По церковному чину праздновали память святого преподобного Максима Грека (Ватопедского) в его одноименном храме в Сеуле в день его праздника...
По церковному чину праздновали память святого преподобного Максима Грека (Ватопедского) в его одноименном храме в Сеуле в день его праздника...
Forty days after his nativity in the flesh, Christ was brought to the Temple, in accordance with the established conditions of the Law. Because he was welcomed there by people motivated by the Spirit, and, especially because Symeon took him in his arms, the feast is called the Reception, in the sense of an official welcome. The Church has decided that this great feast of the Lord and his Mother is to be celebrated on February 2, because this is the date which falls 40 days after December 25, the Nativity. It is part of the way in which the year is divided into stages marking the divine dispensation and gives us the opportunity to be inducted into the great mystery ...
Since we shall not have enough time to mention the virtues of all the saints, let’s get to know the last of the righteous in this homily of ours. Who was the last of the righteous? The name of Symeon is to be found in the Gospel according to Saint Luke. He’s considered to be the first and the last: the last of the representatives of the Jewish Law and the first of those of the Law of divine grace. He was a Jew as regards religion, but a Christian as regards his gratitude towards God; a lawyer as regards his reading of the Law, but an angel as regards his understanding of it. Symeon, who from Pharisaic blasphemy sprouted like ...
Sanctification is the aim of our existence. We were made to become saints. We shouldn’t forget this. Failure in this endeavor is the greatest tragedy for us. Elder Moïsis the Athonite
Archbishop Elpidophoros cut the Vasilopita for the Metropolis of NJ clergy at St. George Church in Piscataway, NJ on Monday,...
Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem received this morning, Tuesday, February 1, Special Advisers from the Norwegian Centre for Conflict Resolution,...
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An archieratical Vespers was held on Tuesday afternoon at the celebrating Metropolitan Cathedral in the extreme southwest Greece city of...
The Archbishop of America, His Eminence Elpidophoros, addressed a homily at a Divine Liturgy for Greek Letters on Monday, on...
Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, His Holiness Kirill, on Tuesday received Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Patriarchal residence...
The Archbishop of Athens and All Greece, His Beatitude Ieronymos, on Tuesday received the newly elected Archbishop of Crete Irineos,...
Speaking from the northeast Aegean isle of Imvros this week, his birthplace, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I issued a message...
The Church today commemorates the Presentation of Our Lord and Savior in the Temple. A video has been posted on...
The church of the “Holy Three Hierarchs” Romanian Parish in La Courneuve – Paris was consecrated last Saturday, on the...
The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, His All Holiness Bartholomew I, on Tuesday attended the dedication of a new cathedral in...
His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America announced two new appointments at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Beginning on March...
You demand of others that they remedy their faults quickly, but you’re in no hurry to do anything about your own. The others suffer just as you do. They drag their feet over their sins and passions because you’re so slow to mend your own ways. Saint John Kronstadtskij
A Holy Vigil will be held this evening at the Mouth Athos glebe of the Ascension, in the east Athens...
The Bishop of Mileševa, His Grace Atanasije, met this week with the directors of primary and secondary education in the...
More heartbreaking images from the Turkish-occupied areas of Cyprus came to the limelight this week, showing ruined churches and vandalized...