
Ξένες γλώσσες

I Await the Resurrection of the Dead (part 1) (Holy Monastery of St John the Vaptist, Kareas Attikis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

It’s the event that each and every one of us can be absolutely sure of: sooner or later death will come to us. Yet, for most people, the end of life remains greatly undesirable and is to be firmly resisted. This is because, during the course of our life on this earth, we haven’t been nourished on the expectation of ‘the beyond’ and we don’t rely on the cornerstone of hope in Christ. As descendants of Adam, we’re surprised by the phenomenon of death, because we were certainly created for eternal life. And when we see the body of a loved one lying without breath, this shrouds our own hope, too. Today, particularly, people are intent on what can be seen, what ...


It produces a lot of thorns (Elder Tadej Vitovničk)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Just as rich, fertile soil will produce a lot of thorns if it’s not cultivated, so will human nature. It was made good by its Creator, and well-suited to works of virtue, but because it hasn’t been tilled by the plough of piety nor received the seed of divine knowledge, impiousness has sprung up within it like thorns and other detritus.


Christ’s Resurrection (Saint John Chrysostom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Really convincing proof of the Resurrection is the fact that Christ, Who was sacrificed on the Cross, showed such great strength that He persuaded people who lived in various different places to disregard their faith, homeland, families, friends and relations and even their life. They did so out of faith in Him and confession of this faith. Instead of the pleasures and joys of the world, which the enemies of the Faith promised them, they chose to be scourged, endangered and subjected to martyrs’ deaths. This is not the achievement of some corpse enclosed in his grave, but of someone who rose and lives (PG 50, 593). You have seen the momentous changes which have occurred as a result of Christ’s ...


He doesn’t feel insecure (Metropolitan Athanasios of Lemessos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

God gives us the freedom to do what we like. We have the freedom to reject Him, to spit on Him, to curse Him. He gives us this freedom because he feels no insecurity. Humble people don’t feel insecurity, nor distrust, either. They don’t feel weak, they allow others to do as they wish, but they themselves remain at their post. They’re steady and do no harm to other people.


We don’t want the Resurrection (Stergios Sakkos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

It sounds harsh and may test the credibility of unsuspecting readers to say that we don’t want the Resurrection. If you’re blind, don’t you want your sight? If you’re sick, don’t you want to be cured? And Christ’s Resurrection is exactly this: eyes in the darkness of our blindness, health in the tormenting sickness of our mortality, the saving way out of the dead-end of the present world into the infinite and holy world of eternity, our passing from corruption into incorruption. The Resurrection is an irrefutable event. It isn’t supported by our faith, but is the foundation and support of our faith. Two thousand years ago, the divine and human Person of our Lord, Jesus Christ, came into conflict with ...


Pearls or flame (Saint Arsenie Boca)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The tears of gratitude of the poor that were shed for the help you gave them will be bright pearls for you in your life after the grave. Tears that the poor shed over your coldness and indifference will fall into your soul like a flame of fire before the throne of God.


Open the window (Saint Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia)

Κατηγορίες: In English

You’re in a dark room and waving your arms trying to get rid of the darkness. But darkness isn’t dispelled like that. Open a window to let some light in and only then will the darkness flee. It’s light that expels darkness. So let’s study Scripture, the lives of the Saints, and the Fathers. That’s the light that will get rid of the dark.


Patriarchal Encyclical for Holy Pascha (Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople)

Κατηγορίες: In English

+ B A R T H O L O M E W By God’s Mercy Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch To the Plenitude of the Church: May the Grace, Peace and Mercy of Christ Risen in Glory be with you All Dear venerable Hierarchs and beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, The experience of Christ’s Resurrection, the all-saving victory of Life over Death, is the nucleus of faith, divine worship, ethos and culture of the Christ-loving orthodox people of God. The life of the Orthodox faithful, in all its manifestations and dimensions, is nurtured and nourished by faith in the Resurrection, and constitutes a daily Pascha. This paschal experience is not simply a remembrance of the Lord’s Resurrection but also a participation in our ...


A Review of John McKinney’s Hiking the Holy Mountain: Tales of Monks and Miracles on the Trails of Mount Athos (John G. Panagiotou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Sometimes a book defies categorization or description for that matter. John McKinney’s Hiking the Holy Mountain: Tales of Monks and Miracles on the Trails of Mount Athos, Greece does those things and more. At first glance, one would think that this yet another mundane (and even boring) hiking guide to a remote locale. Yet, I can tell you that this work is not such a thing. The southern Californian McKinney may have started out wanting to write about hiking a remote peninsula in northern Greece for its aesthetic natural appeal, but what he ended up with was through that experience finding a life journey which became entwined with the faith of these monks on that remote northern Greek peninsula. What started ...


Prefiguration of the Resurrection in the Easter Canon (Mihalis Tritos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

No other hymnological text expresses the redemptive, existential and metaphysical dimension of the Resurrection with such completeness and power as does the incomparable canon by Saint John the Damascan. It’s a masterpiece of Byzantine poetry and one of the most beautiful texts in world literature. Full of sublime spirituality, lyrical expressions and messages of salvation, the Damascan’s canon announces to people of every era ‘the glad tidings of the Resurrection’, the abolition of death, the fulness of life and the triumph of the last days. Above all, however, it stresses the quality and quantity of the joy of the Resurrection. It shows us the way and tells us what we need in order to see the Resurrection. It strengthens us in ...


Encyclical of Metropolitan Sotirios of Toronto for Holy Pascha (Metropolitan of Toronto Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Risen Christ and the World The Resurrection of Christ is a historical event. It demonstrates that Christ is truly God, and that He is the expected Messiah who will return to judge the living and the dead. The Risen Christ is the True God, which means that He perfectly embodies Truth, Life, Love and Goodness. As soon as evil perceived that the ultimate Good was crucified and then resurrected, it revolted. It did whatever it could to hide the truth. It used deceit, lies and bribery. For its first wicked act, it bribed the soldiers who stood guard over the tomb of Christ. They were told to say that they slept while His disciples came and stole the body. This tendency, as exemplified ...


Easter in the Liturgical Year (Fr. Alexander Schmemann)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In the center of our liturgical life, in the very center of that time which we measure as year, we find the feast of Christ’s Resurrection. What is Resurrection? Resurrection is the appearance in this world, completely dominated by time and therefore by death, of a life that will have no end. The one who rose again from the dead does not die anymore. In this world of ours, not somewhere else, not in a world that we do not know at all, but in our world, there appeared one morning Someone who is beyond death and yet in our time. This meaning of Christ’s Resurrection, this great joy, is the central theme of Christianity and it has been preserved ...


He has no choice (Elder Sophrony of Essex)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Many people take His silence as an indication that God ‘doesn’t exist’. But if we consider the position we put God in through our passions, we’ll see that He has no choice but to be silent. We ask Him to indulge us in our evil deeds. He doesn’t openly bother us. He allows us to continue in our wicked ways and to reap the fruit of our personal sins. God’s silence is the most eloquent, the kindest answer to our bad behaviour. We’ve thrown the Word of God out of our lives. We’ve ignored His words and, well, now we’re facing the consequences of our actions.


Christ is risen! (Metropolitan Anthony Bloom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We are keeping today the Resurrection of Christ which is the victory of God over death but also over evil. But this victory is not won by God alone. When the Son of God became Man it is in His humanity by His Divine power that He overcame evil. And so let us rejoice not only in the love of God, in the mercy of God, in the greatness of God, in His generosity, but let us rejoice also in the fact that we, human beings are capable of uniting with God in such a way, in such a manner that in and through us evil may be destroyed. Not only our private sin, not only our weakness, but “the ...


On the Lord’s Resurrection (Elder Aimilianos Simonopetritis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Before daybreak, at night, in the innards, in the belly of the grave, the Risen Lord sprang up. ‘From the belly, before the morning-star’, the heavenly Father raised Him and since then He has been our eternal High Priest. Christ’s resurrection is a special gift, the last gift on earth of the Lord Who welled like myrrh from that tomb. There has never been a more beautiful treasure-chamber than the Lord’s tomb. There has never been a more beautiful opening than the opening of Christ’s tomb. The Father agreed to His Son being cast into the tomb by the transgressors precisely because He intended light to rise from the grave. The Father would have remained unknown, inaccessible, but for the coming of ...


On the Mystery of Christ’s Obedience (Elder Aimilianos Simonopetritis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In a few hours, we’ll stand before the Lord, the naked Servant, Who is crucified but Whose mien, nevertheless, is one of majestic triumph, regal glory and serenity. If we are to understand the love we should have towards other people, or our love towards God, or His towards us, we have to understand the love shared by the Father and the Son. Otherwise, we’ll never understand what’s meant by the word ‘love’ and it’ll simply be something that calls to mind certain feelings, certain acts of tenderness and something human. Everything starts with the Father. There’s a monocracy in the Holy Trinity. It’s not possible that this great moment in the divine dispensation could occur except through the Father. In the first ...
