
Ξένες γλώσσες

Saints Sabbas, Archbishop of Serbia, and Symeon, his father (Georgios Martzelos)

Κατηγορίες: In English, Άγιοι - Πατέρες - Γέροντες, Συναξαριακές Μορφές

St Sabbas, the first Archbishop of Serbia, and his father, St Symeon the ‘Myrrhobletes’*, are two of the greatest saints of the Serbian Church. They lived in the second half of the 12th and the first half of the 13th centuries. St Sabbas was the youngest son of the ruler of the Serbs Stephen Nemanja. Born in 1169, his secular name was Rastko. Both his mother, Anna, a Greek by birth, and his father took care to infuse into the soul of the young Rastko piety, faith and love of God by bringing him up in accordance with Orthodox tradition. Although endowed with many gifts, the soul of the young Rastko found no tranquillity among the comforts and riches of the ...
