
Ξένες γλώσσες

A Few Thoughts on Freedom (Nikolaos Georgantonis, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

When we talk about freedom, we mostly mean bodily, racial, feminist and so on and we consider it absolutely vital in today’s society. The great problem that arises, however, is that we forget that people aren’t only bodies but that each of us also has a spirit. Like it or not, it’s patently obvious and can be demonstrated by the numerous forms of mental disturbances that we observe in people. According to the works of the holy Fathers of our Church, free people are those who do good, that is those who follow Christ, with all that that involves (frequent participation in divine worship, the sacraments and so on) and slaves are those who have chosen the passions, i.e. have rejected ...


Take courage and start your struggle (Saint Dimitri of Rostov)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Don’t be sad at subduing your flesh for the sake of Christ, because He made it. Don’t be afraid of pain because He has the power to heal any wound. Don’t hold back from offering Him the whole of your being, because He will renew it, will glorify it in the kingdom of heaven. Suffer for Christ, as He suffered for you. Look around you and see how much pain, how much unhappiness, how much sorrow there is among people. However much you’re hurting, there are others who are worse off. Thank God and praise Him for not sending you even greater tribulations. Take courage, make a start and please Him with your spiritual struggle. With a little, fleeting effort, you’ll enjoy eternal and unending benefits. » Saint ...


Proof that God Exists (Metropolitan of Gortyn and Megalopolis, Ieremias)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In these talks, my friends, we’re presenting in simple form the well-known work of Saint John Damaskinos (the Damascan): The Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith. We know that God is beyond our capacity to understand. This doesn’t mean, however, that He’s left us in complete ignorance: He’s revealed His glory to us, first in nature and then, more fully, in the sacred books of Holy Scripture, the Old and New Testaments. On the basis of the revelations of Holy Writ, we’ve learned that God is three persons but one essence. He’s the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We also know now that the Father begot the Son and that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father. We also say ...
