
Ξένες γλώσσες

Do not feed your passions by yielding to them (Elder Ephraim of Arizona)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Do not feed your passions by yielding to them, so that you do not suffer pain and affliction later! Labor now, as much as you can, because otherwise, if the passions are not tended to, in time they become second nature, and then try and deal with them! Whereas now, if you fight against them lawfully, as we advise you, you will be freed and will have happiness by the grace of God.


That’s not it (Saint Ambrose of Milan)

Κατηγορίες: In English

What does ‘May Your name be hallowed’ mean? As if we’re praying that He should be hallowed Who said: ‘You shall be holy, for I your Lord and God am holy’ (Lev. 19, 2). As if our own words have the power to increase His holiness. No, it’s not like that. We ask that God be hallowed ‘ in us’, within us. That His sanctifying labours should include us.


Fasting and its Benefits (3) (Saint John of the Ladder)

Κατηγορίες: In English

1. As we’re now going to speak of the stomach, we’ve decided again- as with all our themes- to turn our philosophy against ourselves. Because I wonder if anyone has ever been free of it before residing in the grave. 2. Gluttony is hypocrisy of the stomach. When it’s filled, it complains about lack; when it’s stuffed to bursting it bemoans being hungry. Gluttony creates seasonings, and is the source of sweets. You cut it off in one place and it pops up in another. Stop that and a new one will open. Gluttony’s deceptive: it eats moderately but at the same time would happily devour everything. 3. A full belly is the father of fornication, but a stomach grieving for food ...


Great Lent: Sunday Bible Reading Week 1

Κατηγορίες: In English

As we begin the blessed period of Holy and Great Lent, our Metropolis offers the faithful, and those interested in learning about Orthodoxy, another unique spiritual initiative. Last year, with the blessings of His Eminence Metropolitan Sotirios, our Metropolis developed and published a weekly “40 Day Challenge” (Down Complete eBook) article highlighting different virtues for every week during Great Lent, to promote Christian living and spirituality among the faithful. We are building on this success and this year will be publishing a weekly article specific to the Great Lent Sunday Bible Readings. The Bible is the Book of Life. It is as relevant today, as it was when it was written. It is our rock, foundation, and guide in a turbulent world. ...


Fasting and its benefits (2)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Who is as strong as a lion, but, for the sake of his stomach falls into a trap and the whole of his strength is brought low? When the fathers in Skete ate bread and salt, they used to say: ‘Let’s not be beholden to bread and salt’. In this way they were strong enough to do the Lord’s work. Abba Ioannis Kolovos There are three things I can’t do without: food, clothing and sleep. But I can cut down on them. Abba Ioannis Kolovos So when you fast and eat with restraint, don’t keep anything left for the next day, but, as the Lord says, we’re poor and he makes us rich. So if you go hungry by choice, you can feed those who are ...


The Triumph of Divine Truth (Metropolitan Anthony Bloom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

16 March 1997 In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. We are keeping today, as every year at the end of the first week of Lent, the Feast of the Triumph of Orthodoxy. And every year we must give thought to what is meant, not only as a historical event, but also in our personal lives. First of all we must remember that the Triumph of Orthodoxy is not the Triumph of the Orthodox over other people. It is the Triumph of the Truth Divine in the hearts of those who belong to the Orthodox Church and who proclaim the Truth revealed by God in its integrity and directness. Today we must thank God with all our hearts ...


The Fast and its Benefits (1)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Let us observe an acceptable fast, pleasing to the Lord. A true fast: estrangement from evil, restraint of the tongue, control of anger, abstention from desires, slander, falsehood and perjury. If there is a paucity of these, then our fast is true and acceptable. Apostikho, Vespers, Monday in 1st week We practice the virtues in secret, anticipating spiritual rewards. We do not trumpet them in the open places but rather benefit from them in our hearts. And He who sees all things which occur in secret will grant us reward for our restraint. Let us keep the fast not with frowning faces, but praying in the depths of our souls Stikhero, Vespers, Wednesday, 4th week Let us fast in the body, brethren, and fast ...


The Christian Faith as a Source of Spiritual Power (Mina Boulekou, Author-Poetress- Columnist)

Κατηγορίες: In English

How can devout Christians preserve their faith when they’re being attacked and tested on a daily basis in these harsh times? Faith in our Triune God is what will sustain us in all the difficulties we encounter in our lives. No matter how uncertain and pointless what we’re going through may seem. He knows our needs and is ready to guide us slowly, with firm steps, as long as we ask Him through prayer, lean on Him and allow Him to lead us along the true paths of spiritual joy. In these dark times of uncertainty in which we live, all of us need our soul to be soothed and redeemed. He alone can comfort us, can stretch out His holy hand to us. What ...


Darker than the next (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Don’t despair when your soul’s engulfed in the clouds of hell, each one of which is darker than the other. When sheer badness, envy, doubt, stubbornness and the other passions rise up against you, you can be sure that these clouds will gather in your soul. But they won’t stay therelong.


Repentance: Sacrament and Experience (Christos Klavas)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘Indeed, Good One, it’s in your power to work miracles and there’s no greater miracle than for someone to love sinners in their fall. It’s easy to love saints. They deserve it’. (Saint Silouan the Athonite †1938) The period of holy and great Lent is the time above all in the Church year when the virtue of repentance is highlighted. The Gospel readings, the recollection of holy figures who were distinguished for the extent of their repentance, the content of the hymns and, in general, the atmosphere of ‘bright sadness’ which distinguishes it, constitute a continuous invitation to repentance. The virtue in question finds its practical application in the sacrament of repentance, holy confession. When we speak of virtue, we have in mind ...


The Search (Mina Boulekou, Author-Poetress- Columnist)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Whether You go, I will follow You with all my heart, with all my consciousness. from East to West like a fiery arrow in the ethereal sky veils. And yet I will stand in the earth spheres like a feather in the blowing wind opening the gates in all decades from past to present. I kneeled down to the Almighty giving promises of life giving sacred vows whether You go I will follow You in countless hours in countless years that are to come. I covered my face to the endless dark longing with hope the bright stars to shine Your glory. A new day came as a wistful pray a never-ending rainbow Is it thy will; that brings me joy; that brings me relief; I wondered… waiting the sun rays to lift me up in heaven.. beholding thy holy spirit.   © By Mina Boulekou Copyright 2017 Author-Poetress- Columnist


Living Orthodox Great and Holy Lent (Evagelos Sotiropoulos, political scientist, freelance columnist)

Κατηγορίες: In English

I have written on these electronic pages previously about Living the Orthodox Resurrection Service and Living the Orthodox Holy Week; now, to complete the trinity, albeit in reverse order, is my untrained take on living Lent. It is difficult to truly experience the spiritual fruits of Holy Week, let alone the indescribable joy of Christ’s life-giving resurrection, without actively partaking in Great Lent. Think for a moment about how much time and effort is required to win a professional sporting championship; players and coaches do not show up only in time to hoist the trophy. By the same token, we should avoid showing up only on Holy Saturday evening to receive the Paschal Light. Living Lent, in order to reap the Resurrection harvest, ...
