follows that we should show great kindness towards other human beings, since we have a duty to be sympathetic even to irrational beasts.


In Honour and Memory of Archimandrite Placide (Deseille) Simonopetritis

Κατηγορίες: In English

On 11 January, the funeral was held for Archimandrite Placide Deseille at the Holy Monastery of Saint Anthony the Great in Saint Laurent en Royans, France, a dependency of the Holy Monastery of Simonos Petras on the Holy Mountain, where Père Placide had been tonsured as an Orthodox monk. He had fallen asleep in the Lord on 7 January, aged 91. His Eminence Emmanouil, Metropolitan of France, officiated and the service was attended by hierarchs of other Churches. Also present were representatives from the mother monastery of Simonos Petras and nuns from the women’s monastery of the Annunciation of the Mother of God, in Ormylia, Halikdiki. Photo: Dr. Stefanos Dimopoulos Père Placide was an outstanding French Roman Catholic cleric and theologian, who after ...


He doesn’t have the right (Elder Cleopa Ilie)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Satan has neither the power nor permission to lord it over us, to deceive us and bend our will towards sin. He simply brings us into temptation through a variety of ploys, fantasies and recollections, with our feelings, the weaknesses of our nature, with pleasures and thoughts.
