
Ξένες γλώσσες

The True Worshippers of God (Metropolitan Ioïl (Frangkakos) of Edessa, Pella, and Almopia.)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘They will worship the Father in spirit and truth’ There was conflict between the Jews and Samaritans. They weren’t related peoples. Samaria was a region totally foreign to the way of life of Israel. The Samaritans took their name from Mount Shomoren. They believed that the true God was a local deity and they also believed in idols. The Israelites viewed the Samaritans with repulsion, and the Rabbis ordained that Jews were to have no dealings at all with the inhabitants of Samaria. Christ stopped to rest in this region, specifically in the town of Sychar, close to Jacob’s well. It was there that He had a dialogue with a Samaritan woman. The dialogue between Christ and the Samaritan woman From her questions and ...


Elder Iosif Vatopaidinos, a Man of Abounding Paternal Love (Chrysostomos Papadakis, Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne)

Κατηγορίες: In English

At the presentation of the book on Elder Iosif Vatopaidinos, at the Athens Concert Hall, 19 April 2018. Nine years have passed since the demise of our blessed Elder, Iosif Vatopaidinos. Throughout this time, many devout souls were hoping earnestly to see his biography published. Naturally, there was not the slightest chance that the Holy and Great Monastery of Vatopaidi would fail to proceed with such a publication about the man to whom it owes its regeneration. It was in no rush to do so, however. For its capable helmsman and unflagging labourer for the cause of good, Elder Efraim, it was not his first priority. With great insight, he determined that the passage of time would preserve the text from any shades ...


We have to descend (Metropolitan Athanasios of Lemessos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Though God is indescribable and unapproachable in His essence, and can change events with a single word, He came to us, descended to us, and submitted Himself to the whole of the human condition: the humiliation, the passion and death. He did all of this precisely in order to meet us. He didn’t say: ‘Here I am. Come and find Me’, but Himself came to us. What does this mean for us, in our everyday lives? We, too, must descend to where other people are, meet them there and stop demanding that they should come and find us. We have to take that step which Christ took when He came and found us- not so that we’d remain as we ...


The best defence (Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Love of God is born of genuine faith, because those who love God can’t bear ever to leave Him. Grass can withstand fire more easily than the devil can deal with the flame of love. Love is a better defence than a wall and more resilient that diamonds. Love isn’t human words and concepts, nor mere declarations and addresses, but obvious concern backed up by works.


Delegation from Norway visits the Metropolitan of Thessaloniki Anthimos (Panagiotis G. Pavlos Department of Philosophy, University of Oslo)

Κατηγορίες: In English

A large delegation of Norwegians was received by the Metropolitan of Thessaloniki, His Eminence Mr. Anthimos, on the occasion of their educational tour and pilgrimage to Byzantine churches and other Christian monuments of the city of Thessaloniki. The delegation headed by Torstein Theodor Tollefsen, professor of Ancient and Byzantine philosophy at the University of Oslo, was consisted of emeriti professors, doctors, researchers, other philhellenes and friends of Orthodoxy from Norway, as well as members of the Norwegian Orthodox Parish of St. Nicholas in Oslo, which belongs to the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and the Parish of the Metropolitan Church of The Annunciation of the Mother of God in Oslo of the Metropolis of Sweden and All Scandinavia. His Eminence, the Metropolitan Anthimos received ...


Perils among False Friends (Monk Arsenios of the Skete of Koutloumousiou, the Holy Mountain)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In his second epistle to the Corinthians, at chapter 1, verse 26, the Holy Apostle Paul enumerates the dangers facing the Apostles. There were eight such dangers, the last being ‘perils among false brethren’. A short interpretation provided by the late Panayiotis Trembelas states: ‘in perils from people who were false friends and who bore name of “Christian” under false pretences’. Trembelas was right to point this out because false friends are those who come to us as friends, whereas in fact they’re anything but, because they have a different outlook, which is hostile towards us. Saint Paul departed this life on earth in 64 A.D, as a martyr. We may assume that he wrote the epistle sometime between 50-60 A.D. ...


On the Sunday of the Paralytic (2) (Saint John Chrysostom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Let us be ashamed then, my friends, ashamed, and bemoan our excessive indifference. Thirty-eight years that man had been waiting without getting what he wanted, but he didn’t give up. And he’d failed not through any carelessness of his own, but through being hindered and pushed aside by others. But he still wasn’t disheartened. On the other hand, if we’ve persisted for ten days to pray for something and haven’t obtained it, we can’t then be bothered to continue with the same fervour. And we often wait upon other people for a long time, enduring a lengthy campaign and performing servile tasks, very often with nothing to show for it, but we can’t abide to wait upon our Master with ...


Sunday of the Paralytic (Saint John Chrysostom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In a gold-mine, even the most insignificant vein isn’t overlooked, however difficult it might be to work. So, with the Holy Scriptures, you ignore even a jot or tittle at your peril. Everything needs to be examined. The Holy Spirit has dictated them and there’s nothing in them unworthy of our attention. See what the Evangelist says here: this was the second sign that Jesus performed on His way from Judea to Galilee. John didn’t merely add the word ‘second’, but is emphasizing the miracle Christ had worked among the Samaritans. He wants to show that, even though there was a second sign, those who saw and believed had not attained the same stature as those who believed without ...


Christ the King (Metropolitan Anthony Bloom †)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. In one of his homilies St. John Chrysostom says that anyone endowed with power can rule, only a king can die for his people. And this we see so wonderfully and tragically manifested in God become Man in the Lord Jesus Christ. He himself says in the Gospel that the rulers of the earth subdue their people, rule over them with power but He calls us to be rulers of another kind, to give our lives to people so that they be able to follow the example given in freedom, liberated from fear and liberated by Him from sin and evil. And yet, there is a condition to this. We ...


They don’t pass it on (Saint Isaac the Syrian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

God doesn’t need anything. He rejoices, however, when He sees someone finding peace with His image and honouring it with love. If someone comes to you to ask for something of yours, don’t say in your heart that you’ll keep it for yourself, for your own sake, and that God will find another way to supply their need. Because that’s what’s said by the unrighteous, who don’t know God. Just and virtuous people are sensible of the honour paid to them by their impoverished brother or sister and don’t transfer it to someone else. They don’t allow themselves to miss the opportunity to be generous.


Sunday of the Paralytic (Metropolitan Anthony Bloom †)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. We have heard today in the Gospel of a man who for thirty eight years had laid paralysed. The only thing that separated him from healing was the possibility to reach the waters, which the angel brought into motion once a year. Thirty eight years had he attempted to move towards healing but someone else has been quicker than he and stolen healing from him. How many are there now in the world, how many have been and will be in this world of ours who need healing, who are paralysed by fear, paralysed by all that prevents us from moving with boldness and purpose towards fullness of life? ...


I love You († Archimandrite Georgios Kapsanis, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Gregoriou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The struggle waged by Christians isn’t so that they can say to God: ‘I’m all right. I deserve to be saved’ because then they’d be Pharisees. It’s to say to God: ‘Lord, despite my weakness and my sinfulness, I love You. And, as an expression of my love, I try to observe Your commandments and Your holy will. It’s up to you whether You give me salvation and whether You give me Your Grace’.
