
Ξένες γλώσσες

The Holy Apostle Andrew († Dionysios, Metropolitan of Servia and Kozani)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Today the Church celebrates and honors the sacred memory of the holy Αpostle Andrew, the First-called. Saint Andrew was from Bethsaida in Galilee, a small town on the shores of Lake Gennesaret. He was the son of Jonah and the brother of Simon, whom Jesus Christ later re-named Peter. Andrew was first a disciple of John the Baptist and is called the First-Called because he was the first to be invited by Christ to the ranks of the apostles. Like his father and brother, he was a fisherman. He heard John the Baptist pointing out Christ and saying: ‘Behold the Lamb of God’. Andrew and another disciple approached Christ , Who turned to them and asked: ‘What do you want?’ ...
