
Ξένες γλώσσες

Κατηγορίες: In English

Seven hierarchs, assisted by almost two dozen clergymen, gathered in worship (watch v​ideo and view a​lbum) around the holy altar at the...


The seed of the evil one (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Parents and teachers, be careful not to allow your children to become capricious. When they grow up, they’ll complain that you did them harm when they were young by encouraging them to become wilful. Capriciousness is the germ of corruption and erosion of the heart, the moth that eats away at love, the seed of the evil one and a mockery of the Lord.


Saint Sophrony of Essex: the Theologian of the Hypostatic Principle is now in the Choir of Saints of the Church

Κατηγορίες: In English

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew left to the end his final surprise, bringing the joy of the resurrection: the announcement  of a fifth new saint which the Mother Church of Constantinople has elevated to the ranks of God’s chosen. This is Elder, now Saint Sophrony (Sacharov), founder and builder of the Holy and Stavropegic Monastery of the Honorable Forerunner in Essex. Short Biography of the Saint Saint Sophrony (Sacharov), was born in 1896 in Moscow. He studied at the State School of Fine Arts and devoted himself to painting. After a short period when he studied at the Saint Sergius Theological Institute (Saint Serge) in Paris, he left in 1925 to go to the Holy Mountain, where he settled in the Holy Monastery of ...


The Church Celebrates, the Holy Mountain Rejoices and the Orthodox Commonwealth Glorifies (Stelios Koukos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Four Athonite Elders are inscribed in the rolls of the saints. The Church celebrates, the Holy Mountain rejoices and the Orthodox commonwealth glorifies. Today hesychasts, cave-dwellers, those living in kellia and sketes are permeated with the brightness of sanctity. The coenobitic monasteries on Athos now have their grounding, their corner-stones and their foundations, with the formal declaration of sanctity. Monasteries throughout Greece, Cyprus and the whole Orthodox commonwealth all partake in their share of the blessing of ancestral sanctity. From the left: Saints Daniil Katounakiotis, Ieronymos Simonopetritis, Iosif the Hesychast and Efraim Katounakiotis Hierarchs, archimandrites, priest-monks, monks, nuns and the laity gaze on as their elders, their spiritual fathers and guides in Christ are elevated to the ranks of the saints. The announcement of the official acknowledgement ...


We should sigh and lament (Saint John Chrysostom)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If the soul is superior to the body, as, of course, it is, it’s more fitting to sigh and lament over it if it’s lost. Again, if it’s unaware , that’s another reason to sigh and lament. Because we should be more saddened by those who seek promiscuous sexual relations than by those who are suffering from a fever.


Rejection of Despair (Saint Peter the Damascan)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We shouldn’t despair when we’re not as we ought to be. Of course, it’s bad if you sin. But why do you slight God and, in your ignorance, consider Him powerless? Is He Who made this wonderful world for you perhaps unable to save your soul? And if you say: ‘That just makes it all the worse, as does His forbearance’, repent and He’ll accept your repentance as He did that of the prodigal (Luke 15, 20) and of the harlot (Luke 7, 47-48). If you can’t even do that and, from habit, continue to sin by doing what you don’t really want to, then have the humility of the publican (Luke 18, 13) and that’ll be enough for your salvation. Because, ...
