
Ξένες γλώσσες

General medication (Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Prayer is our help in life, a conversation with God, an obliviousness towards earthly things, an ascent into heaven. It’s a general medication against the passions and protects us from them. It brings life, it’s a promise of health, it’s a flower of hope. Prayer’s a powerful weapon, a mighty fastness, a rich treasure, a safe haven, a secure place.


Sermon on the Apostolic reading for the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council (Acts 20: 16-18, 28-36) (Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

For this particular reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we see the Apostle Paul imparting his spiritual legacy upon the presbyters of Ephesus in an emotional farewell address at the seaside town of Miletus. Our Church, in its wisdom has chosen this passage as the one to be read today, in honor of the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Synod. This is because the Holy Fathers have taken to heart these words of St. Paul in how they lived, and we commemorate this faithfulness today. The Apostle had remained in Ephesus for three years straight, working to found one of the largest Churches in Asia. At the conclusion of his third Apostolic Tour, he set sail for Jerusalem, to ...


The ‘Evyenios Voulgaris’ Scholarship Programme for Advanced Studies in Orthodox Spiritual Life and Theology

Κατηγορίες: In English

Scholarship Programme ANNOUNCEMENT             The Saint Maxim the Greek Institute, with the support of the Holy and Great Monastery of Vatopaidi, is introducing the ‘Evyenios Voulgaris’ Scholarship Programme. Evyenios Voulgaris (1716-1806) served as principal of the Athoniada School, which had been established by the Holy Monastery of Vatopaidi. In his day, he was the greatest and most important Greek scholar, a theologian, philosopher, polymath, a man of encyclopaedic learning, poet, Father and Shepherd of the Church and an influential teacher for the whole of Orthodoxy.             The ‘Evgenios Voulgaris’ is directed towards: Orthodox theologians (up to 37 years of age), holders of or candidates for a doctoral degree. Duration: 1 year (October 1st – September 30th) Programme Language: Modern Greek Requirements: Good knowledge of Ancient Greek, ...


Lessons in humility (Joseph the Hesychast)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When the heart is humbled, it’s overshadowed by Divine Grace, which brings contrition, tears, peace and love. When you yourself are humbled, everybody else will seem to you to be saints. But when you’re proud and puffed up, everybody seems bad to you. All of these times that you fall are lessons in humility. >Blessed Joseph the Hesychast


A visit from the Lord (Saint Ephraim the Syrian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Whether the sword is sent, or sickness, famine, death, or something else that’s considered appalling, they’re all sent to earth for our regeneration and correction, and so that we can concentrate our minds  on devotion to God. Because every generation needs to be educated by a visit from the Lord. » Saint Ephraim the Syrian


Putting yourself in the place of others (Saint Paisios the Athonite)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Putting yourself in the place of other people is a great aid in acquiring internal kindness, because then love comes naturally, as do pain, humility, and gratitude to God through continuous hymns of praise and prayer of the heart for our neighbor. Then our prayer is both well-pleasing to God and helps our fellow human beings. » Venerable Païsios the Athonite


Sermon on the Apostolic reading for the Sunday of the blind man (Acts 16:16-34) (Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In today’s passage from the Acts of the Apostles, we see two main themes: Satan’s cunning in how he deceives people, and the wondrous protection that God provides to the faithful who are devoted to Him. St. Paul the Apostle and his partner Silas are in Philippi of Macedonia, proclaiming the Gospel and gathering the first believers in Christ. While there, something strange happened: Whenever they went to prayer, a certain slave girl would follow them. She was possessed by a spirit of divination, and would make money for her masters through fortune-telling. She would run after the Apostle crying out: “These men are servants of God, who proclaim to you the way of salvation” (verse 17). This was not a ...


A voluntary sorrow (Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Compassion is the voluntary sorrow we feel at the disasters that have befallen others. It’s begotten in a heart which sympathizes and suffers with the sufferings of others and it’s expressed as a loving disposition towards those who have been made miserable by unfortunate circumstances. It’s a powerful medicine for those who are down on their luck and is administered by a soul which suffers with them. It’s the father of clemency, a collateral bond of love and the link between all feelings of friendship. » Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis


Badness blinds us (Varnavas, Metropolitan of Neapolis and Stavroupolis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Metropolitan Barnabas of Neapolis In our lives, my beloved brothers and sisters, God has endowed us with many gifts. Health, people we love and who love us, the beauty of the world surrounding us, the good things we need in our lives. We acknowledge many of these gifts and sometimes thank God for His loving-kindness. But when we’re overwhelmed by difficulties and when badness darkens our minds, we can hardly think straight, much less feel any gratitude. We’re reminded of this basic truth in tomorrow’s Gospel narrative for the Sunday of the Blind Man (Jn. 9, 1-38). Jesus is walking along with His disciples when they come across a man who’s been blind from birth. The disciples are at a loss to ...


The great virtue (Saint Isaac the Syrian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In truth, the great virtue is to feel sorry for those who are evil and to benefit sinners more than the righteous. Give alms with a cheerful countenance and you’ll always bring comfort to those who are sad. On the day you feel sorry for someone who’s ill, see yourself as a martyr for Christ. » Saint Isaac the Syrian
