
Ξένες γλώσσες

They show the way (Saint Paisios the Athonite)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Those people who give everything to God and give themselves completely to Him, are sheltered under God’s great vault and are protected by His divine providence. They then become children of God and can help unfortunate people more, through God, with their prayers and, again with God’s illumination, can provide others with proper directions on how to approach God, how to find their salvation, their happiness and the peace of their soul through God’s divine consolation. Because it’s only with God that our soul knows repose.


დიდებულნი და ყოვლადქებულნი თავნი მოციქულთანი: პეტრე და პავლე

Κατηγορίες: ქართულ ენაზე

მართლმადიდებელი ეკლესია 29 ივნისს/12 ივლისს დიდებით დღესასწაულობს დიდებულთა და ყოვლადქებულთა, მოციქულთა თავთა პეტრესი და პავლეს ხსენების დღეს. თავნი მოციქულთანი ვადიდნეთ, მნათობნი ყოვლისა სოფლისანი: პეტრე, კლდე სიმტკიცისა, პავლე, პირი ქრისტესი და მოძღუარი წარმართთა, რაჲთა ოხითა მათითა მოვიღოთ შენდობაჲ ცოდვათა. წმიდა დიდებულთა და ყოვლადქებულთა მოციქულთა თავთა პეტრეს და პავლეს ლოცვით უფალო იესო ქრისტე შეგვიწყალენ, დაგვიფარენ და გაგვაძლიერენ ჩუენ! ამინ!


Real, not feigned (Elder Filotheos Zervakos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The devil has set his traps everywhere. He catches people and the only way to avoid these snares is through humility. Internal humility, not external, true not false modesty, real not pretend. Internal, real and true humility is when people feel, in the depths of their heart, the gifts and talents they’ve received from God. It’s the realization that everything we have- existence, life, health, wealth and wisdom- are all foreign to us and are gifts from God.


Before the void (Simone Weil)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Grace fills empty spaces, but it can only enter where there is a void to receive it, and it is grace itself which makes this void. To love truth mean to endure the void and, as a result, to accept death… Whoever endures a moment of void either receives the supernatural bread or falls. It is a terrible risk but one that must run, even during the instant when hope fails. But we must not throw ourselves into it. » Simone Weil (Gravity and Grace)


Sermon on the Apostolic Reading (Tit. 3: 8-15) of the Sunday of the Holy Fathers of Fourth Ecumenical Council (Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Today we celebrate the “Synaxis of All the Saints of Pisidia, Side and Antalya, along with the “Holy Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council of Chalkidon. This common celebration was approved by the Holy Synod of our Ecumenical Patriarchate for two reasons: Firstly, because among the Fathers who took part in the Fourth Ecumenical Council, there were also several Bishops of the Metropolises of Pisidia, Side and Antalya. Secondly, because today, just as in previous days and those that follow, we celebrate the memory of over 15,000 Martyrs and various other Saints of our Greater Metropolitan District. Our Church has established today’s reading to be taken from the last part of the Epistle sent by Apostle Paul to his Disciple Titus, whom ...


Root out (Saint John Chrysostom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When people want to root out some passion which has wormed its way into their hearts and become established there over time, it isn’t enough to give advice for one or two days in order to correct this passion. We have to talk lots of times over many days, provided, of course, we’re aiming at profit and benefit, rather than mere pleasantries and an outward show. >Saint John Chrysostom


Wealthy and lacking God (Saint Paisios the Athonite)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When it’s not distributed to the poor for the good of our souls and the benefit of our departed ones, wealth is a total disaster. Riches choke the soul, through great anxiety and rapacity. When we see people who have got everything, who want for nothing, but yet are anxious, worried and sad, we should recognize that they’re lacking God… » Venerable Païsios the Athonite


Nothing so powerful as charity (Saint John Chrysostom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Despite the fact that virginity, fasting and sleeping on the ground demand greater efforts, there’s nothing so powerful and so capable of extinguishing the fire of our sins as charity. It’s superior to all else and places those who live it close to the King of the Heavens Himself. And rightly so. >Saint John Chrysostom


What’s living within you? (Saint Isaac the Syrian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When the desire for Christ is dominant within you, you remain calm in every sorrow and you know that Christ lives within you more than the world does. And again, when sickness and the various misfortunes of life throw your mind into turmoil, you should know that your body is living within you, not Christ. In general, whatever thing is overriding and dominant, that’s what’s living within you. God and His angels rejoice in times of need; the devil and his minions in times of leisure. You should know that, without temptations, you’re a long way from the path of God and you aren’t treading in the footsteps of the saints. » Saint Isaac the Syrian


Servant or son? (Saint Abba Dorotheos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If we do good because we fear hell, we’re in the position of a servant; if we do it to get a reward, we’re like an employee; if we do it for its own sake then we’re in the position of a son. Because a son does his father’s will not out of fear, nor because he wants some reward, but he wants to serve his father, to honor him and give him pleasure. And this is how we should handle charity, for the virtue itself, participating in the difficulties of others, as if they were the members of our own body. We should serve others as if we ourselves were enjoying the fruits of our ministrations. We should give as if ...


The radiant example (Saint Basil the Great)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Those who, with powerful and correct thinking, have been able to study and understand each of the created things and having done so, are able to pass on to others everything to do with God’s goodness and His just judgment, are people who render glory and honor to God, as do those who live a life which conforms to such study and contemplation of God’s creation. The light (the radiant example) of such people shines before others and in this way they glorify their heavenly Father in words and works and with various acts of generosity. People who are seduced by human glory do not render any glory and honor to God, nor do those who worship money or those who seek ...


As children look to their mothers (Saint Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Don’t look at what’s happening to you, but look rather to the light, Christ, just as children look to their mothers when something happens. Look at everything without anxiety, without worry, without pressure, without feeling squeezed. In this way, instead of giving in to worry, which isn’t of the Spirit of God, you’ll surrender to praising Him. » Venerable Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia
