
Ξένες γλώσσες

The Ingratitude of the 9 Lepers, an Enduring Passion (Hierodeacon Rafael Misiaoulis, Theologian)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Jesus was going towards Jerusalem when, outside a small town, he encountered a group of ten lepers who entreated him loudly: ‘Jesus, Master, have mercy on us’ (Luke 17, 13). Leprosy was a terrible disease which in ancient times was devastating for those who contracted it and, in the end, proved fatal. If anyone showed the first signs of leprosy, they were seized and sent into exile, away from society, to prevent the spread of the disease. Thank God, we now have medicines to treat this terrible disease, and the relatively few new cases, mostly in the developing world, can be treated effectively. At the time of Christ, however, leprosy was very widespread. It presented an immediate danger to everyone and caused ...


A stone thrown at God and your neighbor (Protopresbyter Themistoklis Mourtzanos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘If you align your will with rights, you won’t make the progress you should’ (Abba Dorotheos). The will is a gift from God to us. Those who distort the teaching of the Church and say that God wants us to be his slaves, to do whatever he wants without a choice, are wrong. From the beginning of our history on the earth, the will has been a feature of our existence, since we’re made in the image of God. The will is linked to our freedom. We’re free to want something out of love for God and observance of his commandments; and we’re free to make ourselves gods. This is why the will and the right to renounce our self is freedom ...
