If something’s not beautiful, don’t think about it any more and don’t speak about it. Abbess Gavriilia Papayanni
If something’s not beautiful, don’t think about it any more and don’t speak about it. Abbess Gavriilia Papayanni
Sanctification doesn’t dwell in a heart that’s turbulent and angered. When anger abides in the soul, it creates hostility and hatred towards our neighbor. This is why swift reconciliation with others is essential, so that we’re not deprived of the grace of God which sanctifies our heart. Saint Nektarios of Pentapolis
The feast of the Holy Theophany is one of the greatest in Christianity. It celebrates the event of the Lord’s Baptism in the streams of the Jordan and, at the same time, it manifests the Triune God to the world. The importance of the feast is clear from historical evidence: after Easter, the feast of Theophany is the oldest in Christianity. The event of the baptism is of immense theological significance. Through colors, icon-painters have managed to capture the wealth of meanings in the event. Christ is between high rocks which come together to form a ‘gorge’. The waters, which are not yet sanctified, remind us of the image of death/inundation. The symbolism of the rocks in the icon of the nativity continues in ...
The Mission of the Baptist Through the texts of the Gospels, John is presented as the sole ‘prophet’ and ‘forerunner’ who was sent by God to prepare the people spiritually in view of the impending advent of the Messiah. Precisely this precursive capacity of John is given particular emphasis in the fourth Gospel: ‘There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came as a witness to the light’ (Jn. 1, 6-8). Moreover, when he was later asked about himself, the Baptist himself said that he ‘was not the Messiah’, nor Elijah, nor ‘the Prophet’ whom the Jews ...
Pleasant words from Christians are characterized by tact and politeness. These are what beget love and bring peace and joy. Idle talk, on the other hand, generates hatred, hostility, sorrows, arguments, turmoil and wars. Saint Nektarios of Pentapolis
When we’ve filled another person with love, then they can’t resist us at any price. Elder Gavriil Tsafos
Is there a difference between the Great Holy Water from the service on the Eve of Theophany and that from the day of the feast? The Great Blessing of the Water which is performed on the eve of Theophany and on the day of the feast itself is exactly the same. Some people wrongly believe the service held on the eve is the ‘Lesser Blessing’ and that held on the feast itself is the ‘Greater’. In both instances, the Great Blessing of the Waters is performed. The ‘Lesser Blessing’ is performed on the first day of every month, and also, exceptionally, when believers request it, for a variety of reasons (blessing houses, shops, institutes, the foundations of buildings and so on). ...
It is announced that on Tuesday, January 4, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who underwent a diagnostic test for...
It is announced that on Tuesday, January 4, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who underwent a diagnostic test for...
It is announced that on Tuesday, January 4, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who underwent a diagnostic test for...
It is announced that on Tuesday, January 4, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who underwent a diagnostic test for...
It is announced that on Tuesday, January 4, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who underwent a diagnostic test for...
It is announced that on Tuesday, January 4, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who underwent a diagnostic test for...
It is announced that on Tuesday, January 4, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who underwent a diagnostic test for...
It is announced that on Tuesday, January 4, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who underwent a diagnostic test for...
It is announced that on Tuesday, January 4, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who underwent a diagnostic test for...
It is announced that on Tuesday, January 4, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who underwent a diagnostic test for...
It is announced that on Tuesday, January 4, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who underwent a diagnostic test for...
It is announced that on Tuesday, January 4, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia, who underwent a diagnostic test for...
At any time when you remember your relationship with God, the whole reference you should have towards God, any time you remember to ponder matters of your soul and what you’re like, you can immediately make a start. There’s nothing stopping you and you can do it any time at all. Fr. Symeon Krayiopoulos