On the occasion of the patronal feast day of His Eminence our Archbishop Makarios of Australia, we take this opportunity...
On the occasion of the patronal feast day of His Eminence our Archbishop Makarios of Australia, we take this opportunity...
If we bear all our sorrows, we find grace from the Lord. This is why the Lord allows us to be tested: so that we may be tried and he can weave crowns for us. Saint Iosif the Hesychast
Nowadays, from all the studying they do, people end up as tape-recorders and they fill their cassettes with superfluous things. But, according to Abba Isaac, teaching without action is a ‘legacy of shame’. Saint Païsios the Athonite
Very often, what we say is limp and weak. If we want to transmit what we’re saying and make it lively, it has to be incarnate. When, with what you say, you give your flesh and blood to other people, then, and then alone, will your words say something. Archimandrite Vasileios Gontikakis
Of course, good works are not of value when ‘they fall as crumbs from our table’. You don’t give alms from the surplus you have, but from something which will cost you a little. Alms-giving also means hardship and effort. This is why, when Christ saw the widow’s mite, he said: ‘She has put more than anyone into the treasury’. Others put in what they had to spare, but for her it was as if she put in everything she owned, since that was all she had. It’s a good thing if good works involve effort and sacrifice. Metropolitan Athanasios Limassol
When we observe Christ’s commandments, we don’t offer him anything, because he needs nothing since he himself confers all good things. What we do is to benefit ourselves by bringing upon us eternal life and the enjoyment of ineffable blessings. Saint Theodoros of Edessa
Between us and God there’s a wall. This wall is called ‘Me’. This is what doesn’t let God enter. God’s repelled. Get down on your knees, pray, keep a vigil and then see if God doesn’t listen! Hieromonk Chrysostomos Stavronikitianos
Freedom from the passions is forgiveness of sins. Those who have not been freed of the passions by grace, haven’t yet found forgiveness. Saint Thalassios the Libyan
On Saturday morning, 2/15 January 2022, the Hagiotaphite Archimandrite Eusevios Dagalas slept in the Lord. Our blessed brother was found...
On Thursday, 1/14 January 2022 the Patriarchate celebrated the Despotic feast of the circumcision according to the flesh of our...
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The memory of George, the New Martyr of Ioannina, the patron saint of Greece’s presidential guard, is venerated today. The...
The memory of reposed Metropolitan of Kampala Theodoros was honored today by the Archdiocese of Kampala, in Uganda – on...
A re-dedication of a renovated chapel was held on the eastern Mediterranean island of Cyprus on Sunday, and specifically at...
The Archbishop of Australia, His Eminence Makarios, on Sunday, speaking after the ordinations of two clergymen, a deacon and a...
The Patriarch of All Romania, His Beatitude Daniel, speaking on the Sunday of the Ten Lepers, referred, in his sermon,...
The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, His All Holiness Bartholomew I, is set to conduct a pastoral visit to the northeast...
The Church today venerates the memory of St. Anthony the Great, considered the founder of monasticism in the East. On...
The Minister for Immigration, Mr Alex Hawke decided to exercise his discretionary power pursuant to Section 133C(3) of the Migration...
His Grace Bishop Jerotej of Toplica, Vicar Bishop of Serbian Patriarch, officiated the Holy Liturgy in the Cathedral church of...