
Ξένες γλώσσες

Honor and Responsibility (Archimandrite Varnavas Lambropoulos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

It’s an open secret that even the smallest amount of praise concerning any real or, more commonly, imagined gifts we may have is almost always the occasion for conceit and vanity. Imagine if we heard someone say to us: ‘You are the light of the world’. There would be no greater temptation for vanity, or the risk of brain damage. Encouragement to vanity or to the struggle? Quoting today’s Gospel reading, Saint John Chrysostom reads the words of Christ to his disciples and asks him: ‘What is this? You’re telling us to live a life at the forefront of attention, so that we’ll be honored?’. He then has Christ reply: ‘Not at all. I don’t mean anything of the sort. I didn’t ...


On those who have no patience (Protopresbyter Georgios Dorbarakis)

Κατηγορίες: In English

‘Wretched and pitiful are those who have no patience, because it is against them that the ‘Woe’ in Holy Scripture is directed. It says woe to those who have lost patience. So really, woe betide those who have no patience, because such people are tossed hither and thither like a leaf in the wind. They can’t abide being challenged, and they’re faint-hearted in sorrows. They’re quick to quarrel, they rail against patience, and react badly to discipline. They’re dilatory in their prayers and are exhausted at vigils. They scowl during the fasts and are careless about self-restraint. They go about their duties unwillingly and are bad workmen at their jobs. They’re unsurpassed in cunning and are dictatorial in their actions. ...


A disaster for everyone (Abba Kassianos)

Κατηγορίες: In English

We’re becoming great criminals if for no other reason than we selfishly try to conceal our indifference, so as to appear to be in the right. And we do so at a time when we see our neighbors in danger and could easily provide them with support. Such silence will certainly be a calamity for all concerned. Abba Cassian


“باللقاء الالكتروني من جبل آثوس المقدس بين الشيخ أفرام ومؤمنين من رعية رفع الصليب في تبليسي، جورجيا”

Κατηγορίες: عربي

الاخوة الأعزاء، انتم مدعوون للمشاركة “باللقاء الالكتروني من جبل آثوس المقدس بين الشيخ أفرام ومؤمنين من رعية رفع الصليب في...


Pay no attention (Saint John of Kronstadt)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Pay no attention to the slanders of the enemy against other people, to his hatred, his wickednesses and his selfish actions. Look upon everyone as images of God and behave towards them with simplicity and respect. Don’t think badly of anyone without reason. Saint John Kronstadstskij


Difficult target (Elder Charalambos of Dionysiou)

Κατηγορίες: In English

Through habit, unceasing vigilance, and continuous prayer, you become a difficult target for the evil one. If, together with those, you also cultivate love, mercy, faith, empathy, contrition, self-awareness, hope in God, regular confession and regular holy communion, you’ll acquire a strong armory. You’ll give yourself the armor of God’s grace and make yourself almost impervious to the deadly arrows of the devil. Elder Haralambos Dionysiatis
