
Ξένες γλώσσες

The Fast on the Eve of Theophany (Ioannis Foundoulis Professor of the Theological School A. U. Th. †)

Κατηγορίες: In English

It’s often said that the fast on the eve of Theophany has to do with the consumption of great holy water and that therefore drinking it requires a one-day fast. It would be to the point to say a few words on the subject here, given that it’s one of the most-discussed issues related to the holy water of Theophany and one on which the faithful seek guidance from the clergy. That great holy water ‘is second in rank among the divine mysteries’ (Service Book, Vatopaidi cod. 134 , from the year 1538), is beyond question. It’s the ‘water of rebirth’, of holy baptism, which, through the invocation and visitation of the Holy Spirit is ‘reconstituted’ (or ‘transconstituted’) according to Saint ...


Christ as Beggar (Dr. Haralambis Bousias)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Christ, our Redeemer, eternal love, is our merciful God, but also a tenacious beggar. He knocks at the door of our heart and entreats us to give him something. What does he ask for? He beseeches us: ‘Son, give me your heart’ (Wis. 18, 26). Alas, we don’t hear him and, naturally, don’t give him anything: not our heart that he asks for; not even a moment of our life span, a moment of repentance. One moment is more than enough for us to cry out to him as did the grateful robber: ‘Remember me, Lord when you come in your kingdom’ (Luke 23, 42). Our God’s a beggar. He has provided us lavishly with his good things, the greatest of ...


Returning the Feast of Christmas: the Incarnation of the Word as Revelation of God (Theodore Rokas)

Κατηγορίες: In English

On 31 December our holy Church celebrates returning the feast of the nativity of our Savior Jesus. If we look at the synaxari for 25 December, it reads ‘On the 25th of this month of December, the birth in the flesh of our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ. What is worth noting in this passage is that it deals with the birth in the flesh of Christ. In other words, there’s no mention of a date of birth of the founder of some religion, as was the case in pagan/idolatrous worship. Instead, it declares the unique and unparalleled event of the incarnation of the Son and Word of God, concerning which Saint John the Evangelist proclaims that: ‘The Word ...


Joseph’s Silence (Protopresbyter Vasileios Kalliakmanis, Professor of the Theological School, A.U.Th.)

Κατηγορίες: In English

If it be true that the language of the future age will be silence, then Joseph, the betrothed of the Virgin, is a model of the person in this future age. Not a single word of his is preserved in the Gospels, nor is there any reference to any discussion with him. Only his thoughts and actions are described. He approached the mystery of the ineffable emptying of the Son and Word of God in awe, circumspection and silence. And when mistrust and doubt overwhelmed him, when he was afflicted by unbearable spiritual pain, then the heavens spoke. But let’s start at the beginning. Joseph was on the threshold of old age when he was chosen to be the protector and ...


Taking stock (Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

At the turn of the year, it’s customary to take stock. We look back at what’s happened, the pleasant and the difficult, the beautiful and the ugly, in an effort to consign to oblivion whatever hurt us, and to hold dearly in our heart what has brought us ease and joy. The reckoning has to do with the events of the calendar year which has passed, in politics, in sport and the special moments of our life. The question is, how do we evaluate, in the end, what’s important to us and what isn’t. Are there events we can relive or is everything unique? The ancient philosopher Heraclitus said that you can’t step into the same river twice, because the moment ...
