
Ξένες γλώσσες

Saint Gregory Palamas and the Hesychasts (2nd Sunday in Lent) (Pavlos Mouktaroudis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The second Sunday in Lent is devoted to Saint Gregory Palamas (14th century), a hesychast from the Holy Mountain and later Archbishop of Thessaloniki. Saint Gregory Palamas defended the hesychasts of the Holy Mountain who were being mocked and attacked by the person who expressed the spirit of the Western Church, the monk Barlaam, from Calabria in Southern Italy. When Saint Gregory defended these monks, he set out the Orthodox faith regarding God, the way we can approach Him and what it is that constitutes the salvation of humankind. If the faith is altered, every in the slightest way, then our life ‘in  Christ’ is modified and the salvation of humankind is aborted. The West Among those who altered the true faith of ...


Temptations toughen us up (Elder Cleopa of Romania)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Temptations teach us the experience of spiritual warfare, they toughen us up in life and help us progress spiritually. They also humble us and show us our weakness and incapacity when we’re alone, without divine assistance. They also reinforce our patience, prayer, tears, humility and faith. » Elder Cleopa Ilie


Hieromonk Neofytos Vatopaidinos (1876-3 April 1967) (Archimandrite Gabriel Dionysiates)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Angelos Theoharoudis, the son of Dimitrios and Anastasia, was born in 1876 in Gomati, Halkidiki. In 1892, he entered the beautiful, old Kelli of the Great Martyr Prokopios, belonging to the Holy and Great Monastery of Vatopaidi, where the saint’s hand is kept. He was tonsured in 1899 by Elder Neofytos I. In 1907 he was ordained deacon and in 1909 he became a priest. He was a wonderful, discerning and well-known Spiritual Father. He was often called out into Halkidiki to confess the faithful. People flocked to him for confession as to no other Spiritual Father. Elder Gavriil, of the Holy Monastery of Dionysiou writes in his splendid Lavsaïko: ‘Outstanding as an Elder was the kindly and devout Spiritual Father, ...


How is Death Overcome? (Archimandrite Iakovos Kanakis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We can’t accept that God is the ‘maker’ of the wrongs we see all around us. It’s not possible that God created corruption, pain, sickness and, finally, death. But then, how do they exist? There are a variety of explanations and, of course, the Church has expressed its own theological view on the issue. This is a view which is ‘embodied’ when there’s faith and not so much in rationality, arguments and proofs. In chapter 3 of Genesis, the tragic moments of what we call the Fall are described. People ‘rebelled’ and sought to become gods themselves, ‘an illusion of autonomy’. Instead they achieved rupture, division, separation and solitude. They ruptured their relationship with God, other people and the rest of ...


Miracles of Saint Diomidis (Saint Neofytos Recluse)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When his enemies became aware of his presence, they followed him, because they wanted to find out who it was who’d come to Trifyllios, where he’d come from and where he was staying. Five hundred Hagarenes were on his heels. The first miracle The young child ran to escape. They pursued him, like rabid dogs closing in on their prey. But the Lord knows how to deliver people from a tight spot. A voice from heaven was heard, saying: ‘Diomidis, turn round and make the sign of the cross over your pursuers’. No sooner had he quickly done so than they were inundated with divine wrath. Their bellies and hidden members swelled with fluid to such an extent that they were ...


Repentance & Turnaround (Saint Nicholas Velimirovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Repentance without a complete turnaround is nothing more than a travesty before God and the soul. It doesn’t do to play with God. He shows mercy to those who repent, but chastises harshly those who don’t repent at all or who do so only partially and insincerely. And when God strikes, the wound is very deep and no-one can heal it except God Himself. » Saint Nicholas Velimirovich


Hieromonk Dometie (Trihenea) of the Holy Kelli of Saint Ypatios (8 June 1909-21 November 1985)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Dumitru Trihenea was born to Dumitru and Maria in Tilişca Sibiului, Romania, on 8/6/1909. His parents were shepherds. In 1915, his parents moved, with their flocks, to the Crimea, while Dumitru remained with his very devout grandmother. In 1922, he had a dream in which Our Most Holy Lady gave him a tour of the monasteries on the Holy Mountain. In the same year, despite the many reservation of people who thought he was too young, he decided to go to Mount Athos, the Bower of Our Lady, where the Mother of God herself walked and which she holds under her protection. With him were the hierodeacon Gherontie and hieromonk Diomid. They took a boat from Constanţa, arrived in Thessaloniki and ...


Sermon on the Apostolic Reading of the Sunday of Orthodoxy (Hebrews 11, 24-26 & 32-40) (Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The meaning of today’s great Feast of Orthodoxy is summarized in a hymn sung the Matins, at the Praises: “A day of jubilee and full of joy has been revealed today. Through the cheerfulness of the true doctrines, the Church of Christ shines brightly, adorned by the restoration of the holy icons… and the faithful enjoy the God- rewarded peace” (Matins 3rd Sticheron). A joyous day! Today we celebrate the triumph of the Orthodox faith against the heresies that had caused great commotion in the Church of Christ for centuries. The sacred icons have been restored in their place in the holy churches and the “God-rewarded” harmony returns among all the faithful. Thus, the terms Orthodoxy and Orthodox Church were established in ...


Commensurate temptations (Elder Cleopa of Romania)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Temptations are trials that come upon people from the devil and his minions, that is, bad people. In practice, they’re commensurate with the powers and nature of each person. God allows weightier temptations to those who are strong in the faith, so that they can progress in holiness and become worthy of greater crowns. But to those who are weak in the faith and in patience, he allows lighter temptations in order to help them overcome them and not despair. » Elder Cleopa Ilie


Communication between a Married Couple, according to Saint John Chrysostom (Klairi Mavromatou-Hatzikonti)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Today, when the institution of marriage is in crisis all over the world, it might be useful to look at the inspired words of the Fathers of the Church as guides to life. In an article in Pemptousia Magazine (No. 25), Elder Efraim, the Abbot of the Monastery of Vatopaidi, puts questions to those of us who are married: How well do you communicate? Do you talk to each other? Do you share your thoughts? What actions do you take regarding your everyday communication? Do you devote time, from what’s left over, to being together and talking calmly? Or are you perhaps indifferent to the interests and problems of your spouse and let your tongue run loose? In seeking answers to these ...


The First Sunday in Lent: Sunday of Orthodoxy (Deacon Rafael Misiaoulis, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

On the first Sunday in Lent, commonly known as the Sunday of Orthodoxy, our Church honours and acknowledges the holy struggles and the victory of Orthodoxy, which triumphed over all the heresies from their first appearance in the very early days of Christianity. Today we proclaim not merely the victory of the Church in the iconoclast controversy but also over all the other heresies throughout the centuries, which presented a false Christ, one who was different from the true Christ of the Church. The main victory on which we focus today is the triumph in the battle over icons. The struggles and conflicts over the icons lasted more than two hundred years. The iconoclasts were internal enemies of the Church. They ...


Rule and law (Saint Maximos the Confessor)

Κατηγορίες: In English

By true divine providence, beings have within them a rule and law which allows those who appear to be ungrateful for the good things they’ve received, to be punished by their opposites, so that they’ll become grateful. And so that this experience of this will make them recognize the divine power which is able to bring about all these good things. This has been arranged by divine providence so that we should not become complacent as regards these achievements and slip into pride, thinking that virtue and knowledge are ours by our own nature, rather than something acquired later through divine grace. In that case, it becomes clear that we’ve been using our creative talents for evil purposes and even that divine ...


Sunday of Orthodoxy (Metropolitan Athanasios of Lemessos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

On the first Sunday of Lent, we celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy, that is to say the feast of the restitution of the holy icons, as the Church once again, by the grace of God, vanquished the heresy of  the iconoclasts and preserved with exactitude the faith and the tradition of the Holy Fathers of the Church, as it has been preserved throughout the ages. This faith has as its result the healing of humankind, our salvation and deification. Reverencing the holy icons is proof that we confess that God became a describable person, that the Word of God was truly incarnated and became a person, but also that people truly become children of God and vessels of the Holy Spirit, ...


Τhe Τriumph of Orthodoxy (Archbishop Luke of Crimea (the Surgeon))

Κατηγορίες: In English

Discourse on the First Sunday of Lent On the first Sunday of Great Lent, our Holy Church celebrates the triumph of Orthodoxy, of the correct faith, which trampled down all heresies and has been established for ever. This is why this Sunday is called the Sunday of Orthodoxy. Heresies appeared from the very beginning of Christianity. The Apostles of Christ themselves warned their contemporaries, and us with them, about the danger from false teachers. In his second universal epistle, Saint Peter writes:  “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as among you there will be false teachers, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift perdition. And many will follow them ...


Heart and mind lifted (Elder Cleopa of Romania)

Κατηγορίες: In English

People can pray without ceasing provided they’re always standing before God in heart and mind. They can be working with their hands, but have their heart and minds lifted up to God. We have to understand that people’s life is an uninterrupted prayer, when their intellect is turned to God. » Elder Cleopa Ilie
