According to the Mount Athos order, the festive celebration of the memory of Saint Ephraim of Katounakia is being held...
Thousands of Orthodox faithful were blessed to venerate the Holy Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos during its recent week-long...
Nume dulce şi scump tuturor românilor iubitori ai adevărului lui Hristos, Valeriu Gafencu este poate exemplul cel mai limpede pentru...
POST-HUMANISM AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PHAICON 24 Athens, Greece, Nov. 18 – Nov. 21, 2024, Hotel Divani Caravel Co-organizers Saint Maxim...
Credinţa făcătoare de minuni În această predică, iubiţilor, vom vorbi despre un mare mucenic al credinţei noastre, care ne aduce...
Saint Parthenius was the son of the deacon Christodoulus from Melitopolis on the Hellespont. Although illiterate, he listened attentively to...
On the 5th of the month, we keep the Memory of the Holy Martyr AGATHA Saint Agatha, one of the...
Scriitorul celor l0 000 de scrisori Isidor Pelusiotul era un stâlp viu şi însufleţit al rânduielilor monahiceşti şi al dumnezeieştii...
“And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a...
According to tradition, Saint Brigid (Brigit, Bridget) was born at Fochart (or Fothairt), near Dundalk of County Louth in Ulster,...
While the Emperor Valerian’s persecution was raging in the Roman province of Africa where Christianity was already widespread (c. 203),...
Biserica noastră Ortodoxă este ca o grădină. În ea se găsesc flori cu bună-mireasmă nemuritoare. Flori duhovniceşti sunt şi cei...
POST-HUMANISM AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE International Scientific Conference PHAICON 24 Athens, Greece, Nov. 18 – Nov. 21, 2024, Hotel Divani Caravel...
e-Meeting with Elder Ephraim Abbot of the Holy Monastery of Vatopedi, Mount Athos and Romanian Psychologists, Psychopedagogists, Psychiatrists and Neurologists...
POST-HUMANISM AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE International Scientific Conference PHAICON 24 Athens, Greece, 18 – 21 Nov. 2024 Co-organizers Saint Maxim the...
+ B A R T H O L O M E W By God’s Mercy, Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and...
Pemptousia would like to invite you to join us for a Digital Fellowship on Saturday 9th Dec 2023 at 07:30...
Friday Nov 24, 2023, 7:30-9:00 PM Athens Time Dear brothers and sisters You are invited to participate in the “e-Synaxis...
Prezintă prof. dr. Georgios Konstantinou. Dragi prietenii, Mitropolia de Lemesos în colaborare cu Sfânta Mănăstire Vatopedi organizează Sâmbătă, 11 Noiembrie,...
Ιδρύθηκε κατά το 14ο αι. από κάποιον όσιο Γρηγόριο. Ανασυγκροτήθηκε κατά το δεύτε¬ρο μισό του 18ου αι. και διπλασιάσθηκε το...