
Ξένες γλώσσες

It’s money in the bank (Saint Paisios the Athonite)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Because of their egotism, people who are proud never step outside themselves. Since they’re lacking divine illumination, they look on everybody else as ants and don’t take them into account. If they ever seek them out to assist in a plan they’ve made, it’s because they want them as workers, not as co-workers. In other words they want others to use their potential on their behalf. Their victims are people of good-will, but these latter also gain the most in the end, because their kindness is deposited for them in God’s savings account.


‘Internet and pastoral care’

Κατηγορίες: In English

Watch Claude Lopez-Ginisty’s speech at the 2nd International Conference on Digital Media and Orthodox Pastoral Care DMOPC18 which took place from 18th-21st June 2018 at the Orthodox Academy of Crete, organized under the High Auspices of His All Holliness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.


Smoke that’s dispersed (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When, on your journey towards God, you encounter obstacles, that is, doubt, disbelief, an unpleasant feeling towards someone, or, indeed, any other passion, don’t let it trouble you. Just remember that all of this is smoke from the enemy, which is dispersed by a wave of the hand of our Lord, Jesus Christ.


დიდმოწამე მარინე

Κατηγορίες: ქართულ ენაზე

მართლმადიდებელი ეკლესია 17/30 ივლისს აღნიშნავს წმიდა დიდმოწამე მარინეს ხსენების დღეს. ტარიგი შენი, იესუ, მარინე ხმობდა ხმითა მაღლითა, შენდა მსურის, სიძეო ჩემო, და შენითა ძიებითა დავსთხევ სისხლთა ჩემთა, და თანა ჯვარს ვეცმი, და თანა დავეფლვი შენდა ნათლისღებითა და მელმის შენთვის, რათა ვსუფევდე შენთანა და მოვსწყდები სახელისა შენისათვის, რათა ვიდიდოცა შენ თანა, არამედ ვითარცა მსხვერპლი უბიწო მიმითვალე, რომელი სურვილით მოვივლტი შენდა, მისითა მეოხებითა, ქრისტე ღმერთო, აცხოვნენ სულნი ჩუენნი. ბრწყინვალედ განაშუენე ლამპარი შენი სისხლითა ზეთითა ბრძენთა მათთანა ქალწულთა,  სიძისა მომლოდნელთა, ქალწულთა შორის დიდებულო მოწამეო მარინე, მეოხ-გვეყავ ჩუენ. ქალწულებისა სიკეთითა განშვენებულმან, ქალწულო, და წამებისა ღვაწლითა გვირგვინოსანმან, მარინე, სისხლითა ღვაწლთათა სხურებულმან, და კურნებათა საკვირველებითა განბრწყინვებულმან, კეთილ-მსახურებით მიითვალენ, მოწამეო, ძლევისა ნიჭნი ღვაწლთა შენისათანი. წმიდაო დიდმოწამე მარინე, ევედრე ღმერთსა ჩუენთვის.


Sermon on the Apostolic Reading for the 6th Sunday of Matthew (Romans 12: 6-14) (Metropolitan of Pisidia Sotirios)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The words that come to us from St. Paul, in today’s reading from the Letter to the Romans, serve as a guide for our daily lives. He encourages us to make good use of the gifts that God has given us, and shows us how to offer our love effectively, for the benefit of both ourselves and others. It is often the case that we are faced with the temptation to envy others for their gifts, and complain to God, asking Him why He did not bless us in the same way. The Holy Apostle points out that the gifts we have differ, “according to the grace that is given to us” (verse 6). God gives us what we can handle. ...


Prepare your lamp (Saint Dimitri of Rostov)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Prepare yourself, my brother, prepare yourself to welcome the heavenly Bridegroom, the most glorious Lord Jesus Christ. Behold, ‘He is coming in the middle of the night and blessed is the servant whom He will find watchful. And unworthy the one He finds heedless’ Wake up, prepare the lamp of your heart. ‘Arise, why are you slumbering? The end approaches and soon you will be troubled’. The Lord is coming, with Whom you will live and rejoice eternally. Take care that your lamp does not go out. Take care that your soul does not fall asleep because of idleness and sloth. Prepare yourself to welcome within you the Lord of Glory. He has come and is knocking at the door ...


Pre-orders now available for Cypriot monastery’s groundbreaking new book on the Royal Martyrs

Κατηγορίες: In English

Mesa Potamos, Cyprus, July 22, 2019 With great joy and feelings of deep emotion, the monastic brotherhood of the Holy Monastery of St. John the Forerunner of Mesa Potamos, Cyprus announces to the reading public that pre-orders of the book The Romanov Royal Martyrs: What Silence Could Not Conceal are now being accepted. An official video trailer for the book has also been released: This work is the fruit of a long-term study and it would not be bold to say that it has a uniquely significant feature, which accords to it a great honor and distinction: the fact that it is not simply a book written by the personal efforts and abilities of a single author, but rather was produced through the ...


Where God finds rest (Saint Seraphim of Sarov)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When people try to retain a humble heart and a calm outlook, then all the machinations of the enemy are deactivated. Because where there’s serenity of thought, God Himself finds rest: ‘His abode is in peace’ (Ps. 75, 3). When people welcome anything divine, their heart rejoices. On the other hand, when they admit anything diabolical, their heart is troubled and disturbed.


They don’t break the shell (Saint Paisios the Athonite)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Those people who are content with the material world and aren’t concerned for the salvation of their soul are like mindless, unhatched birds which are happy in the egg and make no effort to break the shell, to emerge and enjoy the sun- the soaring upwards into the life of Paradise- but prefer to remain where they are, in the shell, and die.


Elder Nektarios Marmarinos

Κατηγορίες: In English

On the occasion of the demise of the late Elder Nektarios Marmarinos, Pemptousia is publishing an extract from the book by Fr. Dimitrios Kavvadias ‘Elders and Women’s Monasticism’, in which, among much else, he refers to the late Elder Nektarios, the founder of the Holy Monastery of Saint Patapios in Loutraki: The sole exception in this book is the mention of the person of Elder Nektarios Marmarinos, who became the founder of the Monastery of Saint Patapios. We are not writing a eulogy of the man, but would address a few words related to his life and activities, with the aim of revealing how the Monastery of the wonder-working Saint came to be built. He is now in the twilight of ...


Seemingly small (Saint Nicholas Velimirovich)

Κατηγορίες: In English

The heart’s an apparently small organ, but there’s room for God to dwell inside. And if God does reside there, then the heart’s filled to overflowing and there’s room for nothing else. Even if the whole world were to be installed there, the heart would be an empty dwelling-place without God.
