
Ξένες γλώσσες

Human Tape-recorders (Saint Paisios the Athonite)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Because of so much reading, people today have ended up as tape-recorders and their cassettes are full of superfluous things. But according to Abba Isaac, teaching without action is a ‘repository of shame’. You see, lots of people who are interested in sports read sports magazines or newspapers and just sit there like lemons, but they admire the athletes. ‘He’s amazing’, they say. ‘Well done’. But they don’t break a sweat themselves or shed a couple of pounds in weight. They read and read about sports and lie around. That’s not doing them any good. All they have is the pleasure of reading. Some secular-minded people read newspapers, others read a romance or an adventure, or go to the stadium to watch ...


Sermon on the Apostolic Reading for the 15th Sunday of Luke (Galatians 4: 22-27) (Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Apostle Paul, with this reading from his Epistle to the Galatians, seeks to educate those who still do not realize that the Mosaic Law has a temporary and not eternal value. To illustrate this, he uses the example of the two sons of Abraham. The first child born from Hagar the slave symbolizes the current city of Jerusalem, which is undermined by her and her children. The other child of Abraham, born from the free woman Sarah, according to the promise of God, symbolizes the heavenly Jerusalem. The heavenly Jerusalem is free, and is the mother of all of us Christians. Since she is free from the Mosaic Law, this means that her children also are free from the ...


The Triune God is our Saviour (Rafael Ch. Misiaoulis, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Jesus taught in the synagogues on Saturdays. The reason behind His choice of day was that, for the Jews, Saturday was a day of rest and worship of God. Any work was completely forbidden. Even the distance one could walk was strictly defined. So on this day, everyone gathered in the synagogues to hear the word of God. One Saturday, in one of the synagogues, there was among the congregation a woman whose body was so bent that she couldn’t fully straighten herself up. Because of her infirmity, it had been eighteen years since she been able to look at other people from a natural position. A pitiable condition. Her life was one of continuous suffering. She had, however, hope ...


Are the Israelites the People of God? (Archimandrite Iakovos Kanakis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

There’s no easy or definitive answer to this question, nor any anxiety over it if you trust in God’s plan. It is, however, a matter on which theologians have set out their opinions, though we’re not in a position to accept any particular one of these absolutely. However that may be, it’s certainly not necessary to approach the issue by involving nationalistic elements, anti-Semitic tendencies and the like. If we start at the beginning, as events are described in Genesis, God creates Adam, that is the human person. After the flood and other Biblical events, He chooses a people to whom He will give His Law and from whom will be born His Son. That this people is Israel is beyond ...


Saint Spyridon feast day celebration

Κατηγορίες: In English

Rev. Father Nicolas along with the Parish Council of Saint Spyridon Church invite you to join them for the Feast of Saint Spyridon The Wonderworker Bishop of Tremithus, patron Saint of the St. Spyridon community of Washington Heights. Tuesday, December 11, 2018 7:00 pm Great Vespers celebrated by His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios, Geron of America Immediately following Services, The Ladies Philoptochos will be offering refreshments at the St. Spyridon Church Banquet Hall. Wednesday, December 12, 2018 9:00 am Orthos – 10:15 am Divine Liturgy Hierarchal Divine Liturgy presided by His Grace, Bishop Apostolos of Medeia Immediately following services, The Ladies Philoptochos will be hosting a luncheon at the St. Spyridon Church Banquet Hall. 124 Wadsworth Avenue – New York, NY 10033 Donation $30.00 Please make your reservations by calling: Elizabeth Katechis 718-514-4853 Maria Konnari 212-928-0343 Complimentary Valet Parking ...


On Self-Restraint (Book of the Elders)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Some monks from the skete set out to visit Abba Anthony. So they got on a boat and there found another Elder who also wanted to go the same place. The brothers didn’t know him, though. Sitting amidships, they talked about the sayings of the Fathers, phrases from Scripture or, in between, discussed their handicrafts. The Elder remained completely silent. When they got to the mooring-stage, they noticed that the Elder was also making his way to Abba Anthony. When they arrived the latter said to the monks: ‘You found good company in this Elder’. To the Elder he said: ‘You had good brethren with you, Abba’. ‘Good they are, certainly’, he replied, ‘but their yard doesn’t have a gate. ...


Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the Abbess of Chrysopigi, and the Love of the Church (Evagelos Sotiropoulos, Archon Ostiarios, political scientist, freelance columnist)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Two days following the Feast of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle and the Patronal Feast of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, our Holy Metropolis is pleased to publish Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the Abbess of Chrysopigi, and the Love of the Church. This interview is timely, as well, because today our Holy Church celebrates the memory of St. Porphyrios Kafsokalyvitis who had a unique and special bond with the Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegic Monastery of Chrysopigi in Chania of Crete. Mother Theoxeni is the Abbess of Chrysopigi. She first visited Canada and our Metropolis in March 2015 during Great Lent; with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Sotirios, she delivered a keynote spiritual address on the life of St. Porphyrios. Mother Abbess ...


How does this happen? (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Sometimes, people think they’re praying fervently, but, in their heart, their prayer doesn’t bear fruit, that is the peace and joy of the Holy Spirit. How is this? Because they’re praying without having genuinely repented of the sins they committed in the day that’s passed.


Love seeks nothing for itself (Saint Isaac the Syrian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

They say about blessed Anthony, that he never thought of doing anything that was of more benefit to himself than to others. This was because he believed that any gain for other people was the best thing he could do. And again, they said about Abba Agathon that he used to say: ‘I wanted to find a leper so that I could take his body and give him mine’. Do you see what perfect love that is? And if he had something useful he couldn’t rest until he’d passed it on to someone else. He once had a chisel for cutting into rocks. Another monk came to see him and, since he saw it and liked it, Abba Agathon wouldn’t let him ...


A variety of ploys (Saint Ignatius Brianchaninoff)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Conscious, calculated or artificial humility is a mix of numerous and varied stratagems through which human pride attempts to attire itself in the glory of humility in the eyes of the blind world, the world which clings to its own things, the world which fawns on faults when these are concealed behind the mask of virtue, the world that hates virtue when this appears before it in its divine simplicity and its unwavering submission to the Gospels.


Faith as a Prerequisite for Salvation, in the Prophet Habakkuk and the Apostle Paul (Protopresbyter Spyridon Lontos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The prophet Habakkuk , one of the twelve minor prophets of the Old Testament, lived in Palestine in the 7th century B.C., at a time before the southern kingdom was conquered by the Babylonians (587) and lost its religious centre, the Temple of Solomon. In his book, he paints a picture of social injustice as a result of religious decadence and moral turpitude. He gives the causes of the suffering of the people and attempts to rally them. He goes up into the watch-tower, where he sees God, and receives the commandment to record this theophany in the form of a hymn. He expresses his complaint to God that those who love Him and are righteous suffer hardships and are oppressed ...


True Knowledge of God and of the Self (Saint Justin Popovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

An excerpt from Put Bogopoznanja (The Path to Knowledge of God) Only the nous that has been cleansed of the passions and the darkness of sin and has been sanctified by the Grace of the Holy Spirit is in a position to sense and conceive of and love that which is holy, to live from it and for it. Only those who are pure can come to know the only Pure One. ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God’. First they’ll see Him in the face of His saints, because ‘God is at rest in the saints’. They will also see there every divine gift which has been placed within every one of God’s creations. The human conscience ...


Great faith (Rafael Ch. Misiaoulis, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Lord visited every city and region of Judea, where He cured all manner of diseases and bodily ailments. He preached repentance, bringing back those in error to the knowledge of the truth and confirming His teachings with strange miracles. He did so because people are usually more easily convinced by words rather than by deeds. As He went up to Jerusalem, Jesus passed through Jericho. Outside the city, a certain blind man was sitting. He was blind as regards his bodily eyes, but not in terms of the eyes of his heart, since Jesus told him that he was saved because of his faith. The man asked helped from those who passed by, or to put it another way, he ...


Let’s not be overwhelmed (Saint Ambrose of Milan)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘Don’t let us fall into temptation that we can’t withstand’. As if we were athletes wishing to compete and asking for the strength to resist our opponent, which in this case is sin. The Lord, Who took our sins upon His shoulders and forgave our errors, is able to protect us and guard us against the stratagems of the devil who wages war against us. The devil is the enemy who always engenders evil in order to overcome us, but if we trust in God, we don’t fear him.


Sermon on the Apostolic Reading – 14th Sunday of Luke (Ephesians 6:10-17)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In this Apostolic reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, we see an inspiring description of the suit of armor a Christian needs for warfare. Of course, the kind of example that St. Paul is presenting is a spiritual one, aimed at effectiveness in the spiritual warfare of a Christian. This is because the Christian has a constant enemy, the Devil (Satan), who with his tricks is trying to deceive people and lead them away from Christ. In order to help us appreciate the magnitude of this danger, St. Peter adds: “… Your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). That is why St. Paul urges us, like a ...
