
Ξένες γλώσσες

The Aim of Christ’s Redemptive Work (Alexandros Christodoulou, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

In his First Epistle, Saint John the Evangelist tells us that the aim of Christ’s redemptive work was the abolition of the devil’s dominion over human nature: ‘The Son of God appeared so that He might destroy the works of the devil’ (1 Jn. 3, 8). The Lord didn’t just destroy the works of the devil, but the devil himself. We can see this happening in the temptations in the wilderness, in the healing of those possessed and, in particular, in His death on the Cross. 1. The temptations in the wilderness. After His baptism in the River Jordan, Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness, in order to face the temptations of the devil and defeat him. Through ...


The Midwife Monk

Κατηγορίες: In English

In the city of Ankara, in Galatia, there once lived a monk. We don’t know when he lived. We don’t even know his name. The little we do know about him is that he came from the army, lived near the bishop of the city and was so philanthropic and charitable that he’d even go round at night to help those in need. The clothing he wore wasn’t worth a mite and his food was commensurate. When he was given books, he’d sell them straight away and give the proceeds to the poor. Even if he’d kept the books, he wouldn’t have read them, because his constant involvement with charity precluded any ‘poring over codices’. He hurried around everywhere, to prisons, to hospital ...


Our Most Holy Lady as the Temple of God (Miltiadis Konstantinou, Professor of the School of Theology of the University of Thessaloniki)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If one were to attempt to describe the role and purpose of the Church in a single phrase, one might say that: ‘The aim of the Church is to manifest God to people’. In order to achieve this goal, the Church uses theology, which expresses the faith of the Church in two ways: either through words or through images. However, the power of words and images, when attempting to reveal God, are necessarily limited and so, if we’re to understand their content properly, we have to approach them with great care and always to be aware of the requirements this approach implies. A typical example of the use of images, of icons, to express the faith of the Church is ...
