
Ξένες γλώσσες

Sunday after Epiphany: ‘As many as have been baptized in Christ have put on Christ’ (Protopresbyter Nikolaos Patsalos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

With the Lord’s feast of Holy Epiphany-Theophany, another beautiful and incomparable liturgical cycle of the year has been completed. The conclusion of the holy twelve days is sealed with the ‘Lights and Effulgence’, as the writer Alexandros Papadiamantis put it. After the experience of the ineffable mysteries of the cave in Bethlehem, everything is lit up, everything is sanctified; the springs, the rivers, the whole of creation because of the Baptism of Christ, the God and Human. Indeed, ‘every tongue fails’ and ‘the mind reels’ in every believer at the sight of the King of Glory coming to be baptized. The River Jordan rejoices and is glad at encountering and welcoming into its water its own Creator. Jesus Christ, the source ...


Parents, particularly mothers… (Saint Porfyrios of Kavsokalyvia)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Parents, particularly mothers, often rebuke their children over misbehavior and chide them wrongly. This hurts them. Even if you don’t chastise them externally, but do so internally and feel aggrieved, or look at them angrily, children understand. They don’t accept gentleness thereafter. They think it’s hypocrisy, because they’ve been hurt.


Suspicion in Marriage and in Personal Relationships (Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Bad thoughts poison life and the relations between people. Especially between a married couple, where thoughts prevail which are the result of the corrosion of time and from the fact that we, as people, aren’t the way others want us to be and the others aren’t as we want them to be, either. In all of these cases, we see the presence of a demonic spirit, and these beings are forever trying to muddle people’s minds and hearts, in order to cause disunity. No-one can claim to be infallible or say that they don’t have idiosyncrasies. But if all you do is look at other people’s behavior, perhaps to justify yourself for your harshness or indifference towards them or so ...
