
Ξένες γλώσσες

A “thank you, God” present (Saint Gregory the Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Give something to God as a “thank you” present, for the fact that you’re one of those who can give charity rather than someone who has to live off it. For the fact that you don’t expect help from the hands of others, but that others hope for it from yours. Bestow not only possessions on people, but also respect, not only gold, but also virtue, or even better, only virtue. » Saint Gregory the Theologian


The Gift of Far-sight and Other Miraculous Events (Manolis Karakostas)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Another phenomenon which many who visit monastics have observed is the gift of far-sight which some of these people have. Often the Elders know names and situations regarding their visitors without the latter having mentioned the issue they’ve come to raise. Many such instances have been recorded, including some by people still alive who met some of the saints of our own day. The relationship between these Elders and wild animals is also well known. There are numerous references to Orthodox ascetics who consorted with snakes, lions and so on, with the animals obeying as if they were tame. Of course, we’ve all seen wild animals which have been tamed, but it should be noted that this is achieved only after ...


Vigilance, patience and boldness (Saint Dimitri of Rostov)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Strive to remain unflinchingly in a state of spiritual vigilance, patience and boldness, because only then will you sense the spiritual Amalek who covets your soul. You’ll be freed from the passions and gain the eternal good things, when the Lord returns to judge the world. Who has ever been wounded and then been cured without first undergoing the pain and then the treatment regime of the doctor? Who can follow Christ without shouldering the cross of patience? No-one. All of those who followed Him in the past and do so now were and are prepared to face with patience the trials which will certainly come their way, as the wise Sirach says: ‘Child, if you come to serve the Lord God, prepare ...


The Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee (Monk Agapios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

From the Kyriakodromion of Monk Agapios The Holy Fathers of the Church have commanded us to sing and read today about the case and parable of the Publican and the Pharisee, in order that we might prepare for the spiritual struggles and warfare of Holy Lent, which is approaching. This is why they called this week a ‘warning order’, because it forewarns and reminds us of the time of fasting and repentance which is almost upon us, so that we may prepare accordingly, to fight bravely and fairly, and not be defeated by any passion and lose the kingdom of heaven. Let each of us then examine which sin defeats us, so that we conquer it boldly in these holy days; ...


On Pride and Humility (Abba Dorotheos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Excerpt (2) from Instruction 1 What harm pride does, my brethren. If only you knew what humility can achieve. Why did we need to go through all these tribulations? If, from the beginning had humbled himself, obeyed God and kept His commandment, he wouldn’t have fallen. And again, after the sin, he was afforded the chance to repent and be shown mercy, but his neck remained stiff. God came and asked him: ‘Adam, where are you?’. He didn’t say: ‘From what glory have you fallen into such shame?’. Then He asks him: ‘Why did you sin? Why did you break the commandment?’, giving him every opportunity to ask for forgiveness. But where was the ‘Forgive me’? No sign of humility, ...


The Environmental Activities of the Ecumenical Patriarchate (Timotheos Papastavrou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Following the rapid industrial and technological explosion which has brought significant changes to the planet and has created a large number of social and environmental problems, the Ecumenical Patriarch has moved into action in an effort to provide a solution to the troubles afflicting creation. The most important event which triggered the activities of the Ecumenical Patriarchate occurred in April 1986, the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear installation which caused irreparable damage to the environment and to people. The pioneer in the ecological activities was Patriarch Dimitrios I and he was followed by his successor, Patriarch Bartholomew I, the latter being known as ‘The green Patriarch’ for his important contribution to environmental issues. He has made the protection of the environment ...


A Journey with Sinners, Lunatics and Lovers.. (Fr. Spyridon Skoutis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

A lot of hesitations… Some people don’t want to go to confession, others are driven mad by being woken up early to go to church, the fast seems like a mountain, but dieting for the beach is a child’s game. You see a priest on the street and you feel like crossing the road. Sin wants to anchor you in its own harbour. And what’s behind all this? We don’t want to abandon sin. We like it. As one song says, the cup of sin is sweet. We don’t want to leave, we’ve been together for years, we enjoy this marriage. We’ve become as one. If anyone goes to touch our other half, even in a sermon, we go wild. Everything’s a rebuke ...


The Need to Knead (Archimandrite Varnavas Lambropoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘If you don’t want to knead, you’ll spend ten days sifting flour’, that is, finding excuses for your laziness. The folk saying’s got it right. And if that’s true for the genuinely tiring task of kneading bread, how much more so is it of the ‘heavy lifting’ of the acquisition of the virtues. *** In the New Testament, there’s an epistle by Saint James, addressed to all Christians. If you haven’t read it carefully, you’re doing yourself a disservice. It contains all the teaching of the Apostle in brief. Though it’s short, it demonstrates the capacity of his heart. The epistle begins with an exhortation which shows the depth of experience he has in the struggle for salvation. It’s an appeal which sounds ...


The unjust wealth (Saint John Chrysostom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When you see somebody becoming rich through wrong-doing and then living prosperously, sigh and weep for them. Because this wealth adds to their punishment. What they’ve saved is lost and what they’ve wasted remains. Nobody can snatch it from the hand of God.


Our ‘Good Image’ (Fr. Andreas Agathokleous)

Κατηγορίες: In English

It’s not unusual for people to be very concerned that others should have a good image of them. This demonstrates a lack of self-awareness, humility and seriousness. In the depths of their being, the dominant feeling is one of egotism, the basis for vanity. In other words, it’s a state of spiritual imbalance in which the person is dependent on the opinions of others, takes them seriously into account and acts accordingly. Such people ignore their true self- their weaknesses and their gifts- they ignore the fickleness of others, who aren’t slow to change their views, and they ignore the love of their heavenly Father, the only constant we have, whoever we may be. It’s a well-observed fact that those who ...


Casting mud (Saint Nicholas Velimirovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The Lord didn’t live among people in order to besmirch them, but to cleanse them. He never sullied anyone, but, on the contrary, cleansed all those who desired to be. What a rebuke for many of us, who try to cleanse ourselves and work twice as hard at vilifying others! We cast mud at our own siblings. Even Christ weeps when He sees us besmirching with the mud of slander those whom He cleansed with His own blood…


The Sunday of the Canaanite Woman (Monk Agapios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

From the Kyriakodromion of Monk Agapios ‘At that time, Jesus went to the district of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman from that region came out and cried, “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely possessed by a demon”’. The Lord prevented His disciples from going into the lands of the pagans, but He Himself went to Tyre and Sidon which were towns where Hellenes* lived. He did so in order to condemn the lack of faith on the part of the Jews. So the Canaanite woman, who must have learned of the Lord’s reputation earlier, heard that He had come to that part of the country and approached Him crying: ‘Have mercy on ...


That we should not despair, even though we sin often (Saint Peter the Damascan)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Even if you are not what you should be, you still ought not to despair. It’s bad enough that you’ve sinned, without maligning God by regarding Him, in your ignorance, as powerless. He it is Who, for your sake created the great universe that you behold, and yet He’s incapable of saving your soul? And if you say that this, and His incarnation, makes your plight all the worse, then repent. He’ll receive your repentance, as He accepted that of the prodigal son and the harlot. And even if repentance is beyond you, and you sin out of habit, while not wishing to, show humility, as did the publican. This is enough to guarantee your salvation. Those who sin without ...


Rely on the Grace (Archimandrite Georgios Kapsanis, Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Gregoriou †)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If you allow the thought that you can rely on your own powers and proceed in that vein, then pride enters. You lose what you’ve gained and you need to start again from the beginning, to humble yourself, to see your weakness, your human sickness, and stop relying on yourself. You have to rely on the Grace of God if you want to keep on the path towards glorification.


Our base nature (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Just as we don’t judge ourselves harshly, neither should we judge others. Irritation comes from a lack of self-awareness, from pride, from the fact that we don’t take into account the true baseness of our nature and that we hardly even know meek and humble Jesus.


God will not abandon us go further down

Κατηγορίες: In English

Anthimos Ananiadis is talking about his plans, about bringing his experience from the American movie factory in Greece and creating a new movie with spiritual characteristics about a Greek orthodox hero. In his job he is realising the presence of God who is not leave Greece go further down in the crisis of the modern time.
